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Lista wypracowań w kategorii party
Description of Halloween - Opis Halloween
Halloween is one of the best-known American traditions. In recent years it is becoming more and more popular in the countries outside the United States and Great Britain where the holiday comes from. Halloween takes place on the 31st of October, the day before All Saints’ Day, to which it is related. It’s roots can also be traced to... »
A letter of apology about a loud party - List z przeprosinami za zbyt głośne przyjęcie
Dear Mr and Mrs Black, I am your next-door neighbour. I live at number 17 and my name is XXX. I am writing this letter in order to apologise to you for the deafening noise to be heard last night from the apartment of mine. I am fully aware of the fact that it might have interfered with your falling asleep, which I am very sorry about. I was vi... »
A short apology letter to friends about not being able to come to a party - List przeprosinami do przyjaciół ze względu na niemożność przyjścia na zabawę
Hi Martin and Ashley, I know this is high time to make up my mind and decide whether I will go with you to the birthday party or meet my brother whom I have not seen for ages. Unfortunately for you I determined that I rather prefer to see him as he is my brother and I have truly missed him. Sorry for changing your plans but I will make a propos... »
Description of a New Year's Eve party - Opis sylwestra
The last day of the year. The thirty-first day of December. For ages it has been a mysterious day and night. Changing the date in calendar – beginning of the new year has always been a significant event. These days it is an opportunity to have some fun with friends and celebrate the coming of a new year with a big party. The party can be h... »
Description of party - Opis imprezy
It was my last year of high school. At the end of it I was supposed to pass a series of exams if I wanted to continue my education at a university. There's a custom that a hundred days before the first exam third year students have a prom. It usually takes place in January. And so it did. We were told that January 26th would be the day. Finally... »
Leaflet to neighbours - Notatka do sąsiadów
Dr Mr and Mrs Smith You may already know that we just moved in two weeks ago. As we are new to the neighbourhood, we would like you to get to know us better. Therefore we are going to throw a party next Saturday. We are going to start the party at 6 p.m. There is going to be plenty of food, including meals for vegetarians. As far as alcohol is... »
Teenagers, young and crazy: description of a picture - Nastolatki, młodzi i szaleni: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young man. He's standing outside, in a funny pose. There are several trees nearby. The boy is wearing a suit and a bow tie. He's standing only on one of his legs, he bent and lifted the other. One of his arms is elevates as well, the other just hang down. He has a funny expression on his face, with... »
A formal invitation to a party - Zaproszenie na przyjęcie (formalne)
Dear Mr. Smith, I would hereby like to invite you to the goodbye party for Mr. John Simpkins our company is organising. The event is due to take place on Saturday, June 20th in the restaurant of the Hilton Hotel in New York, La Fayette Street 17. The formal part should begin at 7 pm. We would appreciate appropriate clothes, which means that fo... »
At a party: description of a picture - Na przyjęciu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two people laughing at each other. They're in their late twenties. The girl has long brown hair with blond and red strands. She's wearing black clothes and subtle make-up. She's laughing, showing her white teeth and looks very happy. The man is wearing a grey shirt over a blast t-shirt. He has black ... »
Marriage and wedding: description of a picture - Małżeństwo i ślub: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two young women an... »
A plan of a birthday party - Plan przyjęcia urodzinowego
1. All starts the day before Daisy's birthday. At 6 p.m. I am coming to my friend's place and we are dressing up and doing our make-up to look as beautiful as we can. I am telling Daisy that we are just going to bowl with some of our friends. She is invited too of course. 2. At 8:00 we are getting in the pre-ordered taxi that will come to her p... »
Dress up party for children: description of a picture - Bal przebierańców dla dzieci: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman pain... »
Description: my best party ever - Opis: moja najlepsza impreza
The best party I have ever been to was the eighteenth birthday of my best friend Linda. The day of her birthday is always a great opportunity to have fun because it is on 31st October – the Halloween day! That day, as it was her eighteenth birthday, me and all our friends decided to do something special for Linda. On 31st October all the ... »
Description of birthday - Opis urodzin
It was late March and my 18th birthday was just a matter of days. I decided to throw a party on this occasion. I invited my friends, booked a club, ordered food, drinks and champagne and asked my brother to be the DJ. Before the party I decided to decorate the club my way. I brought balloons and serpentines to put just below the ceiling. I had s... »
A note to a friend about another friend's birthday - Notatka do przyjaciela o urodzinach wspólnej znajomej
POLECENIE: Jesteś na obozie językowym w Hastings. Osoba, z którą mieszkasz w pokoju, wraca dziś popołudniu po krótkiej nieobecności. Napisz do niej/ niego krótką notatkę:- przypomnij, że dziś są urodziny waszej znajomej,- napisz, jaki upominek kupiłeś/aś jej od was,- napisz, dokąd się wszyscy wybieracie, żeby uczcić okazję,-... »