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Lista wypracowań w kategorii characteristics
Description of my dad - Opis mojego taty
My father’s name is Karol. He is a quiet and sensible person. As the head of our family, he does everything to meet the needs of our family. He treats my mother with respect and love. He takes my opinion into account, which is very important to me. My dad is a tall, corpulent man in his mid-fifties. He has a wrinkled face and pale c... »
Description of a film character - Opis bohatera filmowego
My favourite film character is Prot, the main character of Iain Softley's film „K-PAX”, performed by Kevin Spacey. Prot is a patient of a mental hospital who claims to be a visitor from a far away planet called K-PAX. What's strange, his unusual abilities seem to confirm it, like for example oversensitivity to sunlight (the reason wh... »
What are some important qualities of a good boss? Use specific details and examples (essay) - Jakie cechy powinien posiadać dobry szef? Użyj szczegółów i przykładów (esej)
Nowadays when it is not that easy to find a loyal employee, the answer to the question about the qualities of a good supervisor has a special value. You can find many hints on the market however not all of them take current circumstances - like economic problems or lack of well-educated personnel - into consideration. However in my opinion there... »
My dream boyfriend (characteristics) - Mój wymarzony chłopak (charakterystyka)
My dream boyfriend is a person who loves me and respects me. He should be caring and protective, so that I would feel that he cares much about me. For me, the sense of security is very important in a relationship. He should also be patient and forgiving, so that he would forget about my faults and mistakes. I think he should be intelligent too, ... »
A child of famous parents - to be a child of a celebrity: advantages and disadvantages - Dziecko sławnych rodziców - być dzieckiem celebryty: zalety i wady
Celebrities. We all know them. Some of them have children. Has anyone ever wondered what it's like to be a child of Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp? Is it comfortable? To start with, these children can have whatever they want. Everyone has dreamed to go to Disneyland; they can have it twice a week. Newest doll that speaks, cries and pees is no pr... »
Description of a monster - Opis potwora
The most horrifying monster I have ever seen is an alien from the film entitled „Alien”. It is a really tall creature (over two metres of height). It has four limbs and moves on the lower ones, just like a human, but it can also climb, walk on walls and ceilings and swim. It has a long, blade-tipped tail too. Alien's skin is black an... »
Neighbours are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbour? (opinion) - Sąsiedzi to ludzie, którzy żyją obok nas. Jakie są twoim zdaniem cechy dobrego sąsiada? (opinia)
I have many friends who used to be my neighbours. Neighbours are the people who live near us and this is why it is so important to have a good relationship with them. First and foremost, privacy is very important for me. I really appreciate people who are loyal and trustful. I believe, there is nothing worse than having a busybody neighbour. It... »
Description of my cat - Opis mojego kota
My cat is lucky. His real name is Bob, but we all call him Lucky. Actually, I never wanted to have a cat. So how is it possible that I have become an owner of a cat? One rainy morning I found an abandoned kitten outside my front door. It was skinny, neglected and frightened. I took it home and promised myself that I will only feed it and ... »
Description of a character - Harry Potter - Opis bohatera książkowego - Harry Potter
The book character that I like and would like to describe is Harry Potter, the main character from the series of books by a British writer J.K. Rowling. The series consists of seven books. In the first book of the 'Harry Potter' series Harry is eleven years old. In every successive book he is one year older and in the last book he is eighteen. ... »
An ideal teacher (characteristics) - Idealny nauczyciel (charakterystyka)
Throughout all the years of our school education we have an opportunity to get to know many teachers. Even though their profession is the same they are completely different people. Some of them are calm, some nervous and fierce. There are the ones whose lessons are enchanting and the others who seem to be torturing themselves and their students ... »
Description of a person I admire - Opis osoby, którą podziwiam
Everyone knows a person they admire. An authority to follow their example. Usually it's a grandparent or the pope. Well, I'm different than the rest. The person I respect most is a surgeon I met during my summer practice as a medical student. Doctor Jacek is 40 years old and has a specialty in general surgery. He is tall and slim. He has blue e... »
A phenomenon named Adam Małysz - Fenomen Adama Małysza
3 December 1977 turned out to be a lucky day for Polish sport fans. One of the most entitled sportsmen in Polish history was born on that day in Wisła – a small town in the south of our country. What I have already said would be enough for the vast majority of Polish citizens to guess who I am talking about. Why? Because there is no other ... »
We all work or will work with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker? - Wszyscy pracujemy albo będziemy pracować z różnymi ludźmi. Jakie są twoim zdaniem cechy dobrego współpracownika?
