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Lista wypracowań w kategorii holidays
Description of Halloween - Opis Halloween
Halloween is one of the best-known American traditions. In recent years it is becoming more and more popular in the countries outside the United States and Great Britain where the holiday comes from. Halloween takes place on the 31st of October, the day before All Saints’ Day, to which it is related. It’s roots can also be traced to... »
Easter wishes for a postcard - Życzenia Wielkanocne na kartkę świąteczną
Dear Basia and Sebastian, I want to wish you Happy Easter. May this Holy Season witness you being blessed with prosperity and happiness. Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter, filled with joy, peace and love. Let this springtime of sharing bring you joyfulness and stay with you forever. Love, Anna »
Write a letter to your friend from Scotland and tell him how you avoided an accident in mountains - Napisz list do kolegi ze Szkocji o tym, jak udało ci uniknąć wypadku w górach
Dear Paul, I have got so much to tell you. I haven’t seen you for ages. If you don’t mind I would like to come and visit you in Scotland. Actually, I am writing to you to inform you about some horrible accident that in which I almost got killed. Perhaps you remember that I have been planning to go on a summer camp in Zakopane. What... »
New Year's Eve - description - Sylwester - opis
New Year’s Eve is an annual celebration held worldwide on the 31st of December. It marks the end of the year and the transition to the new one. People all around the world celebrate the occasion and it is a very joyful moment. In most countries on New Year’s Eve people traditionally party with their friends. In Poland people may att... »
Relax and holidays: description of a picture - Relaks i wakacje: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? What kind of a problem may be brought up here? What can this picture stand for? What kind of a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman standing on the beach. She's wearing a bikini and she's... »
How to spend winter holidays? - Jak spędzić ferie zimowe?
For me, the most interesting way to spend my winter holidays is to play outdoors and do sports. During a normal week I have no time to go skiing or skating. I have a lot of work at school and I am also learning French two times a week at a language school. Of course, there is the housework that needs to be done: vacuuming, taking out garbage, ta... »
Description of dream winter break - Opis wymarzonych ferii
I haven't had a perfect winter break yet. Let me describe my dreams now. My ideal break would last at least three weeks. During that time I would go on a snowboarding camp. There I would snowboard a lot. I would also meet many new people and have a fun with them. When we would be tired of skiing or snowboarding we would go and walk around the s... »
Description of a favourite season - Opis ulubionej pory roku
Summer is the season I love the most. I like autumn for the colours of the leaves, and I like spring because of the beautiful flowers. However, sunny summer days are the most enjoyable days in the whole year for me. Summer starts in June, when the weather is nice and warm. The temperature is steady. The sun rises earlier than in winter, so the ... »
Spending free time: description of a picture - Spędzanie czasu wolnego: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? How can this person feel? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What can she be thinking about? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a girl lying on the grass. She is tall and slim. Her long hair is dark brown. She's wearing a blue white-d... »
In danger: description of a picture - W niebezpieczeństwe: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany what you see and how does this picture make you feel? What could have happened? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What is happening/has happened?) Who could have left the inscription? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a golden sandy... »
A letter of complaint about the hotel - List ze skargą na hotel
Dear Sir/ Madam I am writing in order to complain about the hotel, in which we were accommodated during our stay in Barcelona. Before holidays we had been promised that our hotel would be of the highest standard. Unfortunately, it turned out to be much worse than it looked in the presented catalogue. First of all, it lacked some basic faciliti... »
You are on holiday. Write a postcard to your friend from England - Jesteś na wakacjach. Napisz pocztówkę do swojego przyjaciela z Anglii
Hi John, How are you? Austria is just wonderful! It has been snowing since Monday. Yesterday, I went on a trip to Vienna and I had so much fun there! I decided to stay in Vienna one day longer that I had initially planned. There are so many places to visit, you have no idea! Unfortunately, I have to pack tomorrow and go back to my uncle. He is ... »
A story about an incident during holiday trip - an unexpected event - Opowiadanie o wydarzeniu z wakacji - niespodziewane wydarzenie
I've been dreaming to visit Spain for ages. Sunny cobbled narrow streets, wonderful old buildings sharing their spirit with you, passionate Spaniards. I've always been attracted to the sunny golden beaches, blue sea and the silent murmur of waves splashing against the shore. At last, my dream has come true. Here I was in the land of ardent flam... »
Description of a New Year's Eve party - Opis sylwestra
The last day of the year. The thirty-first day of December. For ages it has been a mysterious day and night. Changing the date in calendar – beginning of the new year has always been a significant event. These days it is an opportunity to have some fun with friends and celebrate the coming of a new year with a big party. The party can be h... »
