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Lista wypracowań w kategorii essay - strona 3
Motorbike travels - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Podróże motocyklem - zalety i wady. Rozprawka
There are many ways in which you can reach your holiday destination. Some people choose planes for their speed, some choose trains for their safety and others will travel on bicycles not to be harmful to the environment. There is also a small but growing group of people who fell in love with motorbikes and cannot imagine travelling in any other ... »
Different aspects of keeping animals at home (essay) - Różne aspekty trzymania zwierząt w domu (rozprawka)
Most of the children wish to keep a dog or a cat in their house. Especially if they don’t have any siblings, they beg their parents to adopt a pet. Sometimes, when the family lives in a flat or in a big city, it is not possible to get a German shepherd or another big animal. While adopting any pet - it does not matter if it is a cat, a dog... »
„Andere Länder, andere Sitten” - schreibe einen Essay, in dem du über die Richtigkeit dieser These in Zeiten der Globalisation schreibst - Napisz rozprawkę, w której wypowiedz się na temat prawdziwości powyższej tezy
Man sagt : „Andere Länder, andere Sitten”. Auf der Welt verstärkt sich ständig die Globalisierung, deshalb möchte ich jetzt überlegen, ob solche Feststellung heutzutage noch eine Bedeutung hat. Vielleicht haben die Länder schon keine eigenen Sitten? Es ist wirklich interessant und es lohnt sich, da... »
Studying abroad - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Studiowanie za granicą - zalety i wady. Rozprawka
These days many young Poles tend to go abroad to get a university degree. The country they choose most often is the United Kingdom. Some may argue if that thing is good or bad for them and Polish society. Let's take a closer look at that. To start with, one should always consider the good of the person that has reached a decision to study abroa... »
Success - a result of hard work or luck? Opinion - Sukces - efekt ciężkiej pracy czy szczęścia? Opinia
Donald Trump used to say that everything in life is a matter of luck. However, some people claim that if you succeed in life it is because of hard work and being lucky has nothing to do with success. To begin with I would like to say what 'success' means to me. A great man said once: 'Success is the ability to go from one failure to another wit... »
How to protect environment in our every day life? Essay - Jak chronić środowisko w naszym codziennym życiu? Esej
As we all know, our natural environment is endangered by the development of the civilization and technology and by the people who recklessly use them. Anyway, there are things we can do in our everyday life to protect it. They seem to be small and insignificant, but performed by a large number of people, they would mean a lot. Firstly, we may t... »
Advantages and disadvantages of living in a city (essay) - Zalety i wady mieszkania w mieście (rozprawka)
There are both drawbacks and benefits of dwelling a city, however I am pretty sure that the number of advantages exceeds the amount of disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the noise, however one gets used to it after some time as people become immune to it, so that it is not a problem any more. The second downside are the clouds of smog over... »
Will the technological progress make our lives simpler and more interesting or rather bring chaos? (essay) - Czy postęp technologiczny może ułatwić życie i sprawić, że będzie bardziej interesujące czy raczej wprowadzić chaos? (rozprawka)
The ongoing rapid technological progress. How does it affect our lives? Is it good or bad for us? Of course there are both advantages and disadvantages of it. Let's take a closer look on them. Firstly, a thing to acknowledge is that the progress is unavoidable and very quick. Let's focus on its benefits to begin with. It has brought televis... »
Theory of evolution or religion? (essay) - Teoria ewolucji czy religia? (rozprawka)
Some groups of people are interested in the origins of a human, especially creationists seem not to realize that there exist other possibilities of interaction between science and religion except for creationism and materialistic theory of evolution. Neither creationism, nor theory of evolution are in conformity with the doctrine of Christianit... »
Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV - Zalety i wady oglądania telewizji
TV is defined as a mass medium. Thus, this is a means of public communication reaching a very large audience. Once luxurious, TV set is now present in the vast majority of Polish houses. Even though particular programmes are not as popular as they used to be just ten years ago, still a great number of people spend lots of hours watching them. A... »
Schreib einen Essay zum Thema: „Freundschaft - ist nach Voltaire - die Hochzeit der Seele”. Welche Rolle spielt Freundschaft in unserem Leben? - Napisz rozprawkę na powyższy temat
Freundschaft spielt in unserem Leben eine wesentliche Rolle. Jeder hat Freunde und manchmal ist man sich nicht bewusst, welchen Schatz man besitzt. Ist die Freundschaft in unserem Leben so wichtig? Oder hat sich Voltaire schwer getäuscht, wenn er gesagt hat: „Freundschaft- die Hochzeit der Seele“. Jetzt möchte ich meine Mei... »
An essay on environment protection - Esej o ochronie środowiska
Although from time to time scientists announce that they have found a planet, which is similar to Earth, it is not very likely that we could leave our planet in the near future. There is not any better place to live in our solar system. All of the hypothetical destinations are very far away and moving there is not possible yet. 'Why do we even n... »
Do you think technology and media have made cultures around the world more similar? How? (opinion) - Czy uważasz, że nowoczesne technologie i media sprawił, że kultury całego świata zaczynają się do siebie upodabniać? Jeśli tak, to w jaki sposób?
By the 20th century, humans achieved a lot in a matter of technology and communication. Modern media have changed our lives. The world is getting smaller and flatter. Thanks to Internet we can share information with everyone on the globe. Moreover, nowadays we have a better chance to meet (even online) people from another countries or cultures. ... »
Should we learn foreign languages? (essay) - Czy powinniśmy uczyć się języków obcych? (esej)
That we should learn foreign languages is out of question nowadays. The amount of benefits resulting from the fact we can communicate in any foreign language is infinite. Progressing globalization, opened borders and labour markets, growing popularity of Internet and spending holidays abroad make us know at least one foreign language. The value... »
Does it pay to be superstitious? - Czy warto być przesądnym?
