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Lista wypracowań w kategorii disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages of being famous (essay) - Wady i zalety bycia sławnym (rozprawka)
Almost everybody would like to be famous. It is commonly thought that extremely popular people do not have to face any problems and lead careless lives. We can watch them on the news, we can see their photos in the newspapers and wish we could be them – rich, talented and admired. Yes, we are jealous because we would like everybody’s... »
Big family - advantages and disadvantages of having many brothers and sisters. Essay - Duża rodzina - zalety i wady posiadania licznego rodzeństwa. Esej
How many brothers or sister do you have? Most of us have one or two. But have you ever thought what it is like to have more siblings? What are the advantages and disadvantages of that? Firstly, a big family means more help in every trouble. For example, an older sister can explain the difficult topic in Maths. Consequently, an older brother can... »
Advantages and disadvantages of using animals for scientific experimentations (essay) - Wady i zalety robienia testów na zwierzętach (rozprawka)
It may sound peculiar but our attitude towards animals can show whether we act in a humane way or not. There are certain groups of people, who try to stress it whenever they can. Thanks to their efforts, many people have become aware of the fact that such an issue exists. The cruelty to animals, although quite common in many areas, ought not to ... »
Influence of TV on children and youth (essay) - Wpływ telewizji na dzieci i młodzież (esej)
Nowadays television is the most popular source of entertainment. Thus many parents use that easily accessible medium to amuse their children. But is it good to let a child watch the TV all day long? In my opinion – no. Firstly, what seems to be obvious, letting a child watch television from its early years affects its sight in a bad way. ... »
Growing up in a big city or countryside - what's better for children? Essay - Dorastanie w dużym mieście czy na wsi - co jest lepsze dla dzieci? Rozprawka
Some people live in big cities. Others prefer to build a house in the countryside. What is better for their children? A large city or a cozy village? Don't let appearance deceive you. The answer is not as clear as it seems to be. There are several advantages of living in the countryside. First of all, children grow up in peace and quiet. They c... »
The pros and cons of working as a doctor - Plusy i minusy bycia lekarzem
They are frequently being portrayed in movies and TV series. Millions of people are interested in their work. Women, impressed with their knowledge and aware of how prestigious their profession is, constantly dream of dating them. Parents are proud if their child becomes one. Have you already guessed who I am talking about? You are right –... »
Introducing Euro in Poland - for or against ? (opinion) - Wprowadzenie Euro w Polsce - za czy przeciw? (opinia)
To answer the question that was asked we have to consider both beneficial sides of introducing Euro as well as the drawbacks. First of all, unite currency helps the consumer. One may pay with the same currency in 12 countries with no need to exchange one’s money. Furthermore it is easier to compare and contrast the prices in different plac... »
A child of famous parents - to be a child of a celebrity: advantages and disadvantages - Dziecko sławnych rodziców - być dzieckiem celebryty: zalety i wady
Celebrities. We all know them. Some of them have children. Has anyone ever wondered what it's like to be a child of Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp? Is it comfortable? To start with, these children can have whatever they want. Everyone has dreamed to go to Disneyland; they can have it twice a week. Newest doll that speaks, cries and pees is no pr... »
Advantages and disadvantages of shopping online (essay) - Wady i zalety robienia zakupów w Internecie (rozprawka)
Not everybody likes traditional shopping. Especially men tend to complain, when they are forced to spend long hours with their wives or girlfriends, looking for clothes or jewellery. Nowadays it is not necessary to do the shopping this way, though. Instead of visiting hundreds of shops, one may sit in front of a computer and try to choose someth... »
Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet (essay) - Zalety i wady Internetu (rozprawka)
How would our lives look like without the Internet? Such an idea may soon be included in a science-fiction movie plot, this is how unlikely it seems to be. Most of us can barely remember the times when we could deal without this invention. In many regions it’s commonly used and its popularity is still growing worldwide. The majority of wor... »
