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Lista wypracowań w kategorii essay
Advantages and disadvantages of being famous (essay) - Wady i zalety bycia sławnym (rozprawka)
Almost everybody would like to be famous. It is commonly thought that extremely popular people do not have to face any problems and lead careless lives. We can watch them on the news, we can see their photos in the newspapers and wish we could be them – rich, talented and admired. Yes, we are jealous because we would like everybody’s... »
Big family - advantages and disadvantages of having many brothers and sisters. Essay - Duża rodzina - zalety i wady posiadania licznego rodzeństwa. Esej
How many brothers or sister do you have? Most of us have one or two. But have you ever thought what it is like to have more siblings? What are the advantages and disadvantages of that? Firstly, a big family means more help in every trouble. For example, an older sister can explain the difficult topic in Maths. Consequently, an older brother can... »
A small university or a big university? What is better? Essay - Mały czy duży uniwersytet? Co jest lepsze? Rozprawka
Attending a big university has advantages and disadvantages. Students try to their best and they want to choose a school with many benefits. Some people prefer to attend a small university. On one hand they have better chances to get a scholarship but on the other – university libraries are smaller and students don't have so many facilitie... »
Advantages and disadvantages of using animals for scientific experimentations (essay) - Wady i zalety robienia testów na zwierzętach (rozprawka)
It may sound peculiar but our attitude towards animals can show whether we act in a humane way or not. There are certain groups of people, who try to stress it whenever they can. Thanks to their efforts, many people have become aware of the fact that such an issue exists. The cruelty to animals, although quite common in many areas, ought not to ... »
„Tiere sind manchmal bessere Freunde als Menschen” - Schildere deine Meinung zu dem Thema in Form eines Essays und begründe deine Meinung - „Zwierzęta to czasem lepsi przyjaciele niż ludzie” - Wypowiedz się w formie rozprawki - uzasadnij swoje poglądy
Oftmals sagt man, dass Tiere manchmal die besseren Freunde als Menschen sind. Ob diese These richtig ist, möchte ich untersuchen. Vielleicht braucht man Freunden nicht? Jetzt möchte ich meine Meinung beschreiben und meine Argumente begründen. Zuerst möchte ich sagen, dass Tiere nie falsch sind. Sie verbringen Zeit mit uns un... »
Growing up in a big city or countryside - what's better for children? Essay - Dorastanie w dużym mieście czy na wsi - co jest lepsze dla dzieci? Rozprawka
Some people live in big cities. Others prefer to build a house in the countryside. What is better for their children? A large city or a cozy village? Don't let appearance deceive you. The answer is not as clear as it seems to be. There are several advantages of living in the countryside. First of all, children grow up in peace and quiet. They c... »
What can you do for your planet? - Co możesz zrobić dla planety?
Word climate is changing every day. Our planet needs your help! What can you do to save the Earth? How can we avoid the consequences such as greenhouse effect or damaged ozone layer? First step is to believe that each and everyone of us may change the world into a better place to live. You just can’t be listless. Nowadays humanity needs t... »
Following news - do we need newspapers, TV and radio at the same time? - Śledzenie wiadomości - czy potrzebujemy jednocześnie gazet, telewizji i radia?
Nowadays we have a really satisfying access to all kinds of information, above all we have many different sources supplying us with the news. Newspapers, radio and television are, apart from the Internet, the most common. But I hold a view we do not necessarily need all of them at the same time, unless we are obsessive with following news. Of c... »
Should government improve roads or public transportation? Essay - Czy rząd powinien ulepszać drogi czy transport publiczny? Esej
We can't deny the fact that Poland needs better roads and highways. Actually, the only highway that we 'have', has not been completed yet. It is embarrassing to pay for driving roads in such a poor condition. However, if you want to visit a city, you may experience something much worse than Polish motorways... As far as I know, building and imp... »
May a workaholic be a good companion? - Czy pracoholik może być dobrym towarzyszem?
