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Lista wypracowań w kategorii school
Traditional school - will traditional school serve its purpose in the future? Essay - Tradycyjna szkoła - czy spełni swoje zadanie w przyszłości? Esej
These days, traditional schools are the most popular ones but there are also online schools and home teaching available. What will this look like in the future? To start with, traditional schools have many advantages. These include meeting new people and learning to work in groups, which is very important in one's future life. Furthermore the l... »
A small university or a big university? What is better? Essay - Mały czy duży uniwersytet? Co jest lepsze? Rozprawka
Attending a big university has advantages and disadvantages. Students try to their best and they want to choose a school with many benefits. Some people prefer to attend a small university. On one hand they have better chances to get a scholarship but on the other – university libraries are smaller and students don't have so many facilitie... »
Description of my week - Opis mojego tygodnia
I think my day is not unusual for most high school students. On weekdays I have to get up early because my lessons start at eight o’clock. I go to school by bus and on my way there I like to listen to music on my MP3 player. I usually have six or seven lessons a day. After school I go straight back home and eat dinner. If my parents get ho... »
Write a letter to a chosen university in Great Britain justifying why you chose this university for your further education - Napisz list do wybranego wniwersytetu w Wielkiej Brytanii uzasadniający wybór tej uczelni na miejsce studiów
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with reference to my choice of Cambridge University for my further education. Firstly, let me give you some basic information about me. My name is Joanna Nowak and I come from Poland. Also, please accept my sincere apology for the delay in writing this letter. What made me postpone contacting with you were m... »
Write a letter to a language school abroad to get more information about a course - Napisz list do zagranicznej szkoły językowej, żeby uzyskać dodatkowe informacje na temat kursu
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with regard to the language course on your offer that I would like to participate in. Firstly, I would like to inform you that I have learnt about the course from the advert in the last issue of the 'Teenager'. It became a subject of my interest as I hope to improve my English. I have been learning it for 8 ... »
In a classroom, teacher and students: description of a picture - W klasie, nauczyciel i uczniowie: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a room filled with people. There is a blackboard with scribbles ... »
Teenagers' problems - Problemy nastolatków
I think that all the huge progress of technology and the level of living made the present world easier on the one hand, but more complicated on the other. What became more complicated are all interpersonal relations and the great number of decisions we have to make. Problems caused by the fact also strike young people. One of most significant p... »
First day at school - Pierwszy dzień w szkole
In the morning I got up early and dressed in smart clothes: a dark skirt, a white blouse and black shoes. I also had a small black bag. It was a special day – the first school day after the holidays. I was sad that the holidays was over and that from then on I would have to get up early almost everyday and study a lot constantly. But when ... »
A letter to your parents from London where you came to study - List do rodziców z Londynu, gdzie przyjechałeś na studia
Dear Mom and Dad, When I came here a month ago I didn’t realize that I could have so many problems in here. I thought everything would be just fine but, in fact, it turned out that living and studying here means a great challenge for me. Nevertheless, the course I’m attending is really great and I think I won’t be disappointe... »
Education in Polish schools - Edukacja w polskich szkołach
Having got to know more about it, I find the system of education in Poland much more complicated than I have expected. Fortunately, we are not obliged to be familiar with it. Even without detailed information, each of us can tell a lot about how the system works. Apart from that, we can also share our experience with others. Due to the fact that... »
Sport or science? Courts or libraries? What should universities invest in? Essay - Sport czy nauka? Korty czy biblioteki? W co powinny inwestować uniwersytety? Esej
Honestly, in my opinion the idea of giving the same amount of money for students’ sports activities as it is given to university libraries came out of the blue. If it was going to happen, I would not attend classes anymore. First of all, I have decided to study politics and I also have friends who have decided to study sports. I fully agr... »
Write a letter to language school in Brighton and ask about English classes - Napisz list do szkoły językowej w Brighton, w którym poprosisz o informacje na temat kursów języka angielskiego
Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student of 2nd semester. I study English literature. It is the fact that 'ABC' is one of the best schools in United Kingdom - it's known and recommended all around the Europe. I have heard about 'ABC' for the first time three years ago. I was participating in a student exchange program in Austria, when I found out that w... »
You organize a winter holiday trip. Write an invitation to English exchange students - Jako klasa organizujecie wycieczkę w czasie ferii. Napisz zaproszenie do uczniów z wymiany z Anglii
Dear Queen Elizabeth High School’s students, We would like to invite you on a trip to Bukowina Tatrzanska. We set off at 8 am, 6th February. Please take the night-bags with you and don’t forget about warm socks! We are planning to sleep in a hostel, so it would be quite cheap. If you don’t like this idea, there is a possibilit... »
School tests - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Testy (sprawdziany) w szkole - zalety i wady. Esej
No one likes exams. Obviously, tests cause stress. All the students would like to go to a school where there are no exams. Some of the parents and teachers think they are right. What are the main benefits and disadvantages of school tests? I will try to find out the answer. There is no denying the fact that children experience stress. Fortunate... »
Knowledge gained from personal experience vs. knowledge gained at school - which one is more important? Essay
Aristotle once said: 'The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet'. I guess he was right. But what does education actually mean? To learn – is to gain experience or obtain knowledge? It has been said that not all the learning takes place in the classroom. In this case – where else can you be educated? First of al... »
