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Lista wypracowań w kategorii adventure
Alice in Wonderland - description of adventures - Alicja w Krainie Czarów - opis przygód
When I entered the rabbit hole, I started falling. I was falling for a very, very long time. When I finally fell on the ground, I looked around and noticed that I was in a big room. In the room there were a lot of doors, but all of them were locked and I couldn’t open them. In the middle of the room there was a table and on the table stood... »
A short story about a horrible trip/ journey - Krótkie opowiadanie o okropnej wycieczce/ podróży
Two years ago I decided to go hitchhiking with my classmate. When holidays began we took our backpacks and tried to catch anybody who could take us with them. I have to mention that this wasn’t about to be a usual trip since we wanted to travel across Western Europe. Therefore when the first car stopped next to us we got into it and headed... »
Alice in Wonderland - the strangest adventure that happened to her (story) - Alicja w Krainie Czarów - najdziwniejsza przygoda, jaka ją spotkała (opowiadanie)
Alice saw a white Rabbit who was talking to itself. The Rabbit looked worried and was looking for something. When he saw the girl he ordered her to go to his house and bring him back a pair of white gloves and a fan. Alice ran in the direction that the rabbit had showed her and soon reached a small house with the name 'W. Rabbit' on it. She ente... »
When I was a child... Adventures and memories - Kiedy byłem dzieckiem... Przygody i wspomnienia
Yesterday, while cleaning up the house, I found an old photo album. I was a bit tired so I decided to sit down for a while and check if there was anything interesting in it. Mostly there is nothing that may catch my attention – usually I turn pages really quickly since I do not want to waste my time looking at numerous birthday party pictu... »
A story about the adventure of your life - Opowiadanie o największej przygodzie twojego życia
It is a common truth that each of us is supposed to experience the greatest adventure of his life during holidays. There is a grain of truth in this belief, however it does not have to be like that in each case. Maybe this was not the most unique and special experience of my life or I am an exception of the rule but that really usual rainy and g... »
Description of an adventure (winter holidays) - Opis przygody (ferie zimowe)
A few years ago me, my sister, my dad and my mum went together on a winter holiday to Italy. We stayed at a cosy little hotel in a small ski resort. This was the highest situated resort in that area and the view from the top of the slope was just magnificent. I have never been on a winter holiday outside Poland so our stay there was really excit... »
Description of an extreme sport - Opis sportu ekstremalnego
Extreme sports are some special sport disciplines that only a small number of people in the world participate in. The reason for this are the special conditions under which the sports are done. Extreme sports are much more dangerous than ordinary sports. They are done in extreme conditions, for example in places that are remote and inaccessible,... »
Past and present: description of a picture - Przeszłość i teraźniejszość: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a lot of old items. There are also three men, trying to manage all those things. There's a white van, into which probably the stuff will go. In this huge mess, I can see old motorbikes, a dummy, a painting, leather chair, lamps, furniture and so on. It looks like these men are cleaning their attic. T... »
A dangerous adventure (story) - Niebezpieczna przygoda (opowiadanie)
One year ago me and my family went on a skiing holiday to Austria. We stayed at a tiny Austrian town where there was not much more that hotels and skilifts. Together with us, there were two of my friends with their families as well. Each day we would eat breakfast and go skiing for a few hours, until we were tired. I had a really good time. In t... »
A day of my childhood (story) - Dzień z mojego dzieciństwa (opowiadanie)
I was a six-year-old boy at that time. I could barely write or read anything. My four-year-old brother wasn’t capable of doing even that. We spent most of our time playing football. Our father was a professional football player at that time and it was understandable that his sons were going to play football too. Even though we used to pla... »
A story about a walk in the mountains - a story about a bear - Opowiadanie o wyprawie w góry - opowiadanie o niedźwiedziu
It was May, things at school slowed down a bit. Jane and Tom decided to get some rest and fresh air and therefore they booked a room in a hotel in the Alps for a week. They were so happy they could get away from all their problems here in Plymouth. They also wished they would be able to celebrate their second year together in a pleasant way. Bo... »
Extreme sports and hobbies: description of a picture - Sporty i hobby ekstremalne: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see three men skydiving. Their parachutes are red, white and black. There are streams of white and red smoke deployed by the jumpers. Apart from them, there is only the clear blue sky. They could be descending in a formation during some kind of a display, I believe. It's a thing that gives one a rush of a... »
A crime story - Opowiadanie kryminalne
It was a gloomy rainy day. Crowds of people would pass the streets made of bricks being not even slightly conscious of what might happen within the next several hours. John and Steve have been preparing the greatest bank robbery for long enough to have decided it was high time to translate words into action. Although they thought their plan was ... »
A story about a journey to Paris - Opowiadanie o podróży do Paryża
The story I am going to tell, happened last year, during holiday. I passed all my exams, so I thought I definitely deserved some rest, but also some adventure. I have always dreamt about seeing all European countries, but unfortunately I did not have enough money to visit them all. But then had this brilliant idea – I will hitch-hike to Pa... »
My summer adventure (story) - Moja wakacyjna przygoda (opowiadanie)
It was a hot summer afternoon of 2005. I was enjoying a short holiday in Kraków, together with my family. Happily, my best friend’s parents were friends with my mum and dad and they all decided to go together on this weekend trip to Poland’s most beautiful city. I was very happy that me and Julia could spend this time together... »
What would you take to a desert island with you? - Co zabrałbyś z sobą na bezludną wyspę?
If I had to go to a desert island, I would take the things I couldn't survive without with me. First of all I would take some tools that I could use to build a place to live. That would be a knife, an ax and a machete. I could build a house on a tree with their help in order to stay safe from the wild animals. Using a knife, an ax and or a mac... »