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Lista wypracowań w kategorii theatre
Theatre play review - Recenzja sztuki teatralnej
Should you want to know, who killed, decide on your own – this ridiculous task is given to the audience of the play 'Szalone nożyczki'. How many times did you predict who was the criminal in the crime you were reading? While examining the circumstantial evidences, characters and the reasons for the character’s actions you would so ma... »
Cinema vs theatre - what's better? (essay) - Kino a teatr - co jest lepsze? (esej)
It is a difficult question to answer if it is better to go to the cinema or to the theatre. The main advantage of the theatre is the direct contact with the actor performing his role. Even if you go to see the same play again it will not be the same. However, there are less theatres and the tickets are more expensive as well, one should be smart... »
Description of an actor - Opis aktora
In my opinion, the best Hollywood actor is Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey is an American actor. He comes from South Orange in New Jersey. He was born on the 26th of July 1959. He is 49 years old. He has a brother and a sister, both of whom are older. He is not married and does not have any children. He got interested in acting when he was in high s... »
Actor and a theatre: description of a picture - Aktor i teatr: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany this person? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a man holding a whi... »