I guess that superstitions are as old as the humanity. There are many people who laugh at them and consider believing in them as a stupidity, but there are also many people who deeply believe in them, and these are not only elderly ladies. Is it good to be superstitious? Superstitions can actually seem stupid and unreasonable. It seems ridiculo... »
Some people prefer to eat at food stands or in restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. What's your opinion? - Niektórzy ludzie wolą jadać na mieście. Inni preferują przygotowywać posiłki w domu. Jaka jest twoja opinia?
When I was a child I used to eat at home every day. I still believe that homemade food is the tastiest and the healthiest one. However, I often decide to go out and eat in the restaurants at the moment. Why? First and foremost, sometimes I am just too lazy to cook for myself. It takes too long and I've always claimed that cooking is not my cup ... »
Kann das Aussehen eine große Rolle in unserem Leben spielen? Stelle deine Meinung in Form eines Essays - Czy wygląd może odgrywać duża rolę w naszym życiu? Wyraź swoje zdanie w formie rozprawki
Zurzeit machen die Leute verschiedene Sachen, um besser auszusehen. Sie kaufen die beste Kleidung, gehen zum Friseur. Sie suchen lange nach ihrem eigenen Still. Daraus ergibt sich eine Frage, ob das Aussehen eine große Rolle in unserem Leben spielt. Ich möchte jetzt zeigen, wann und wobei das Aussehen wirklich behilflich ist. Vielleic... »
Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones (essay) - Wady i zalety używania telefonów komórkowych (rozprawka)
Ten years ago only a tiny percentage of people used mobile phones. They were expensive and not very comfortable but since then the situation has changed. Mobile phones are now much cheaper and even those who do not earn much can afford to have one. They became much smaller too. To make a long story short – it is hard to imagine the world w... »
Living in a flat or in a house? Essay - Mieszkanie w bloku czy w domu? Rozprawka
Of course both options have their advantages and disadvantages. First of all, flat is much cheaper in maintenance because you don't have to use so much energy and electricity. It is also easier to keep the flat clean, because tiding it up takes less time. Flat is even better, when you live alone. It could be difficult to look after a house havin... »
Abortion - for or against? (essay) - Aborcja - za czy przeciw? (rozprawka)
Abortion is being defined as 'the deliberate ending of a pregnancy at an early stage'. Should it be prohibited or should women be allowed to decide if they want to have such an operation? In many countries, including Poland, this issue is under discussion most of the time. Both sides of this dispute try to convince their opponents, with no visib... »
When people live far away from each other their friendship dies (essay) - Kiedy ludzie mieszkają daleko od siebie, ich przyjaźń się kończy (esej)
What is essential in friendship? What causes that we make friends with certain people and why do some friendships die? It is commonly thought that we search for persons who are similar to us. We spend our free time with those who share the same beliefs and take interest in the same things as we do. It takes time, though, till we can call somebod... »
Living in a multicultural society - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Życie w społeczeństwie wielokulturowym - zalety i wady. Rozprawka
Nowadays the number of multicultural countries over the world keeps growing. What it is like to live there? Does it have more good or bad sides? First of all, living in a society that consists of numerous cultures mixture may be an appealing experience. It can teach the inhabitants much tolerance for other ethnicities and customs. Also one may ... »
Disadvantages and advantages of a car - Wady i zalety samochodu
Many people love to travel and visit foreign places. Travelling broadens the mind, as they say. Nowadays people can choose more and more means of transport that will get them to their holiday destination. Each of them has its pros and cons. One of the most popular means of transport is the car. Currently almost everyone who has a driving licens... »
Safety in my town - ways of protecting oneself (essay) - Bezpieczeństwo w moim mieście - sposoby zabezpieczania się przed przemocą (esej)
Nowadays, violence on the streets is a problem of a increasing rate. Many people simply do not go out in the evening as they are afraid of being robbed. It is a problem that involves more and more youth every year. What can be done to protect oneself against omnipresent aggression? First of all, the origin of such behaviour should be found. Fil... »
Which type of music do you listen to and why do you think some music forms are more popular than others? (essay) - Jakiej muzyki słuchasz i dlaczego twoim zdaniem niektóre jej odmiany są popularniejsze od innych? (esej)
Music's been known since prehistoric times. It is a part of our lives. Some of us can't even imagine spending a single day without listening to the radio. For me music is simply fun and a perfect way to express my emotions too. I guess that pop is the most popular music genre nowadays. The melody and the beat are very simple and people like it.... »
Organic or genetically modified food? Advantages and disadvantages of both - Organiczna czy genetycznie modyfikowana żywność? Zalety i wady obydwu
Genetically modified food has been causing controversies since it was introduced' In this essay I am going to think about its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, genetically modified plants are immune to weeds and pests. They don't have to be treated with pesticides or herbicides which are toxic to people. Plants can also be genetically... »
Why do people learn foreign languages? (essay) - Dlaczego ludzie uczą się języków obcych? (esej)
People learn foreign languages for many different reasons. Some of reasons are practical, others seem more sentimental or aspirational. Obviously, learning languages takes time. There is a Czech proverb which says: 'You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once'. What are the most common... »
Advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train. Essay - Zalety i wady podróżowania pociągiem. Rozprawka
Trains revolutionized the way people travel. Thanks to the invention of the steam engine, people started to travel longer distances. This caused the emergence of seaside resorts and other places fit for a holiday. However, nowadays we have many more options concerning the way we travel: buses, cars, planes, bikes… Possibilities are numero... »