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Lista wypracowań w kategorii lifestyle
A letter about your healthy way of life - List o twoim sposobie na zdrowe życie
Dear Martin, I can not stand your complaining about your physical condition and health problems so the topic I will tackle in this letter concerns my healthy lifestyle and the way I live in order to keep fit. I do hope you will make use of the hints I want to give you. First of all you have to free yourself from all the addictions. Become a te... »
Choosing a job and its consequences: description of a picture - Wybieranie pracy i tego konsekwencje: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: This picture shows a waiter who is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, a black waistcoat and trousers. We cannot see his face, but he is probably in his mid-twenties. Looking closely at the picture, we can also notice a ring on his finger. It definitely doesn't look like a signet but a wedding ring, so he is probably married. ... »
Global problems and issues: obesity. Description of a picture - Światowe problemy i kwestie: otyłość. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a burger lying on a reddish plate. It's surrounded by a blue measuring tape. It looks really tasty but the tape suggests that it has thousands of calories. It makes one fat extra quickly. The picture may represent the eating preferences of majority of young people nowadays. Youngsters are lazy, fast ... »
Job and profession: a painter. Description of a picture - Praca i zawód: malarz. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a painter. He's sitting outside, near a treadmill. He's surrounded by his artwork and the equipment he needs to create a picture. He has long brown hair, a moustache and a beard. He's wearing a light-coloured shirt and jeans. On his head, there is a creamy hat. He's working at the moment. He can be a... »
Growing up in a big city or countryside - what's better for children? Essay - Dorastanie w dużym mieście czy na wsi - co jest lepsze dla dzieci? Rozprawka
Some people live in big cities. Others prefer to build a house in the countryside. What is better for their children? A large city or a cozy village? Don't let appearance deceive you. The answer is not as clear as it seems to be. There are several advantages of living in the countryside. First of all, children grow up in peace and quiet. They c... »
What can you do for the environment? (essay) - Co możesz zrobić dla środowiska? (esej)
Nature nowadays is in serious trouble. If we do not change our attitude to protecting it we may soon not be able to benefit from its fruits. It is essential then that every single person feels responsible for the environment. It is not enough to count on world’s leaders, who are often not determined to stop our civilization from destroying... »
Weight and eating disorders: description of a picture - Waga i zaburzenia odżywiania: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? What kind of a problem may be brought up here? What can this picture stand for? What kind if a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see the abdomen of a young woman. She's checking her girth with white mea... »
Women's rights, human rights: description of a picture - Prawa kobiet, prawa człowieka: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In this picture we can see a woman’s face. This woman has bright brown eyes. Her mouth and nose are hidden behind a brown scarf. She has some kind of jewels attached to her forehead. This picture concentrates on the woman’s face – there is nothing else in it. It is a portrait. I think men and women sho... »
What is truly important cannot be bought (essay) - Tego, co naprawdę ważne, nie można kupić za pieniądze (esej)
'Everyone has their own price' – nowadays this belief is extremely common among young people. Although in my opinion what’s the most important cannot be bought. First of all, not all of the values in life can be measured by money. How much are yours dreams worth? Love, family, happiness – you can’t buy any of those... »
My favourite restaurant - Moja ulubiona restauracja
I'd like to recommend my favourite restaurant. It is called 'Around the world'. Obviously you can taste different cuisines – from all around the world, as the name indicates – there. And so, you can get a Spanish, Mexican, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Indian, Chinese, Arabian, Russian, Portugal, Croatian or Polish dish for a quite rea... »
Is fashion important? How fashion affects our clothing. Essay - Czy moda jest ważna? Wpływ mody na nasz sposób ubierania się. Esej
Nowadays, fashion plays an important role in our lives. Most clearly it can be seen in celebrities. But does it affect all of us? To start with, today people most interested in newest trends are young women. Their vanity and motivation to look good is used by show business managers and induces creation of such things as fashion TV or numerous p... »
Sunset years and being retired: description of a picture - Jesień życia i bycie na emeryturze: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see three elderly people, two ladies and a man. They all are dressed in brownish coats and every one of them has a cane. The lady in the middle seems to have her right arm broken or hurt in some way, as she has it supported in a sling. The man and the woman in the middle are wearing glasses. Both women hav... »
Making a choice: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Dokonywanie wyboru: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary instruction: Describe the pictures briefly, compare and contrast them (differences/ similarities) and then decide which is closer to your beliefs and preferences (opinion). Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see a road sign on the background of cloudy, yet blue sky. It's round and there is a white arrow on a deep blue back... »
Do you think it is important to follow fashion? (essay) - Czy podążanie za modą jest według ciebie istotne? (esej)
Almost everyone wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nowadays more and more people decide to undergo a plastic surgery, liposuction or botox shots. They would do everything in the world in order to feel – quoting Radiohead's lyrics – 'fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable' also - younger or just cooler than their friends f... »
Influence of new technologies on people - is life easier today than in the past? Essay - Wpływ nowych technologii na ludzi - czy życie jest dziś łatwieje niż w przeszłości? Esej
Does the technological development make our life easier? On one hand it seems that the new technology has made our life better in many dimensions. Communication across the world is now incredibly fast and it is almost unlimited. It is extremely difficult for me to imagine life hundred years ago, without cars, television, women’s rights. If... »
Healthy lifestyle - description - Zdrowy tryb życia - opis
