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Lista wypracowań w kategorii sport
Meine Lieblingsfach in der Schule - Mój ulubiony przedmiot w szkole
Meine Lieblingsfach in der Schule ist Sport. Ich treibe Sport sehr gern und sehr oft. Meiner Meinung nach gibt uns Sport eine gute Gesundheit. Deshalb Langweile ich mich nie. Leider habe ich nur drei Stunden Sport pro Woche, aber ich gehe jedes Woche auf eine Sport AG. Das sind drei nebenberufliche Stunden Ich bin in der Schulmannschaft Volleyba... »
A report for the sports club - Raport dla klubu sportowego
To: Jonathan Woodgate, the President of Alpha Sports Club From: Randall Fox Subject: Bowling Alley improvements Introduction: Alpha Sports Club members have been asked to think about potential improvements in the Bowling Alley. The Alley has not been renovated since 1990 and it is essential to make some changes in order to attract clients. A... »
Children and their dreams: description of a picture - Dzieci i ich marzenia: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a boy, probably in primary school age, standing on a football field. His short brown hair show traces of sweat and his eyes are brown. He looks quite tired, but also happy. He is wearing a sport t-shirt, then it is easy to assume that he was participating in some kind of a game; it could have even been... »
John's big day (story) - Wielki dzień Jasia (opowiadanie)
John woke up early in the morning. He brushed his teeth and rushed downstairs. He didn’t want to miss even a single minute of that day. Maybe that is why he woke up at 4 a. m. when it was dark outside and his family was still asleep. It wasn’t important, though. He was too excited to stay in bed and wake up at 7 a. m., as usual. He ... »
Sport - doping in sport. Has sport become a drug-related business, concentrated on money? True or false? - Sport - doping w sporcie. Sport jako biznes związany z narkotykami i pieniędzmi? Prawda czy fałsz?
These days, big sports events have become so expensive and profit-oriented that they cannot do without sponsors. If, then how has it affected sport's original Olympic spirit? To start with, sport has turned really costly over the years. Those taking it up professionally are in need of a sponsorship to finance their equipment and training. Moreo... »
Spending free time - passive and active ways of spending free time. Essay - Spędzanie wolnego czasu - formy aktywne i pasywne. Esej
Nowadays, from Monday to Friday we are busy with work or school, duties in general. When the desired free time comes, we often have no idea how to spend it to fully relax and be happy. Here one may find a few ideas of passive and active forms of spending free time. To start with, passive form of spending free time is particularly recommended fo... »
Sport or science? Courts or libraries? What should universities invest in? Essay - Sport czy nauka? Korty czy biblioteki? W co powinny inwestować uniwersytety? Esej
Honestly, in my opinion the idea of giving the same amount of money for students’ sports activities as it is given to university libraries came out of the blue. If it was going to happen, I would not attend classes anymore. First of all, I have decided to study politics and I also have friends who have decided to study sports. I fully agr... »
Description of a sport - Opis sportu
Tennis was invented in the nineteenth century in England. It soon became a very popular pastime and spread to the United States and other countries. The first tennis club was founded in 1872, and the first tennis tournament took place in 1877 at Wimbledon, a place that is associated with tennis till this day. The rules of tennis haven’t c... »
Teenagers taking up sport professionally - pros and cons. Essay - Nastolatki uprawiające sport profesjonalnie - zalety i wady. Esej
These days more and more teenagers take up sports professionally to become the best. Has anyone ever considered the consequences? Is it good or bad for them? Let's take a closer look at this matter. First of all, one has to take up a sport really early if they want to become the best. It is caused by the fact that nowadays the contestants tend ... »
Cheering the favourite team: description of a picture - Dopingowanie ulubionej drużyny: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What are the relations between them? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the ... »
Deine Schule - was gefällt dir und was würdest du ändern? Schreib einen Brief an deinen Freund aus Deutschland - Twoja szkoła - co Ci się podoba, a co byś zmienił. Napisz list do swojego kolegi z Niemiec
Hallo Christopher, danke für deinen letzten Brief. Du hast mich nach meiner Schule gefragt und heute möchte ich dir sofort antworten. Ich erzähle dir, was mir gefällt und was ich ändern würde. Gewöhnlich gehe ich ganz gerne zur Schule. Dort habe ich viele Freunde und wir verstehen uns ziemlich gut. Über ... »
A phenomenon named Adam Małysz - Fenomen Adama Małysza
3 December 1977 turned out to be a lucky day for Polish sport fans. One of the most entitled sportsmen in Polish history was born on that day in Wisła – a small town in the south of our country. What I have already said would be enough for the vast majority of Polish citizens to guess who I am talking about. Why? Because there is no other ... »