Holidays at the seaside or holidays in the mountains? Essay - Wakacje nad morzem czy wakacje w górach? Rozprawka
Spending time at a seaside or in the mountains are the two most popular ways of taking advantage of one's holidays. Honestly, it is hard for me to choose from them, since they both have certain advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it all depends on how you decide to use your free time. If you seek for active rest, then you should go to t... »
Description of an adventure (winter holidays) - Opis przygody (ferie zimowe)
A few years ago me, my sister, my dad and my mum went together on a winter holiday to Italy. We stayed at a cosy little hotel in a small ski resort. This was the highest situated resort in that area and the view from the top of the slope was just magnificent. I have never been on a winter holiday outside Poland so our stay there was really excit... »
Description of winter break - Opis ferii
This year my winter break started on Monday 18th January and ended on Sunday, 1st February. During the first week I stayed at home. I helped my mother with housework and I did the homework the teachers gave us. I also was going out with friends every day. We were sledging and ice-skating. We also made several snowmen with carrot noses and coal ... »
Easter wishes - Życzenia Wielkanocne
Dear Kasia and Tomek, I want to wish you Happy Easter. Let all of your dreams come true in this jolly springtime. Let this Holy Season witness you being blessed with prosperity and happiness. Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter, filled with joy, peace and love. Let this springtime of sharing bring you joyfulness that will stay with you forever.... »
Holiday destinations: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Miejsca wakacyjnych wyjazdów: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture, I can see the Pyramids in Egypt. Their huge bodies look magnificent in the sun. The desert they're standing on is endless. The clear blue sky gives the impression that the day is dry and hot. In the distance, there is a city. In the second picture, I can see the lights of the advertisements in Tokyo. Col... »
You're on a sport camp. Write a postcard to a friend from England - Przebywasz na obozie sportowym. Napisz pocztówkę do znajomego z Anglii
Hey Joe! Greets from a sports camp in York! I came here to improve my form and it works! I play football, volleyball, basketball and swim. Soon I'll be really slim! And guess what? Michael Schumacher will stop by and meet us! I' so excited and can't wait! Sorry you're not here with me and hope to see you soon. Yours, Jacek »
My dream holidays (description) - Moje wymarzone wakacje (opis)
What would I do, if only I had enough money not to care about how much I would spend? It is as clear as day – I would travel and furthermore I would travel a lot. The only problem I can imagine is that I will run out of time far too early to visit every place on the planet which I would to like to. My dream holidays would be certainly a t... »
A summer job you would like to have - Praca wakacyjna, którą chciałbyś mieć
Each of us have dreamed at least once in their live to have a summer job. However, can any job be so desirable to want to spend two months of one’s free time during summer on working instead of sunbathing, swimming and having fun on the beach at the seaside? Many would argue about it but the answer is yes although you have to keep in mind ... »
My plans for holidays - Moje plany na wakacje
When I was younger, I didn’t use to make holiday plans in advance. I simply decided to go somewhere the following day. Sometimes, I hit the road on my own. However, my friends often decided to join me. We travelled through many countries this way, mostly hitch-hiking or travelling by train, not having tickets, of course. It was a long tim... »
A story about holidays - Opowiadanie o wakacjach
My longest summer holiday was when I graduated from high school. It was four long months. There's a lot one can do in this time. I decided to travel. My first destination was the country I had always wanted to visit – Finland. Shortly after getting my exams' results, I set off for my dream trip. I chose not to fly but to drive. This way I ... »
My holidays (description) - Moje wakacje (opis)
Everybody likes holidays, especially after the ten months long school year. I like this period of time either and if it looked always like this year, I would appreciate it even more. This summer was more than special. It was the very first time I had the opportunity to visit other continent. My parents took my to Egypt, which... »
A visit in a travel agency - a complaint about a trip (short statement) - Wizyta w biurze podróży - reklamacja wycieczki (krótka wypowiedź)
Good morning, Sir. I came here to express my indignation at your travel agency. I just came back from a trip to Egypt I bought from you. Sadly, I found many inconsistencies of the details in comparison to the leaflet I was given before the departure. First of all, the trip did not last fourteen days as stated but only twelve as we lost a day at... »
A letter to your parents from a holiday trip - List do rodziców z wyjazdu wakacyjnego
Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing this letter to you just like I promised to do in order to describe my impressions. It is the seventh day of my stay – the time goes by so fast. I am at a loss for words how wonderful it is in here. Everybody is so kind, helpful and smiling. I was sleeping almost the whole coach ride as we left too early in ... »