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Lista wypracowań w kategorii opinion
A report on your town (positive and negative things) - Raport na temat twojego miasta (rzeczy pozytywne i negatywne)
To: Michael Crichton, The MayorFrom: Paul E. DavisSubject: Jacksonville Introduction: This report was prepared in order to indicate positives and weaknesses of Jacksonville. Many aspects were taken into consideration – healthcare, transport, economical issues and tourist facilities. Thousands of residents and tourists were asked fo... »
Traditional school - will traditional school serve its purpose in the future? Essay - Tradycyjna szkoła - czy spełni swoje zadanie w przyszłości? Esej
These days, traditional schools are the most popular ones but there are also online schools and home teaching available. What will this look like in the future? To start with, traditional schools have many advantages. These include meeting new people and learning to work in groups, which is very important in one's future life. Furthermore the l... »
A report for the sports club - Raport dla klubu sportowego
To: Jonathan Woodgate, the President of Alpha Sports Club From: Randall Fox Subject: Bowling Alley improvements Introduction: Alpha Sports Club members have been asked to think about potential improvements in the Bowling Alley. The Alley has not been renovated since 1990 and it is essential to make some changes in order to attract clients. A... »
A review of a Polish film that you would recommend to a foreign friend ('Katyń' Wajda) - Recenzja polskiego filmu z rekomendacją dla przyjaciela z zagranicy („Katyń” Wajda)
Have you wondered if there are films, that one nation considers as masterpieces and others do not even know they exist? For Poles, there are several of those. There is one particular movie, though, that deserves extraordinary attention. It is 'Katyń' by Andrzej Wajda. Firstly, let's take a closer look at the main plot. The story begins when the... »
A report for the museum - Raport dla muzeum
From: XXXTo: John Smith Date: 17th November 2009Subject: Methods of increasing the number of adolescent visitors Introduction: The aim of this report is to present some methods that could be utilized in order to trigger adolescent dwellers of the city aged 12 to 18 to visit the museum more frequently. I conveyed a short survey with potential v... »
Love - the most important value in man's life. True or false? - Miłość - najważniejszą wartością w życiu człowieka. Prawda czy fałsz?
Through centuries people have been obsessed by love. In the name of love people sacrificed their lives. The main subject of countless books, poems, songs and stories is love. Why? Love is one of the feelings which bring meaning into our lives. It is beautiful. Whithout love we would be like robots. But is love the most important one? I believe i... »
Cloning - advantages and disadvantages (essay) - Klonowanie - zalety i wady (rozprawka)
Cloning is a process in which an ideal genetic copy of a given organism can be obtained. The first act of cloning took place in 1996 when the famous Dolly sheep was cloned. Till now many other animals have been cloned by transferring the chromosomes from the donor’s cell to the egg of the foster-mother. As long as cloning utilized in rese... »
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'A problem shared is a problem solved'? (opinion) - Czy zgadzasz się z opinią: „Podzielenie się problemem jest równoznaczne jego rozwiązaniu”? (opinia)
An old proverb says: 'A problem shared is a problem solved'. Most of the time I share problems with my friends or with my family. In my opinion it is a right thing to do. However there are people who do not feel comfortable to talk about their worries with other people. First of all, many of us just feel ashamed to talk about serious problems, ... »
The Internet will never replace a real contact with another person. Do you agree? (opinion) - Internet nigdy nie zastąpi prawdziwego kontaktu z drugą osobą. Czy się z tym zgadzasz? (opinia)
Nowadays contacting through the Internet has become a really popular and easy way to stay in touch with our family and friends. Text messengers, voice or video communicators are available on the web. But can all that replace a face to face conversation? In my opinion – no. To start with, helpful as it may seem, internet contact can also s... »
Advantages and disadvantages of shopping online (essay) - Wady i zalety robienia zakupów w Internecie (rozprawka)
Not everybody likes traditional shopping. Especially men tend to complain, when they are forced to spend long hours with their wives or girlfriends, looking for clothes or jewellery. Nowadays it is not necessary to do the shopping this way, though. Instead of visiting hundreds of shops, one may sit in front of a computer and try to choose someth... »
