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Lista wypracowań w kategorii celebration
Plans for the future, after graduation: description of a picture - Plany na przyszłość, po ukończeniu studiów: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a man in his mid-twenties, talking on the phone and holding a baby girl. He's dressed in graduation clothes, it must be his graduation from college or university day. The man is chubby. He has brown hair, a moustache and a beard. He also wears glasses. The girl he's holding has short blond hair tied in... »
Description of Halloween - Opis Halloween
Halloween is one of the best-known American traditions. In recent years it is becoming more and more popular in the countries outside the United States and Great Britain where the holiday comes from. Halloween takes place on the 31st of October, the day before All Saints’ Day, to which it is related. It’s roots can also be traced to... »
A letter to an English friend about Polish Easter celebration - List do przyjaciela z Anglii z opisem świętowania Wielkanocy w Polsce
Dear Mark, I’m really happy to hear that you’ve already moved to your new house. I hope I’ll find some time soon and I’ll go to England to finally see it. Unfortunately, the period you’ve suggested is not appropriate for me. In Poland we celebrate Easter at that time. This is the most important feast for the Roman ... »
A description of Christmas in Poland - Opis Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w Polsce
This is one of the most important holidays for the Roman Catholic Church members. It is highly awaited, especially by children. Probably there are no other holidays involving as many customs as Christmas. Even though we celebrate it on 25th December, the most important celebrations take place the preceding day. It is called 'Christmas Eve'. As ... »
New Year's Eve - description - Sylwester - opis
New Year’s Eve is an annual celebration held worldwide on the 31st of December. It marks the end of the year and the transition to the new one. People all around the world celebrate the occasion and it is a very joyful moment. In most countries on New Year’s Eve people traditionally party with their friends. In Poland people may att... »
Description of Thanksgiving - Opis Święta Dziękczynienia
Thanksgiving is an American holiday known to many non-Americans through films and TV series. It is one of the most important (among with the Fourth of July) American traditions that is closely linked with the history of the nation and has been celebrated for almost four centuries. The tradition of holding a Thanksgiving dinner goes back to 1619... »
My honeymoon - description – Mój miesiąc miodowy - opis
Every newlywed celebrates their happiness with a big ceremony and a party and then they set off for their honeymoon. If I were one, what would I choose to do? Surely I would settle the destination with my husband to pick one we both want to visit. I think it should be a small town by the Mediterranean Sea. It would be peaceful yet sunny and pic... »
Description of Easter - Opis Wielkanocy
Easter is an important holiday for my family. For this special time all family members meet, even if they live in different parts of the country. During Easter holidays we can all get together and spend a lot of time with relatives that we don’t see often. A few days before Easter the preparations start. The most important thing are Easte... »
Your friend suggested you should go away for the Easter together. You have already planned this time with your family. Write a letter - Twój przyjaciel chce wyjechać razem na czas Wielkanocy. Masz już plany rodzinne. Napisz list
Hey Tom! Thank you for your last letter. I'm so glad you're here! And I'm really sorry - I'd love to go somewhere with you but I can't accept going away on Easter. I've already decided I'll stay with my family during that time. You know, it's a traditional holiday here in Poland. On Great Friday some go to the church to take part in the ... »
You're throwing a welcome party for your friend. Write an invitation - Organizujesz przyjęcie powitalne dla kolegi. Napisz zaproszenie
Dear Sally, I would like to invite you to a surprise welcome party for Tom I'm organizing. It's going to be held in 'La Plaza' club by New Street 17 on Friday, June 17th. It's due to start at 8 pm. As Tom is coming back from Japan, I want all the guests to wear Japanese-styled clothes. Thus, kimonos, samurai swords and geishas are most welcome.... »
Description of a foreign tradition - Opis zagranicznej tradycji
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on 31st of October. It derives from Christian holiday of All Saints, but it has become simply an opportunity to have fun. However, it is a fun in a scary atmosphere. First of all, on Halloween one can see lots of people in disguise. They were costumes of scary creatures – like ghosts, vampires, monsters e... »
Surprises, gifts, rewards: description of a picture - Niespodzianki, prezenty, nagrody: opis zdjęcia
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings may accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind if a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman in her mid-thirties and two girls, aged about 12. They're st... »
Description of a New Year's Eve party - Opis sylwestra
The last day of the year. The thirty-first day of December. For ages it has been a mysterious day and night. Changing the date in calendar – beginning of the new year has always been a significant event. These days it is an opportunity to have some fun with friends and celebrate the coming of a new year with a big party. The party can be h... »
Description of party - Opis imprezy
It was my last year of high school. At the end of it I was supposed to pass a series of exams if I wanted to continue my education at a university. There's a custom that a hundred days before the first exam third year students have a prom. It usually takes place in January. And so it did. We were told that January 26th would be the day. Finally... »
Anniversary wishes (letter, greeting card) - Życzenia z okazji rocznicy (list, kartka okolicznościowa)