A healthy lifestyle is very important to me. I want to avoid serious diseases in the future. I also wish I could keep fit as long as possible. First of all, I try to keep a healthy diet that would provide all the elements I need: proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, microelements. Of course I have to compose my meals properly in order to pro... »
Do you agree or disagree with the statement: 'People pay too much attention to the less important things in life'? (essay) - Czy zgadzasz się ze stwierdzeniem: „Ludzie przywiązują zbyt dużą wagę do kwestii mało istotnych w życiu”? (esej)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'People pay too much attention to the less important things in life and fail to see the larger issues'. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion. Do we pay enough attention to the most important things in our life? Socrates once said: 'Not life, but good life, is to be chief... »
Do you think it's terrible to be a grown up? Would you like to be a child again? (opinion) - Myślisz, że to takie straszne dorosnąć? Czy chciałbyś znów być dzieckiem? (opinia)
'A fool at 40 is a fool forever' - it means there are people who just do not feel like growing up... and I am defenitly one of them. Although I am not 40 (not yet) I already know that my life attitude will always be more like kid's character than adult personality. For me, to be a child means to be creative and open-minded, have no worrie... »
Food and tastes: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Jedzenie i gusty: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see some muffins in white paper baking tins. They are golden with clove and coconut on top. They look very tasty. They must have been just baked. They must be waiting to be eaten for dessert by some children. In the second picture I can see some kind of meat. It's stake, I believe. It has some spice... »
Different lifestyles: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Różne style życia: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture, I can see a tiny house made of L20 notes. It has walls and a roof. It may be representing omnipresent race for money. To many people this is the only value in life. Pursuit of money has become the meaning of their existence. They don’t care about friends, family or education, which is deeply saddeni... »
What is stress? - How to deal with stress? - Czym jest stres? - Jak radzić sobie ze stresem
I am rather a nervous person, so there are many situations which stress me out. The most common are the ones when I am under time pressure. I have to react and make decisions fast then. I don't have much time to think these decisions over and I risk much more comparing to making the same choice if I had more time. Classic examples of these situa... »
How do you contribute to the protection of environment? - Jak przyczyniasz się do ochrony środowiska?
I find protection of the environment very important, so I try to put some effort into it. First of all, I do not litter. I do not drop litter on the ground, in the streets, into the rivers or in the forests. I always throw it out into the wastebaskets. Secondly, I try to segregate the litter. I put plain glass, colourful glass, paper and metal ... »
'A job should mean a job for life'. Do you agree or disagree? (opinion) - Praca powinna być pracą na całe życie. Zgadzasz się czy też nie? (opinia)
Some people ask: 'Does the job for life still exist?'. I think it does. However more and more employees consider a career change. Recent researches prove that in the United States 1 out of 5 people changes job every year, although in some countries the amount is much higher. So does a job should mean a job for life? In my opinion, everything is ... »
Do you think technology and media have made cultures around the world more similar? How? (opinion) - Czy uważasz, że nowoczesne technologie i media sprawił, że kultury całego świata zaczynają się do siebie upodabniać? Jeśli tak, to w jaki sposób?
By the 20th century, humans achieved a lot in a matter of technology and communication. Modern media have changed our lives. The world is getting smaller and flatter. Thanks to Internet we can share information with everyone on the globe. Moreover, nowadays we have a better chance to meet (even online) people from another countries or cultures. ... »
Job and profession: a musician. Description of a picture - Praca i zawód: muzyk. Opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a job can be presented here? How can this person feel? Why did he choose this job? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a man playing guitar. The instrument is a big and black acoustic guitar. The player has a chequered shirt and jeans on. He's in the middle of a so... »
Does it pay to be superstitious? - Czy warto być przesądnym?
I guess that superstitions are as old as the humanity. There are many people who laugh at them and consider believing in them as a stupidity, but there are also many people who deeply believe in them, and these are not only elderly ladies. Is it good to be superstitious? Superstitions can actually seem stupid and unreasonable. It seems ridiculo... »
Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones (essay) - Wady i zalety używania telefonów komórkowych (rozprawka)
Ten years ago only a tiny percentage of people used mobile phones. They were expensive and not very comfortable but since then the situation has changed. Mobile phones are now much cheaper and even those who do not earn much can afford to have one. They became much smaller too. To make a long story short – it is hard to imagine the world w... »
Living in a flat or in a house? Essay - Mieszkanie w bloku czy w domu? Rozprawka
Of course both options have their advantages and disadvantages. First of all, flat is much cheaper in maintenance because you don't have to use so much energy and electricity. It is also easier to keep the flat clean, because tiding it up takes less time. Flat is even better, when you live alone. It could be difficult to look after a house havin... »
Safety in my town - ways of protecting oneself (essay) - Bezpieczeństwo w moim mieście - sposoby zabezpieczania się przed przemocą (esej)
Nowadays, violence on the streets is a problem of a increasing rate. Many people simply do not go out in the evening as they are afraid of being robbed. It is a problem that involves more and more youth every year. What can be done to protect oneself against omnipresent aggression? First of all, the origin of such behaviour should be found. Fil... »
Job and profession: a cook. Description of a picture - Praca i zawód: kucharz. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman in a blue apron. She's holding a ladle in her left hand. Her apron has a kitchen-related pattern on. He also has a fancy cook's cap on her head. She must be a cook. She looks happy and excited about what she's going to do. I assume she likes her job. She might have had numerous reasons for ch... »