Workaholic is a person that is addicted to his job and sacrifices almost everything else to perform their tasks. In order to work, a workaholic neglects his hobbies, family and friends. Can such a person be a good companion anyway? Workaholic probably thinks about his job throughout most of, if not the whole, day. If you are his co-worker, it c... »
Cloning - advantages and disadvantages (essay) - Klonowanie - zalety i wady (rozprawka)
Cloning is a process in which an ideal genetic copy of a given organism can be obtained. The first act of cloning took place in 1996 when the famous Dolly sheep was cloned. Till now many other animals have been cloned by transferring the chromosomes from the donor’s cell to the egg of the foster-mother. As long as cloning utilized in rese... »
Introducing Euro in Poland - for or against ? (opinion) - Wprowadzenie Euro w Polsce - za czy przeciw? (opinia)
To answer the question that was asked we have to consider both beneficial sides of introducing Euro as well as the drawbacks. First of all, unite currency helps the consumer. One may pay with the same currency in 12 countries with no need to exchange one’s money. Furthermore it is easier to compare and contrast the prices in different plac... »
Rainforests - how to protect rainforests? - Lasy tropikalne - jak chronić lasy tropikalne?
Tropical rainforests are cut down terribly fast. It has a disastrous influence on the whole world. It disturbs the natural balance. Every forest regulates the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, especially the ones occupying such a immense area. But they are destroyed rapidly and carelessly and we are experiencing the consequences alread... »
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'A problem shared is a problem solved'? (opinion) - Czy zgadzasz się z opinią: „Podzielenie się problemem jest równoznaczne jego rozwiązaniu”? (opinia)
An old proverb says: 'A problem shared is a problem solved'. Most of the time I share problems with my friends or with my family. In my opinion it is a right thing to do. However there are people who do not feel comfortable to talk about their worries with other people. First of all, many of us just feel ashamed to talk about serious problems, ... »
A child of famous parents - to be a child of a celebrity: advantages and disadvantages - Dziecko sławnych rodziców - być dzieckiem celebryty: zalety i wady
Celebrities. We all know them. Some of them have children. Has anyone ever wondered what it's like to be a child of Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp? Is it comfortable? To start with, these children can have whatever they want. Everyone has dreamed to go to Disneyland; they can have it twice a week. Newest doll that speaks, cries and pees is no pr... »
The Internet will never replace a real contact with another person. Do you agree? (opinion) - Internet nigdy nie zastąpi prawdziwego kontaktu z drugą osobą. Czy się z tym zgadzasz? (opinia)
Nowadays contacting through the Internet has become a really popular and easy way to stay in touch with our family and friends. Text messengers, voice or video communicators are available on the web. But can all that replace a face to face conversation? In my opinion – no. To start with, helpful as it may seem, internet contact can also s... »
Advantages and disadvantages of shopping online (essay) - Wady i zalety robienia zakupów w Internecie (rozprawka)
Not everybody likes traditional shopping. Especially men tend to complain, when they are forced to spend long hours with their wives or girlfriends, looking for clothes or jewellery. Nowadays it is not necessary to do the shopping this way, though. Instead of visiting hundreds of shops, one may sit in front of a computer and try to choose someth... »
„Toleranz ist das wichtigste Problems unserer Zeiten. Was verstehst du unter dem Begriff Toleranz?” - Schildere deine Meinung in Form eines Essays - Wypowiedz się na temat tolerancji w formie rozprawki
Was versteht man unter dem Begriff Toleranz? Was bedeutet das für uns heutzutage? Das überlegt man sich selten. Ich möchte jetzt diese Angelegenheit untersuchen und ich beschreibe, wie es in heutigen Zeiten aussieht. Vor allem möchte ich betonen, dass ich unter dem Begriff Toleranz ein gegenseitiges Verständnis ve... »
Sport or science? Courts or libraries? What should universities invest in? Essay - Sport czy nauka? Korty czy biblioteki? W co powinny inwestować uniwersytety? Esej
Honestly, in my opinion the idea of giving the same amount of money for students’ sports activities as it is given to university libraries came out of the blue. If it was going to happen, I would not attend classes anymore. First of all, I have decided to study politics and I also have friends who have decided to study sports. I fully agr... »
What is truly important cannot be bought (essay) - Tego, co naprawdę ważne, nie można kupić za pieniądze (esej)
