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Lista wypracowań w kategorii report
A report on your town (positive and negative things) - Raport na temat twojego miasta (rzeczy pozytywne i negatywne)
To: Michael Crichton, The MayorFrom: Paul E. DavisSubject: Jacksonville Introduction: This report was prepared in order to indicate positives and weaknesses of Jacksonville. Many aspects were taken into consideration – healthcare, transport, economical issues and tourist facilities. Thousands of residents and tourists were asked fo... »
A report for the sports club - Raport dla klubu sportowego
To: Jonathan Woodgate, the President of Alpha Sports Club From: Randall Fox Subject: Bowling Alley improvements Introduction: Alpha Sports Club members have been asked to think about potential improvements in the Bowling Alley. The Alley has not been renovated since 1990 and it is essential to make some changes in order to attract clients. A... »
A report for the museum - Raport dla muzeum
From: XXXTo: John Smith Date: 17th November 2009Subject: Methods of increasing the number of adolescent visitors Introduction: The aim of this report is to present some methods that could be utilized in order to trigger adolescent dwellers of the city aged 12 to 18 to visit the museum more frequently. I conveyed a short survey with potential v... »
Report from an accident (car accident) - Sprawozdanie z wypadku (samochodowego)
On Tuesday, June 27th, I was driving home. I took the M5 road, as usually. Due to the rain, while driving I never extended the speed over 40 MPH. And I would have reached home safely if it wasn’t for the careless driver behind me. He must have been thinking that driving a BMW behind a Ford Fiesta is a dishonour. Regardless of the weather c... »
A report for the school about its safety level - Raport dla szkoły o jej poziomie bezpieczeństwa
From: XXXTo: John Smith Date: 17th November 2009Subject: Safety level of the school building Introduction: The aim of this report is to present all the factors being detrimental to the safety level of the school building. An expert was called by me so that it was not just opinion of an amateur that I am, however a survey regarding feeling of s... »