A winter sport (description of figure skating) - Sport zimowy (opis łyżwiarstwa figurowego)
During the recent Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver one of the most anticipated sports was figure skating. Millions of people around the world were attracted to watch the competitions, and let themselves be enchanted by the beauty and skill of the skaters’ performances. I was one of those people because figure skating is my favourite winte... »
A letter about a sports event - List o jakimś wydarzeniu sportowym
Dear Nicholas, I have to tell you about a sports event I have just witnessed. I know that you’re a sports fan and I think that you’ll probably be interested in it. As you may presume, I’ve attended a football match. It all began at 6 p.m. but I headed for the stadium of Wisła Kraków almost two hours earlier. It takes t... »
Sport, der ich treibe - Sport, który uprawiam
Von alters her interessiere mich für Sport. In der Welt ist schon so viel Sportarten, die ich ihnen sogar zählen kann. Ich verbringe gern meiner Zeit aktiv. Fast jeder treib Sport, aber manche haben dafür keinen Zeit. Sport ist wichtig für unsere Gesundheit und Körper. Um gesund sein, man soll sich viel bewegen. Da... »
Description of an extreme sport - Opis sportu ekstremalnego
Extreme sports are some special sport disciplines that only a small number of people in the world participate in. The reason for this are the special conditions under which the sports are done. Extreme sports are much more dangerous than ordinary sports. They are done in extreme conditions, for example in places that are remote and inaccessible,... »
Description of an athlete - Opis sportowca
Roger Federer is currently the best tennis player in the world. He was born in Switzerland. He has an interesting background. His father is Swiss, and his mother is South African. Federer has two citizenships: Swiss and South African and is a catholic. Roger is 28 years old. He is quite tall: one metre eighty six centimetres. He has short wavy d... »
Boys' passions: description of a picture - Pasje chłopców: opis zdjęcia
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a football field. There are several boys playing there. There's an attacker and a goalkeeper, the picture show the middle of the action. They're all round 7 years old. They're dressed in colourful training suits. There is a hill right next to the field, covered in grass and some trees. There are severa... »
Wie soll man die Freizeit vernünftig verbringen? Sport oder Fernsehen? Schreibe einen Essay - Jak powinno się rozsądnie spędzać czas wolny? Sport czy telewizja? Napisz rozprawkę
Wie soll man die Freizeit vernünftig verbringen? Solche Frage stellt man sich ganz oft. Leider sind die Leute immer mehr faul und wählen immer öfter Fernsehen aus. Aber es gibt auch eine Gruppe von Menschen, die sogar regelmäßig Sport treiben. Jetzt möchte ich zeigen, was man in seiner Freizeit machen sollte. Warum... »
Extreme sports and hobbies: description of a picture - Sporty i hobby ekstremalne: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see three men skydiving. Their parachutes are red, white and black. There are streams of white and red smoke deployed by the jumpers. Apart from them, there is only the clear blue sky. They could be descending in a formation during some kind of a display, I believe. It's a thing that gives one a rush of a... »
Description of winter sports - Opis sportów zimowych
Winter sports are those sports that are done in the winter months. There are some traits common for most of the winter sports. The majority of them is done outdoors and a thick layer of snow or ice is essential for successful engaging in this kind of activity. Because of that some special equipment is needed. There are a lot of sports that do no... »
Union and solidarity: description of a picture - Zjednoczenie i solidarność: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What occasion may this be? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a huge crowd at some kind of a sports arena. Some of the spectators have self-made posters with them. In my opinion, they have come here ... »
Wie verbringe ich gern meine Freizeit - Jak chętnie spędzam mój czas wolny
Meine Freizeit ist meine Lieblingsthema. Ich spreche darüber sehr gern und sehr viel. Ich verbringe meine Freizeit entweder passiv oder aktiv. Wahrend des Woches habe ich ganz wenig Freizeit. Abends muss ich lernen. Aber wenn es kaum zu lernen gibt, treffe ich gern mit meinen Freunden. Manchmal lese ich eine spannende Buch oder interessante... »
My favourite sport (description) - Mój ulubiony sport (opis)
I am rather a coach potato and do not practice to much sport, however there is one sports discipline I fall in love with the first time I did it – skiing. I still can recall my very first time on tiny boards made of plastic. It was my mother who taught me how to ski and who gave me the hand while I was taking my first steps as a skier. We... »
Was ich mache um gesund zu leben - Co robię, aby żyć zdrowo
Gesundes Lebenstill ist in unserer Welt ganz populär. Die Leute machen verschiedene Sachen um gesund zu leben. Immer mehr berühmter sind zum Beispiel BIO Gemüse, die auf ökologischen Wirtschaften erzeugen sind. Meiner Meinung nach ist auch die Sport sehr wichtig für unsere Gesundheit. Man muss sich viel bewegen um gesund... »