Teenagers taking up sport professionally - pros and cons. Essay - Nastolatki uprawiające sport profesjonalnie - zalety i wady. Esej
These days more and more teenagers take up sports professionally to become the best. Has anyone ever considered the consequences? Is it good or bad for them? Let's take a closer look at this matter. First of all, one has to take up a sport really early if they want to become the best. It is caused by the fact that nowadays the contestants tend ... »
School tests - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Testy (sprawdziany) w szkole - zalety i wady. Esej
No one likes exams. Obviously, tests cause stress. All the students would like to go to a school where there are no exams. Some of the parents and teachers think they are right. What are the main benefits and disadvantages of school tests? I will try to find out the answer. There is no denying the fact that children experience stress. Fortunate... »
Adventages and disadvantages of being an only child - Wady i zalety bycia jedynakiem
According to recent demographic researches, less and less children are being born in developed countries every year. Only fifty years ago a typical family consisted of parents and at least two children. Since then everything has changed. While you can visit your uncles or aunts, it is very likely that your children will not have such an opportun... »
Advantages and disadvantages of life on retirement
Most of us have never thought of being retired. This may be an odd vision and undoubtedly seems to be a very distant one. However, it is also unquestionable that once we are going to reach a certain age in which we will not be fit enough to work. Although it may be hard to imagine such a situation, all of us know some people who already are pens... »
Advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane. Essay - Zalety i wady podróżowania samolotem. Rozprawka
The plane is one of the humanity’s greatest inventions. Though in the first few years after the invention planes were regarded as toys for eccentrics, currently they serve many purposes, most importantly as a means of mass transport. Each year millions of people cross countries and continents on board of commercial and military airplanes. ... »
A person you know is planning to move to your town. What do you think he would like and dislike about living there? (opinion) - Twój znajomy planuje przeprowadzkę do twojego miasteczka. Jak myślisz, co będzie mu się tutaj podobało, a co nie? (opinia)
Xyz is a small town in the south of Poland. It is full of charm and attractions. It has been 10 years since I moved here from Cracow. However I've got this impression that I've been living here for ages. XZY is safe and quiet. Here, we don’t have traffic or pollution problems even though Xyz is situated just around 20 miles west from Crac... »
A new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Are you for or against? Essay - Nowa restauracja ma zostać wybudowana w twojej okolicy. Jesteś za czy przeciw? Rozprawka
My neighbourhood is situated on the west side of the city. There is a forest and a park nearby. It is a wonderful place. I believe that building a restaurant in this area may be beneficial, however it also has some disadvantages. First of all, new restaurant would be a great place to go out on the weekends. I am sure that many of my neigh... »
Different aspects of living in the house and in the block of flats (essay) - Różne aspekty mieszkania w domu i w bloku (rozprawka)
I have been living in a flat since I was born. Probably this is why I would prefer to move into a bigger house and have a wonderful garden around it. In my opinion, when it comes to a flat – it doesn’t matter how big it is – there is never enough room. The house has a soul, the flat hasn't. I think that the way of how you deco... »
Is life better in a large city or in a small town? Provide reasons and examples (essay) - Lepiej żyje się w małym czy dużym mieście? Podaj przyczyny i przykłady (esej)
Some people prefer to live in a city, others would never leave countryside. Obviously, life in a big city is a completely different story from the days spent in a small town. What are the mains differences? I'll try to find it out… Malls, underground and skyscrapers For me there’s no other life I could compare to the city li... »
Commercialised holidays? Are Christmas and Easter commercialised? Essay - Skomercjalizowane święta? Czy Boże Narodzenie i Wielkanoc są skomercjalizowane? Esej
Christmas and Easter. What are they? Once they used to be a time for a religious celebration with one's family. Now? A time to buy decorations and gifts? In my opinion – yes. To start with, even though it is a time that we're spending with family, there are many factors proving that business has taken over these holidays. Shopping in Nove... »
Travelling by plane or by train? Opinion - Podróżowanie samolotem czy pociągiem? Opinia