What is truly important cannot be bought (essay) - Tego, co naprawdę ważne, nie można kupić za pieniądze (esej)
'Everyone has their own price' – nowadays this belief is extremely common among young people. Although in my opinion what’s the most important cannot be bought. First of all, not all of the values in life can be measured by money. How much are yours dreams worth? Love, family, happiness – you can’t buy any of those... »
A letter to an English friend in which you recommend places worth visiting in Poland - List do przyjaciela z Anglii, w którym polecasz mu miejsca warte odwiedzenia w Polsce
Dear Oliver, I am glad to hear that your classmates have decided to visit Poland this holiday. I think that they won’t be disappointed. There are really many beautiful places in my country. A good tour guide may be needed though. As far as I am concerned, I can recommend some destinations as I know a few places that are worth visiting. H... »
Is fashion important? How fashion affects our clothing. Essay - Czy moda jest ważna? Wpływ mody na nasz sposób ubierania się. Esej
Nowadays, fashion plays an important role in our lives. Most clearly it can be seen in celebrities. But does it affect all of us? To start with, today people most interested in newest trends are young women. Their vanity and motivation to look good is used by show business managers and induces creation of such things as fashion TV or numerous p... »
Should supermarkets be closed on Sundays? (essay) - Czy supermarkety (sklepy) powinny być nieczynne w niedzielę? (rozprawka)
The law enacted by the Parliament which regards no trade on Sunday is still stirring emotions. People are divided into two groups – these who are against it and these who are in favour. The act that bans trading on Sundays tells distinctly that 'there are no reasons why the owners or other people working on a civil contract could not work ... »
Friendship or love is the most important in life? (essay) - Przyjaźń czy miłość jest najważniejsza w życiu?
What is friendship? According to me it is a feeling that ties someone with the other persons and that is based on kindness, honesty and trust. You can rely always on your friend. Friendship is selfless, lifelong, real, responsible and sincere. It is a very special feeling as it emerges from our minds. It is like a bridge linking two banks of the... »
Knowledge gained from personal experience vs. knowledge gained at school - which one is more important? Essay
Aristotle once said: 'The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet'. I guess he was right. But what does education actually mean? To learn – is to gain experience or obtain knowledge? It has been said that not all the learning takes place in the classroom. In this case – where else can you be educated? First of al... »
People should sometimes do unpleasant things - do you agree? Opinion - Ludzie powinni czasami robić nieprzyjemne rzeczy - zgadzasz się? Opinia
I strongly agree with statement that people should sometimes do things they do not enjoy doing. I will try to prove it using certain arguments. First of all I would like to highlight the fact that there is a difference between things that you need to do and things you enjoy doing. Sometimes we need to do something that we actually don't feel li... »
Do you think it is important to follow fashion? (essay) - Czy podążanie za modą jest według ciebie istotne? (esej)
Almost everyone wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nowadays more and more people decide to undergo a plastic surgery, liposuction or botox shots. They would do everything in the world in order to feel – quoting Radiohead's lyrics – 'fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable' also - younger or just cooler than their friends f... »
Exchange students are going back home soon. Build a questionnaire for the purpose of gathering information about their stay in Poland - Uczniowie wymiany wkrótce wracają do domu. Napisz ankietę, by zebrać informacje o ich pobycie w Polsce
Dear Students of Queen Elisabeth College, In order to improve the quality of our student exchange program, we’ve prepared a short questionnaire. Remember that your opinion and honesty is very important for us and may help many other students in the future. Your answers might be anonymous Questionnaire for students Class: Sex: Ple... »
Security or freedom and independence? Essay - Bezpieczeństwo czy wolność i niezależność? Esej
What are your values in life? Security, freedom and independence are the things that we qualify as good and needed. Do you protect, support and promote those values? Which one of them is more important to you? First of all I would like to define the words 'security' and 'freedom' (independence) . Security is a kind of protection against danger.... »
