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Lista wypracowań w kategorii family
Big family - advantages and disadvantages of having many brothers and sisters. Essay - Duża rodzina - zalety i wady posiadania licznego rodzeństwa. Esej
How many brothers or sister do you have? Most of us have one or two. But have you ever thought what it is like to have more siblings? What are the advantages and disadvantages of that? Firstly, a big family means more help in every trouble. For example, an older sister can explain the difficult topic in Maths. Consequently, an older brother can... »
Plans for the future, after graduation: description of a picture - Plany na przyszłość, po ukończeniu studiów: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a man in his mid-twenties, talking on the phone and holding a baby girl. He's dressed in graduation clothes, it must be his graduation from college or university day. The man is chubby. He has brown hair, a moustache and a beard. He also wears glasses. The girl he's holding has short blond hair tied in... »
Description of my dad - Opis mojego taty
My father’s name is Karol. He is a quiet and sensible person. As the head of our family, he does everything to meet the needs of our family. He treats my mother with respect and love. He takes my opinion into account, which is very important to me. My dad is a tall, corpulent man in his mid-fifties. He has a wrinkled face and pale c... »
Parents and their children: description of a picture - Rodzice i ich dzieci: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman and a little girl. They're sitting on the ground in a forest. The woman is wearing a purple jumper and jeans. She also has a pink headscarf on. There's a small hairy dog sitting on her laps. The girl has a pink jumper and a blue slipover. She also has a headscarf. They look as if they were me... »
Siblings, brother and sister: description of a picture - Rodzeństwo, brat i siostra: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What are the relations between those people? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a girl in her early twentie... »
Teenagers' problems - Problemy nastolatków
I think that all the huge progress of technology and the level of living made the present world easier on the one hand, but more complicated on the other. What became more complicated are all interpersonal relations and the great number of decisions we have to make. Problems caused by the fact also strike young people. One of most significant p... »
A letter to your parents from London where you came to study - List do rodziców z Londynu, gdzie przyjechałeś na studia
Dear Mom and Dad, When I came here a month ago I didn’t realize that I could have so many problems in here. I thought everything would be just fine but, in fact, it turned out that living and studying here means a great challenge for me. Nevertheless, the course I’m attending is really great and I think I won’t be disappointe... »
Teenagers and their problems with personality (article) - Nastolatki i ich problemy z osobowością (artykuł)
Adolescence, just like every period in life, has its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand it is a carefree time, when we are able to make decisions on our own but we still remain under our parents' protection and don't have to worry about gaining means to survive. On the other hand it is not such an easy time, because this is when our perso... »
Hard time: description of a picture - Trudny czas: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What are the relations between them? What do they feel towards each other? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?). Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two people holding hands. They are two wo... »
Adventages and disadvantages of being an only child - Wady i zalety bycia jedynakiem
According to recent demographic researches, less and less children are being born in developed countries every year. Only fifty years ago a typical family consisted of parents and at least two children. Since then everything has changed. While you can visit your uncles or aunts, it is very likely that your children will not have such an opportun... »
Misbehaviour: description of a picture - Złe zachowanie: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What is the girl doing? What kinds of feelings accompany her? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a teenage girl eavesdropping. She has long dark hair and dark eyes. She put some make-up on her face. ... »
Surprises, gifts, rewards: description of a picture - Niespodzianki, prezenty, nagrody: opis zdjęcia
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings may accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind if a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman in her mid-thirties and two girls, aged about 12. They're st... »
Parental love: description of a picture - Miłość rodzicielska: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?). Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman holding ... »
Motherhood and fatherhood: description of a picture - Macierzyństwo i ojcostwo: opis obrazka
In the picture we can see two hands: a bigger one, and a smaller or rather – a tiny one. The first one is a baby’s palm and the second one, we can assume, belongs to the child's parent. It is a very simple yet touching photograph – it speaks of the one of the most wonderful relationships in life, love between a parent and their... »
'My home is my castle' - an essay - „Mój dom jest moją twierdzą” - esej
The English have a saying: 'My home is my castle'. And they are right. But what does it mean and what consequences it has? Let's have a look. To start with, let's focus on the meaning of that sentence. To me it stands for my home being a place I know is safe, warm and I can always go back there and no one will make me leave. It is the place I c... »
Description of my mother - Opis mojej mamy
There are different kind of mothers. Overprotective ones, also ones that don’t care too much about their children. Some mothers want to be friends with their kids, others are demanding and rigorous. My mother is neither overprotective nor careless. A word that describes her most accurately is – loving. My mum is a middle-aged ... »
Some people treat their pets as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? - Niektórzy ludzie traktują swoje zwierzęta jak członków rodziny. Twoim zdaniem, czy takie relacje są dobre?