Dear Sally and John, Thanks for your last email. I'm glad we stay in touch, regardless of the miles between us. I hope you like it there in Florida. I must say I'd love to move there myself. Sun, warmth, golden beaches... It must be like endless holiday! But this is not the main reason I write to you. I wanted to congratulate you on your 20th a... »
Teenagers, young and crazy: description of a picture - Nastolatki, młodzi i szaleni: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young man. He's standing outside, in a funny pose. There are several trees nearby. The boy is wearing a suit and a bow tie. He's standing only on one of his legs, he bent and lifted the other. One of his arms is elevates as well, the other just hang down. He has a funny expression on his face, with... »
Letter to a friend - birthday wishes - List do przyjaciela - życzenia urodzinowe
Dear Marielle, How are you? It’s been a while since the two of us met. Are you still planning to go to Barcelona for your holidays? What are your parents saying to this idea? Have you told them about your plans? I hope they allow you to go, it is such a great idea! I’ve heard the city is wonderful. Plus, you would practice your Span... »
A valentine - Walentynka
Dear Helen! On this special day I want to express my feelings towards you. You're the sunshine of my life, you make myself complete. Your gorgeous green eyes make me want to sink in them. When I look at your lips so red and tender, I'm incapable of resisting kissing you. I have loved you ever since I saw you at the literature classes. I love yo... »
Description: an unforgettable day - Opis: niezapomniany dzień
The day I will never forget is my wedding day. I woke up early, as I was really excited about that day. I dressed, grabbed a light breakfast and headed to the hairdresser. She made a wonderful chignon and decorated it with little white flowers. Next, I rushed to the beautician so that she could put a wonderful delicate make up on my face. I knew... »
At a party: description of a picture - Na przyjęciu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two people laughing at each other. They're in their late twenties. The girl has long brown hair with blond and red strands. She's wearing black clothes and subtle make-up. She's laughing, showing her white teeth and looks very happy. The man is wearing a grey shirt over a blast t-shirt. He has black ... »
Letter to a friend - Christmas wishes - List do przyjaciela - życzenia bożonarodzeniowe
Dear Jane and Paul, Thank you for your letter. I hope your journey to London was comfortable. The week after you have left, Ania and Piotrek visited us and they were very disappointed that they had missed the opportunity to see you. They said next time you are in Poland we must all meet or maybe even organize a small party. They both say hi. K... »
Easter traditions - Tradycje Wielkanoce
For Christians Easter is the most important religious holiday. It celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A lot of Easter customs exist in various countries. In Poland the whole families gather together to celebrate Easter. On Holy Saturday they prepare special Easter baskets. The baskets contain eggs, bread, meat, salt, horserad... »
Famous traditions in England (description) - Znane zwyczaje w Anglii (opis)
As every nation, the English have a lot of traditions that are special for their country. Traditions help people remember about their history and heritage. They are an important part of every person’s culture. Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire Night, is one of the best-known English traditions. It takes place on the 5th of November. On this da... »
Christmas traditions in England - Tradycje Bożonarodzeniowe w Anglii
To start with, Christmas in Great Britain lasts two days – December 25th and 26th. They are called Christmas Day and Boxing Day. This holiday dates back to medieval ages. Nevertheless, the original way of celebrating has been lost throughout the ages and the contemporary way originates from the times of Queen Victoria – second half o... »
Marriage and wedding: description of a picture - Małżeństwo i ślub: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two young women an... »
Napisz zaproszenie na przyjęcie sylwestrowe dla swoich przyjaciół z zagranicy - Invite your friends from abroad to a New Year's Eve party
Dear Sally and Tom, I would like to invite you to a New Year's Eve party I'll be hosting. It's due to start at 8 pm at my place. I have to warn you that it's a dress-up party! Everybody comes dressed up as an animal, so do too please. I'd be happy if you could bring something to eat or drink as well. You know – Anna, John, Janet and Joe w... »
Description of Christmas customs - Opis bożonarodzeniowych obyczajów
For many people around the world Christmas is the most important holiday in the whole year. It is primarily a Christian holiday but currently it is celebrated by many people in the secular form. Christmas traditionally take place in the end of December but Christmas preparations begin much earlier. There are many customs connected with the holid... »
A letter to an English friend - List do przyjaciela z Anglii
Dear Martin, I am really sorry I did not answer your letter for such a long period of time but unfortunately I do not have time to gather my thoughts and to drop you a line about what I have been up to. And the truth is that there is so much happening around me right now that if I was only capable of writing a book I would write an autobiograph... »
Description of birthday - Opis urodzin
It was late March and my 18th birthday was just a matter of days. I decided to throw a party on this occasion. I invited my friends, booked a club, ordered food, drinks and champagne and asked my brother to be the DJ. Before the party I decided to decorate the club my way. I brought balloons and serpentines to put just below the ceiling. I had s... »
A note to a friend about another friend's birthday - Notatka do przyjaciela o urodzinach wspólnej znajomej
POLECENIE: Jesteś na obozie językowym w Hastings. Osoba, z którą mieszkasz w pokoju, wraca dziś popołudniu po krótkiej nieobecności. Napisz do niej/ niego krótką notatkę:- przypomnij, że dziś są urodziny waszej znajomej,- napisz, jaki upominek kupiłeś/aś jej od was,- napisz, dokąd się wszyscy wybieracie, żeby uczcić okazję,-... »