A person you know is planning to move to your town. What do you think he would like and dislike about living there? (opinion) - Twój znajomy planuje przeprowadzkę do twojego miasteczka. Jak myślisz, co będzie mu się tutaj podobało, a co nie? (opinia)
Xyz is a small town in the south of Poland. It is full of charm and attractions. It has been 10 years since I moved here from Cracow. However I've got this impression that I've been living here for ages. XZY is safe and quiet. Here, we don’t have traffic or pollution problems even though Xyz is situated just around 20 miles west from Crac... »
In your opinion, is it better to work in an office or at home? (opinion) - Twoim zdaniem, lepiej pracować w biurze czy z domu? (opinia)
Recent researches establish beyond any doubt that people prefer to work at home than in an office. More than fifty percent of the respondents stated it is easier for them to 'telework'. A telework center uses new technologies to allow people to work from a location. It means you can do your job at home or wherever you feel like. All you need is ... »
Interesting places in the world (essay) - Ciekawe miejsca na świecie (esej)
A wonder of the world is something that arouses admiration and fear at the same time. Humans were always fascinated by stunning things and they would outdo one another in covering Earth with the biggest, the highest and the heaviest buildings that could have been built using current technology and skills. I mean both modern hydroelectric dam on ... »
Do you agree or disagree with the statement: 'People pay too much attention to the less important things in life'? (essay) - Czy zgadzasz się ze stwierdzeniem: „Ludzie przywiązują zbyt dużą wagę do kwestii mało istotnych w życiu”? (esej)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'People pay too much attention to the less important things in life and fail to see the larger issues'. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion. Do we pay enough attention to the most important things in our life? Socrates once said: 'Not life, but good life, is to be chief... »
Some people treat their pets as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? - Niektórzy ludzie traktują swoje zwierzęta jak członków rodziny. Twoim zdaniem, czy takie relacje są dobre?
Most of the people who I know have a pet at home. It doesn't matter if it is a cat, a dog, a bird or a hamster – you should take care of your animal if you have decided to take it. Sometimes people have a really close relationship with their pets and they start to treat animals as members of their family. For me it seems funny to see a do... »
A review from an exhibition - Recenzja z wystawy
This is a unique museum. It is completely different from all the ones that have ever been built in Poland. Even the building may be regarded as a part of the museum – while entering it you feel as if you travelled in time and woke up in 1944 in the occupied Warsaw. The museum of the Warsaw Rise is undoubtedly exceptional. All the exhibiti... »
Do you think it's terrible to be a grown up? Would you like to be a child again? (opinion) - Myślisz, że to takie straszne dorosnąć? Czy chciałbyś znów być dzieckiem? (opinia)
'A fool at 40 is a fool forever' - it means there are people who just do not feel like growing up... and I am defenitly one of them. Although I am not 40 (not yet) I already know that my life attitude will always be more like kid's character than adult personality. For me, to be a child means to be creative and open-minded, have no worrie... »
A report for the school about its safety level - Raport dla szkoły o jej poziomie bezpieczeństwa
From: XXXTo: John Smith Date: 17th November 2009Subject: Safety level of the school building Introduction: The aim of this report is to present all the factors being detrimental to the safety level of the school building. An expert was called by me so that it was not just opinion of an amateur that I am, however a survey regarding feeling of s... »
Studying abroad, for example in England - for or against? (essay) - Nauka zagranicą, na przykład w Anglii - za czy przeciw? (esej)
Since Poland joined European Union the borders to a better world are opened. We are capable of choosing the place we want to inhabit, where we want to live or continue our education. Almost everyone thinks sometimes about leaving Poland in order to increase their financial status. Some of the people come back, the others stay abroad forever. Due... »
The influence of human on environment - do we destroy the Earth or make it a better place to live? - Wpływ ludzkości na środowisko - czy niszczymy Ziemię, czy czynimy ją lepszym miejscem do życia?
God said to Adam and Eve: 'Be fruitfuland multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth'. Do human take the proper actions to make the Earth a better place to live? I tried to find it out. First of all, there is no... »