Nowadays people can choose many forms of travelling. Trains, invented in the nineteenth century, used to be the most popular mean of transport, but the development of new technology and new machines – able to carry passengers over long distances – made the good old train in many countries fade into oblivion. Nowadays more and more pe... »
Tabloid journalism - tabloids. Should they pay less attention to celebrities' lives? Essay - Dziennikarstwo brukowe - brukowce. Czy powinny przywiązywać mniej uwagi do życia gwiazd? Esej
There is no doubt that media pay a lot of attention to the personal lives of celebrities and other famous people. Is it a right and legal to do it? The best example is Tiger Woods. A few months ago almost no one ever heard about him in Poland, let alone about his wife. He is one of the best golf players in the US. Since tabloids published photo... »
Thanks to microwaves and fast food restaurants, food has become easier to prepare. Do you think it's beneficial to society? (opinion) - Dzięki mikrofalówkom i barom fast food jedzenie stało się łatwiejsze do zrobienia. Czy to dobre dla ludzi? (opinia)
It is often said: 'You are what we eat'. If that's true then it's not easy to answer the following question: 'Are the microwaves and fast food restaurants beneficial to society'? First of all - let’s take a look at the facts. On the Internet you can find an information that more than fifty millions (!) of Americans depend on fast fo... »
Advantages and disadvantages of advertisement. Essay - Zalety i wady reklamy. Rozprawka
Advertisements are an inseparable part of the world around us. We can find them almost everywhere – in television, on the radio, on the Internet, in newspapers and even in the streets or buildings. I guess we just have to get used to their presence, but are they really so beneficial? First of all, advertisements are definitely a must in t... »
Motorbike travels - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Podróże motocyklem - zalety i wady. Rozprawka
There are many ways in which you can reach your holiday destination. Some people choose planes for their speed, some choose trains for their safety and others will travel on bicycles not to be harmful to the environment. There is also a small but growing group of people who fell in love with motorbikes and cannot imagine travelling in any other ... »
Studying abroad - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Studiowanie za granicą - zalety i wady. Rozprawka
These days many young Poles tend to go abroad to get a university degree. The country they choose most often is the United Kingdom. Some may argue if that thing is good or bad for them and Polish society. Let's take a closer look at that. To start with, one should always consider the good of the person that has reached a decision to study abroa... »
Advantages and disadvantages of living in a city (essay) - Zalety i wady mieszkania w mieście (rozprawka)
There are both drawbacks and benefits of dwelling a city, however I am pretty sure that the number of advantages exceeds the amount of disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the noise, however one gets used to it after some time as people become immune to it, so that it is not a problem any more. The second downside are the clouds of smog over... »
Government has announced that it wishes to build a military base near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the idea - Rząd ogłosił, że chce wybudować bazę wojskową w pobliżu twojej okolicy. Przedyskutuj wady i zalety tego pomysłu
Personally, I would never support the idea of building a military base near the place where I live. However some people may find advantages of this kind of project. Perhaps military base would decrease local unemployment. Some of my neighbours would have a chance to get a well-paid job. In fact, the military base located next to my community wo... »
Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV - Zalety i wady oglądania telewizji
TV is defined as a mass medium. Thus, this is a means of public communication reaching a very large audience. Once luxurious, TV set is now present in the vast majority of Polish houses. Even though particular programmes are not as popular as they used to be just ten years ago, still a great number of people spend lots of hours watching them. A... »
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Do you agree or disagree? - Niektórzy sądzą, że lepiej uczyć się samodzielnie niż z nauczycielem. Zgadzasz się z tą opinią?
Nowadays, with the help of technology and with the invention of e-learning, learning process seems to be easier than ever before. Some people start to learn on their own and they believe that they don't need a teacher. Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with this statement. I would like to present my opinion on this subject in the following... »