Cloning - advantages and disadvantages (essay) - Klonowanie - zalety i wady (rozprawka)
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Cloning is a process in which an ideal genetic copy of a given organism can be obtained. The first act of cloning took place in 1996 when the famous Dolly sheep was cloned. Till now many other animals have been cloned by transferring the chromosomes from the donor’s cell to the egg of the foster-mother.
As long as cloning utilized in research or used in order to retain endangered species is acceptable, cloning a cat for fun or even cloning of a human being is not. The other threat of cloning is the possibility of it being used by terrorists. It is theoretically possible to invent new kinds of lethal viruses and using them as biological weapon.
The main advantage, that is genetic therapy, is not free of drawbacks as well. By introducing a new gen in a wrong place one is likely to damage a properly working one and it can even lead to a cancer. Moreover, foreign virus vectors can be the reason why the organism would raise its immune defences. That was way Jesse Gelsinger died in 1999 after an experimental genetic therapy.
The next aspect of cloning is the possibility of utilizing it in the field of transplantation. One could raise genetically modified animal organs that would be suitable to be used as grafts. Many people would survive if they could receive the organs from such donors.
The transgenetic techniques could be used to raise animals being infected or suffering from genetic diseases. One could carry out research regarding the treatment of such diseases in order to be able to cure them in the future when they attack human beings.
To sum up the genetic engineering is a very promising and auspicious technology which builds up hope that the live in the future might be easier and better. However in order to apply it in a safe way one has to carry out some legal norms as well as long-lasting research. Pharmaceutical companies and the biotechnological ones which both aspire to riches often forget about this important fact.
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