I am sorry to say that the great majority of our citizens spends more time in their workplace than with family. Nowadays life is not easy and in order to succeed you need to work very hard… and you need to work until late. In this case it is very beneficial and really comforting to work closely with someone who you like. Sometimes this pe... »
Description of my mother - Opis mojej mamy
There are different kind of mothers. Overprotective ones, also ones that don’t care too much about their children. Some mothers want to be friends with their kids, others are demanding and rigorous. My mother is neither overprotective nor careless. A word that describes her most accurately is – loving. My mum is a middle-aged ... »
Description of a film character - Michael Corleone – Opis bohatera filmowego - Michael Corleone
Michael Corleone is the main character of the American film called 'The Godfather'. The role of this character is played by Al Pacino. The film, which was made in 1972, was directed by a renowned American director Francis Ford Coppola and is one of the most well-known and awarded film in the history of American and world cinema. It is a film ada... »
Description of a friend - Opis przyjaciela
A friend is the most important person. Thanks to him we do not feel lonely and worthless. Confidence in each other and honesty are the basis of a true friendship. There is even a saying: 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'. It is true as a real friendship survives centuries. I have many friends but it is Kate who is the best friend of mine. I... »
Description of an athlete - Opis sportowca
Roger Federer is currently the best tennis player in the world. He was born in Switzerland. He has an interesting background. His father is Swiss, and his mother is South African. Federer has two citizenships: Swiss and South African and is a catholic. Roger is 28 years old. He is quite tall: one metre eighty six centimetres. He has short wavy d... »
What are some important qualities of a good school teacher? (characteristics) - Jakie są najbardziej istotne cechy dobrego nauczyciela? (charakterystyka)
I am sure that you remember your first school teacher. Everyone does. This is why parents are so attentive about choosing a good elementary school for their kids. Obviously, the characteristics of a primary school teacher would differ a bit from the one of an academic teacher or yoga instructor. However, what they have in common is they all have... »
Description of a favourite actress - Opis ulubionej aktorki
I love watching good films. I admire people appearing on the screen and I appreciate their work. There are many great actors but I like one most. It is Jodie Foster. She is a 47 years old American. She's of the average height. She is slim, has auburn hair, blue eyes and a pretty face. She has played in many films and for her excellent work she ... »
'A friend is someone who…' - characteristics - „Przyjaciel jest kimś, kto...” - charakterystyka
A friend is a person who assists you whenever you need help. This person will not let you down if you are in trouble. Each person at some point of their lives runs into some kind of difficulties. Such situations are a good test for a friendship. A true friend will try to help you, even if it demands a lot of effort on his or her part. ... »
A description of personality - Opis charakteru
This is Jack. He is a third year medical student. His studies have made him hardworking and ambitious. He is intelligent and clever. He has an analytic way of thinking. He is a cheerful and talkative boy. His patients will surely find him to their liking as he is charming, optimistic and kind. His mates describe him as a well-mannered, friendly... »
Description of an actor - Opis aktora
In my opinion, the best Hollywood actor is Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey is an American actor. He comes from South Orange in New Jersey. He was born on the 26th of July 1959. He is 49 years old. He has a brother and a sister, both of whom are older. He is not married and does not have any children. He got interested in acting when he was in high s... »
Me about myself (description) - Ja o sobie samym (opis)
My name is Tomasz and I am 16 years old. I am neither tall, nor short. My 172 cm of height are just perfect as I do not have to bend down as I pass the door, nor do I have to jump if I want to see the noticeboard at school. My face is oval in shape and it is rather chubby what makes me look even younger. My eyes are bluish and certainly do not a... »
A person I will never forget - my grandmother (characteristics) - Osoba, której nigdy nie zapomnę - moja babcia (charakterystyka)
She didn’t have much money. Therefore she couldn’t afford to buy me expensive presents and meals on her table were not the most sophisticated ones. However I don’t think that there was any person who loved me more or cared for me as much as her. Unfortunately she is already dead but beyond any doubt I will never forget her. I w... »
Description of my day - Opis mojego dnia
I start my day at 7 AM. I’m not an early bird, so it’s really hard for me to get up at this hour.I lie in my bed for a moment and try to remind myself what I was dreaming about. Then, I go to the bathroom to take a shower. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. Next, I make breakfast. Usually I eat cornflakes with milk or toasted ... »
My idol (description) - Mój idol (opis)
Many of us have idols but the point is not to follow the steps of somebody just known for being known but of somebody who did something for the world to become a better place. We try to imitate, look and behave like the VIPs but let's answer the question if they are really worth being our examples. It really does not have to be someone famous. I... »
Description of a teacher - Opis nauczyciela
Not many teachers gain students' fondness. Trust and respect is something that you have to build gradually. Moreover, a teacher should be aware of the responsibility he undertakes, for the future of many young people depends on his abilities. At my school, there are many esteemed teachers, however there is one whom I really admire. My Polish te... »
My dream boyfriend (description) - Mój wymarzony chłopak (opis)
Every girl wants to have a boyfriend who meets all the possible requirements the girl makes. So do I. I have a picture of a dream significant other in my mind. He ought to be at least 1.85 meter tall. I'd like his hair to be dark brown or black. I would be really happy if he had brown or green eyes. He shouldn’t be thin. On the contrary, I... »
My male friend - Mój przyjaciel
My best friend’s name is Michał. I've known him since kindergarten. I can’t remember how our friendship started. I just remember that we became friends the first day we met. We were like twins, always together. In the primary school we were in the same class. We sat at the same desk at school. We spent all the breaks together a... »
Description of my grandmother - Opis mojej babci
Since I remember my grandmother was always beside me. She taught me things that other grandmas didn't teach their grandchildren. She taught me how to ride a bike, she showed me how to read, she also gave me my first swimming lesson. As a child I was very shy. I didn't have many friends and I spent each holidays with my grandparents. It was gran... »