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Lista wypracowań w kategorii future
My future - Moja przyszłość
I want to have a great life, full of thrills, that would be worth recalling after years. I wish I achieved a lot in my life, both professional and personal, since I have great ambitions. First of all, I want to pass my final exams well in order to be admitted to a college at last. I want to study journalism and I would like to become a radio or... »
Choosing a job and its consequences: description of a picture - Wybieranie pracy i tego konsekwencje: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: This picture shows a waiter who is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, a black waistcoat and trousers. We cannot see his face, but he is probably in his mid-twenties. Looking closely at the picture, we can also notice a ring on his finger. It definitely doesn't look like a signet but a wedding ring, so he is probably married. ... »
Traditional school - will traditional school serve its purpose in the future? Essay - Tradycyjna szkoła - czy spełni swoje zadanie w przyszłości? Esej
These days, traditional schools are the most popular ones but there are also online schools and home teaching available. What will this look like in the future? To start with, traditional schools have many advantages. These include meeting new people and learning to work in groups, which is very important in one's future life. Furthermore the l... »
Plans for the future, after graduation: description of a picture - Plany na przyszłość, po ukończeniu studiów: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a man in his mid-twenties, talking on the phone and holding a baby girl. He's dressed in graduation clothes, it must be his graduation from college or university day. The man is chubby. He has brown hair, a moustache and a beard. He also wears glasses. The girl he's holding has short blond hair tied in... »
My home in the future (description) - Mój dom w przyszłości (opis)
Technology is changing all the time. The things that used to be modern and cutting-edge ten years ago, nowadays are looked upon as curiosities from the past. Technology keeps changing and, because of that, the quality of our lives changes simultaneously. The best way to see that is to check how our homes have changed over time. Forty years ago ... »
Girls' passions: description of a picture - Pasje dziewczynek: opis obrazka
Exemplary instruction: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation can be presented here? (What happened/ is happening?) Explain the sense and meaning of the hobby for the girls in the picture. Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a few girls in a white room, taking ballet classes. They're all dressed in colourful trai... »
What will the world be like in 100 years? - Jak będzie wyglądał świat za 100 lat?
It is quite an obvious statement, that in almost a hundred years world will be totally different than it is now. I believe that all the mess that is happening in the world at the moment is a passing stage to the age of peace and harmony, that will continue to last. I think that wars, hypocrisy, greed and all the common, internal anxiety will pas... »
Learning is fun: description of a picture - Uczenie się jest fajne: opis obrazka
In this interesting and at the same time funny picture, we can see a toddler 'reading' a newspaper. It is probably a boy of two or three. He is wearing colorful pajamas with numbers on them. There is TV next to him. In the distance, we can recognize shapes of a framed picture. This photo is great, because it shows the kids' eagerness to learn an... »
Making a choice: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Dokonywanie wyboru: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary instruction: Describe the pictures briefly, compare and contrast them (differences/ similarities) and then decide which is closer to your beliefs and preferences (opinion). Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see a road sign on the background of cloudy, yet blue sky. It's round and there is a white arrow on a deep blue back... »
Important day: description of a picture - Ważny dzień: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a calendar with a day crossed out. There's also a pen. The date has been printed in red, unlike any ot... »
Development and renovation: description of a picture - Rozwój i renowacja: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? What kind of a problem may be brought up here? What can this picture stand for? What kind of a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a young man standing in the middle of a construction area. He is dress... »
Boys' passions: description of a picture - Pasje chłopców: opis zdjęcia
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a football field. There are several boys playing there. There's an attacker and a goalkeeper, the picture show the middle of the action. They're all round 7 years old. They're dressed in colourful training suits. There is a hill right next to the field, covered in grass and some trees. There are severa... »
My plans for the future - Moje plany na przyszłość
Many of my colleagues still don’t know what they want to do when they graduate from high school. Not me. Personally, I have some very specific plans and goals that I want to achieve in the future. First of all, after I graduate, I want to go to college. University education is very important to me. I hope the studies will help me find a g... »
If I were rich... - Gdybym był bogaty...
If I were very rich, I would not have to work at all. So I would spend my time and money on developing my hobbies and passions. I would try a lot of new, expensive and quite often extreme activities like, for example, parachuting, bungee-jumping, diving, mountain cycling, skiing, snowboarding. Buying a good equipment wouldn't be a problem at all... »
Time, passing time: description of a picture - Czas, upływający czas: opis obrazka
This picture shows a hourglass which symbolizes passing time, also the fact that human lives are really frail and always scarred by death. There is nothing else in this photo perhaps in order to draw people's attention and to shock them even more. The most important thing is everyone can read the picture in a different way. It could be seen just... »
Means of transport in the future - Środki komunikacji w przyszłości
Technology is changing very fast. This also applies to the technology that allows us to travel – that is means of transport. Transportation is a vital matter for every person. Whether we drive our own car or use public transport, we all depend on it. How will the transportation look like in 20 years from now? In my opinion transport... »