Most of the people who I know have a pet at home. It doesn't matter if it is a cat, a dog, a bird or a hamster – you should take care of your animal if you have decided to take it. Sometimes people have a really close relationship with their pets and they start to treat animals as members of their family. For me it seems funny to see a do... »
A day of my childhood (story) - Dzień z mojego dzieciństwa (opowiadanie)
I was a six-year-old boy at that time. I could barely write or read anything. My four-year-old brother wasn’t capable of doing even that. We spent most of our time playing football. Our father was a professional football player at that time and it was understandable that his sons were going to play football too. Even though we used to pla... »
Different lifestyles: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Różne style życia: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture, I can see a tiny house made of L20 notes. It has walls and a roof. It may be representing omnipresent race for money. To many people this is the only value in life. Pursuit of money has become the meaning of their existence. They don’t care about friends, family or education, which is deeply saddeni... »
My family today and in the past (comparison) - Moja rodzina dziś a kiedyś (porównanie)
I have a big family and love it very much. In recent years a lot has changed in the lives of my relatives and mine. First of all, my sister doesn’t live with us anymore. She is 19 now and a couple of months ago she graduated from high school. Fortunately, she passed her matura exam with flying colours and got into a university. She is now... »
My family (description) - Moja rodzina (opis)
My name is Tomasz and I would like to describe my family. My family is really big but what makes it really exceptional is that we all live in one detached house. There are all three generations under one roof, which is not very common any more. I have two brothers. They are both my age because we are triplets. This is why we are even more simil... »
A person I will never forget - my grandmother (characteristics) - Osoba, której nigdy nie zapomnę - moja babcia (charakterystyka)
She didn’t have much money. Therefore she couldn’t afford to buy me expensive presents and meals on her table were not the most sophisticated ones. However I don’t think that there was any person who loved me more or cared for me as much as her. Unfortunately she is already dead but beyond any doubt I will never forget her. I w... »
Description of a photo - Opis zdjęcia
This is my favourite photo. The people in it are my parents. They are hugging each other and smiling, posing to picture. My mother has a grey blouse and a jeans skirt on and my dad has a beige chequered shirt and brown shorts. Both of them have sunglasses on. Behind them there is a wonderful view of endless blue sea and cloudless sky. Also, the... »
Story about a family - Opowiadanie o rodzinie
The thought of the fact that I was adopted kept bothering me ever since I learnt about it. I kept asking myself why my biological mother didn't want me. Or maybe she died and that's why I was raised by someone else? But then what about my dad? I decided to find out the truth. The first thing to do was to ask my parents. And so I did. They told ... »
Getting married before being 30? - pros and cons of late setting up a home. Essay - Ślub przed trzydziestką? - zalety i wady zakładania rodziny w późniejszym wieku. Esej
Ask any 20-year-old person when they want to get married and you will hear mostly: 'Not before I am 30!'. Then look around and try to guess how many people of those wearing a wedding ring is younger than 30. Not many. Why is that so? Is it good? Let's take a closer look at that matter. Firstly, many young people state that they feel a need to g... »
Description of my grandmother - Opis mojej babci
Since I remember my grandmother was always beside me. She taught me things that other grandmas didn't teach their grandchildren. She taught me how to ride a bike, she showed me how to read, she also gave me my first swimming lesson. As a child I was very shy. I didn't have many friends and I spent each holidays with my grandparents. It was gran... »
A letter to your parents from a holiday trip - List do rodziców z wyjazdu wakacyjnego
Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing this letter to you just like I promised to do in order to describe my impressions. It is the seventh day of my stay – the time goes by so fast. I am at a loss for words how wonderful it is in here. Everybody is so kind, helpful and smiling. I was sleeping almost the whole coach ride as we left too early in ... »