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Lista wypracowań w kategorii animals
Advantages and disadvantages of using animals for scientific experimentations (essay) - Wady i zalety robienia testów na zwierzętach (rozprawka)
It may sound peculiar but our attitude towards animals can show whether we act in a humane way or not. There are certain groups of people, who try to stress it whenever they can. Thanks to their efforts, many people have become aware of the fact that such an issue exists. The cruelty to animals, although quite common in many areas, ought not to ... »
Different kinds of friendship: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Różne rodzaje przyjaźni: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see three girls, school age, close together. They all have dark blond, long hair. The first one on the left has a greenish floral blouse on and has her arm round the second girl. The middle one is wearing a black jumper and has her arms round the other two. The one on the right has a pink blouse on a... »
My favourite pet - Mój ulubiony zwierzak
Many people keep pets in their houses. Some of them love turtles, rats or lizards. Others prefer more sociable ones, like cats or dogs. Beyond any doubt, I am among those who like being given some affection by their pet. I know that because I have owned a turtle for many years and there has not been any bond between us. I could not play with her... »
Description of my cat - Opis mojego kota
My cat is lucky. His real name is Bob, but we all call him Lucky. Actually, I never wanted to have a cat. So how is it possible that I have become an owner of a cat? One rainy morning I found an abandoned kitten outside my front door. It was skinny, neglected and frightened. I took it home and promised myself that I will only feed it and ... »
Visit in a zoo - animals' description - Wizyta w ZOO - opis zwierząt
Last Sunday, my friends and I decided to go to the zoo. It's been such a long time since our last visit. So we took a bus and half an hour later we arrived at the zoo. Having bought the tickets we started our journey. The first animals we saw were long-necked giraffes. I wonder why they need that. Right next to the giraffes there were zebras. Th... »
Description of an animal - description of a lion - Opis zwierzęcia - opis lwa
A lion is a big, light-brown-furred cat living in Africa. A typical feature of a male lion is its thick, bushy mane around the head and neck. Lionesses (female lions) don't have such mane. Lion's body is huge, heavy and strong. Lions have big, sharp teeth and strong paws with sharp claws. They can run extremely fast, so they hunt for other anim... »
Pet - can it be a better friend than a human? (essay) - Zwierzę - czy może być lepszym przyjacielem od człowieka? (esej)
Pets have been people’s companions for many years. We often see them as a part of our family. There is a saying that a dog is a man’s best friend. Animals can be as close to us as our friends, but can a pet actually be a better friend than a human being? In my opinion this is possible in some respect. What distinguishes pets is thei... »
Some people treat their pets as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? - Niektórzy ludzie traktują swoje zwierzęta jak członków rodziny. Twoim zdaniem, czy takie relacje są dobre?
Most of the people who I know have a pet at home. It doesn't matter if it is a cat, a dog, a bird or a hamster – you should take care of your animal if you have decided to take it. Sometimes people have a really close relationship with their pets and they start to treat animals as members of their family. For me it seems funny to see a do... »
Dog as a man’s friend (essay) - Pies jako przyjaciel człowieka (rozprawka)
Can dog be a man’s best friend? When talking about pets we often quote these words. What are the similarities between a good friend – someone very important in everyone’s lives, and a pet? A friend is someone whom we usually spend a lot of time with. The same is true about dogs. Dog owners need to devote a great part of their ... »
Different aspects of keeping animals at home (essay) - Różne aspekty trzymania zwierząt w domu (rozprawka)
Most of the children wish to keep a dog or a cat in their house. Especially if they don’t have any siblings, they beg their parents to adopt a pet. Sometimes, when the family lives in a flat or in a big city, it is not possible to get a German shepherd or another big animal. While adopting any pet - it does not matter if it is a cat, a dog... »
A description of your pet - Opis twojego zwierzątka
My dog is called Amica. It is a beautiful two years old bitch. We got her in a very unusual way. I have always dreamed about having a dog, however my parents were not very pleased with this idea. They stated I will not take care of her and that I will neglect my duties so that they will become responsible for the dog. When I was thirteen, on my... »
You have found an animal. Write a letter to your friend and tell her everything about it - Jakiś czas temu znalazłaś zwierzę. Napisz list do przyjaciela, w którym opowiesz mu tę historię
Hey Anna! Thanks for staying in touch. I'm so glad you passed your exams! I knew you would. You'll never guess what happened . Three weeks ago I found a lonely cat. It's all black with a white spot on his nose. It was walking around my house for a week. My mum kept giving him food so he kept coming back. One day I decided I want him home becau... »