Day at school. A description of lessons - Dzień w szkole. Opis lekcji
My day at school starts at eight o’clock everyday. It is a very busy time at school as a lot of students come there at the same time. First I go to the locker room. In my school, every student has his or her own locker and a key to this locker. There I can leave my coat and change my shoes. I have to do this because students mustn’t ... »
Description of the class - Opis klasy
I'm a secondary school student. I like my school. And I like my class. It consists of 27 people. There are 15 girls and 12 boys in my class. We're all 15 years old. Our teacher is Mrs. Greener; she's a biologist. All the girls have long hair, except Rita. There are 4 blondes, 9 brunettes and 2 red-haired girls. All of us are slim and beautiful. ... »
Exchange students are going back home soon. Build a questionnaire for the purpose of gathering information about their stay in Poland - Uczniowie wymiany wkrótce wracają do domu. Napisz ankietę, by zebrać informacje o ich pobycie w Polsce
Dear Students of Queen Elisabeth College, In order to improve the quality of our student exchange program, we’ve prepared a short questionnaire. Remember that your opinion and honesty is very important for us and may help many other students in the future. Your answers might be anonymous Questionnaire for students Class: Sex: Ple... »
Write a short story about school - Napisz krótkie opowiadanie na temat szkoły
When the classroom door opened, everybody went silent. There she was – skinny, pale, with these huge glasses on her crooked nose. She was wearing a loose sweater and jeans. She knew that everybody looked at her as if she was the ugliest creature in the world but she simply didn’t care. She could’ve been the ugliest but she was ... »
A description of your dream school - Opis twojej wymarzonej szkoły
It is a really difficult topic to tackle what actually should an ideal school look like. Everybody knows that there is nothing perfect around us but everyone knows exactly well that people got used over the ages to make things as ideal as it is only possible. An ideal school is the more hard to define that it is something that is not really like... »
Story about the best day at school - Opowiadanie o najlepszym dniu w szkole
I can remember my best day at school. It was Wednesday, late April. It was supposed to be just another day, with boring Maths and some Chemistry. Also a test in English was on my mind then. On every break I would revise the vocabulary and grammar. Somehow I survived the Maths class and got interested in what the experiment on Chemistry was all a... »
A report for the school about its safety level - Raport dla szkoły o jej poziomie bezpieczeństwa
From: XXXTo: John Smith Date: 17th November 2009Subject: Safety level of the school building Introduction: The aim of this report is to present all the factors being detrimental to the safety level of the school building. An expert was called by me so that it was not just opinion of an amateur that I am, however a survey regarding feeling of s... »
At school: description of a picture - W szkole: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: This picture shows a classroom full of pupils. In the corner of the picture we can also see their teacher. This photo was probably taken during a break because all of the kids look relaxed and the also seem to be talking to each other. Some of the kids decided to stretch their legs. They are close to the window. Next to them t... »
Studying abroad, for example in England - for or against? (essay) - Nauka zagranicą, na przykład w Anglii - za czy przeciw? (esej)
Since Poland joined European Union the borders to a better world are opened. We are capable of choosing the place we want to inhabit, where we want to live or continue our education. Almost everyone thinks sometimes about leaving Poland in order to increase their financial status. Some of the people come back, the others stay abroad forever. Due... »
A terrible day at school - Straszny dzień w szkole
It was 8 a. m. Nowadays I would be still asleep but then I had to be at school. My lessons started at 8 a. m. almost every day at that time and even though I can’t remember how I did it, I managed not too be late day by day. I can only recollect that I used to be very sleepy when the first lesson was about to begin. Yes, I never liked waki... »
Description of a job - Opis zawodu
One of possible career choices is to become a teacher. This is a job for those who feel they need to be an educator. A tutor has several duties and responsibilities. To start with, one of those is passing the knowledge on to the students. This may be very difficult at times as not many pupils are likely to cooperate. Secondly, the teacher is in... »
A formal letter to a school arranging a course in English - List do szkoły organizującej kurs języka angielskiego (list formalny)
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you in order to obtain explanation of my doubts about applying for the summer course in English in Plymouth your school is offering. First of all, I would like to state that I am 19 years old and I come from Poland. I have been learning English for 9 years now and have passed the First Certificate in English exa... »
A note to an English exchange student you take care of in Poland - Notatka do angielskiego kolegi z wymiany, którym zajmujesz się w Polsce
Steve, I hope you enjoyed the city, but you need to admit - it is much more smaller than London, isn’t it? I am going to finish my classes quite late today– just around 5 pm - so I won’t be able to have lunch with you. Sorry about that. You can go to the school canteen if you want to - my meal ticket is on table, so feel free.... »
Is attenting school necessary? Why do people decide to go to school? (opinion) - Czy szkoła jest niezbędna? Dlaczego ludzie decydują się iść do szkoły? (opinia)
Obviously, people attend school for many reasons. Everyone has some different, convincing reasons. Here you can find out more about some of the main purposes of education and existence of schools. Expanded knowledge First of all, some people just need to go to school in order to learn. They are either ambitious or they need a diploma to get a ... »
Phone dialog - Rozmowa przez telefon
- Medical University of Warsaw, how can I help you?- Good morning, my name is Joe Simpkins. I'd like to get some information on my English classes.- Yes, what would you like to know?- Could you tell me who will be my teacher this year?- It's Mrs. Ciecierska, the Head of the Languages Department.- Oh, thank you. And when are the classes I should ... »