'Everyone has their own price' – nowadays this belief is extremely common among young people. Although in my opinion what’s the most important cannot be bought. First of all, not all of the values in life can be measured by money. How much are yours dreams worth? Love, family, happiness – you can’t buy any of those... »
Teenagers and their problems with personality (article) - Nastolatki i ich problemy z osobowością (artykuł)
Adolescence, just like every period in life, has its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand it is a carefree time, when we are able to make decisions on our own but we still remain under our parents' protection and don't have to worry about gaining means to survive. On the other hand it is not such an easy time, because this is when our perso... »
Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet (essay) - Zalety i wady Internetu (rozprawka)
How would our lives look like without the Internet? Such an idea may soon be included in a science-fiction movie plot, this is how unlikely it seems to be. Most of us can barely remember the times when we could deal without this invention. In many regions it’s commonly used and its popularity is still growing worldwide. The majority of wor... »
Terrorism - the greates thread of our times. Essay - Terroryzm - największe zagrożenie naszych czasów. Esej
Terrorism is really a serious issue of the present time, but it is hard to define it in a simple way. To put it the most basic way– terrorism includes all violent actions that aim at intimidation of their object by attacking someone or something of importance to them but not involved in the matter. Terrorist actions are taken in orde... »
AIDS - the plague of our times (essay) - AIDS - zaraza naszych czasów (esej)
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by a specific virus. Because of its influence, the immune system becomes less effective and individuals are more susceptible to infections. The AIDS pandemic is a scientific fact nowadays. In 2007, 33.2 million people lived with it worldwide, and it is estimated that AIDS killed 2.1... »
English - passport to the future (essay) - Angielski - paszport do przyszłości (esej)
I don’t know when exactly I began to learn English. However, there is one thing, which I may be pretty sure of – I didn’t know why I had to learn all of this. At the very beginning, I wasn’t aware of the fact that foreign languages can be useful. Like other kids, I loved to explore new areas and English was certainly one ... »
Home sweet home - Wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej
There is no place like home. A few years ago I used to think otherwise and I did not appreciate it. I needed some time to understand it. When I was younger, home seemed just a boring place to me. I was bored and tired of the monotony of days spent there. Constant getting up, meals, going to school or work, coming back and going to bed; every si... »
How many different kinds of friends are there? (essay) - Czy istnieją różne rodzaje przyjaciół? (esej)
According to an old saying: 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'. It means that in certain circumstances it may turn out if the other person is you friend or not. Usually we tend to call somebody a friend, even though it would be hard to distinguish between them and other acquaintances. And, if asked, we do not know how to explain that we regar... »
Live and let live - the issue of tolerance – Żyj i pozwól żyć innym – problem tolerancji
Tolerance is currently a commonly discussed problem. The communication across the world has been developing and we get to know about many cultures, views, believes which often differ from ours. Not to mention people with a different skin colour, whom we meet in the streets more and more often. How should we behave towards people who differ from ... »
An essay on environment - is building highways a chance or a threat? - Esej o środowisku - czy budowa autostrad jest szansą, czy zagrożeniem?
natural value. Write an essay in which you explain the threats and gains of such a project. An essay on environment – is building highways a chance or a threat? - Esej o środowisku – czy budowa autostrad jest szansą, czy zagrożeniem? Nowadays every country aspires to having a highway network helping to travel through the coun... »
People are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Write an essay - Obecnie ludzie żyją dłużej. Omów przyczyny tego fenomenu. Napisz esej
Nowadays people are living longer than in the past centuries. There are many sources of this phenomenon. Currently life is not just longer but also better and easier thanks to the development of technologies and medicine. We observe an increase in the awareness of healthcare, especially as it comes to HIV/AIDS, tumors and cancer. Basically, huma... »