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Lista wypracowań w kategorii money
Innocent pleasures: description of a picture - Niewinne przyjemności: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman holding many bags. She must have just been shopping. She's tall, slim and pretty. Her long hair is brown. She's wearing a green top, a jeans mini skirt and red boots. She has one leg bent. She looks very happy and satisfied with her purchases. As every young woman, she might have just f... »
Sport - doping in sport. Has sport become a drug-related business, concentrated on money? True or false? - Sport - doping w sporcie. Sport jako biznes związany z narkotykami i pieniędzmi? Prawda czy fałsz?
These days, big sports events have become so expensive and profit-oriented that they cannot do without sponsors. If, then how has it affected sport's original Olympic spirit? To start with, sport has turned really costly over the years. Those taking it up professionally are in need of a sponsorship to finance their equipment and training. Moreo... »
Introducing Euro in Poland - for or against ? (opinion) - Wprowadzenie Euro w Polsce - za czy przeciw? (opinia)
To answer the question that was asked we have to consider both beneficial sides of introducing Euro as well as the drawbacks. First of all, unite currency helps the consumer. One may pay with the same currency in 12 countries with no need to exchange one’s money. Furthermore it is easier to compare and contrast the prices in different plac... »
A letter of complaint about a faulty product you bought - List z reklamacją zakupionego produktu, który okazał się wadliwy
Dear Sir/ Madam I am writing to you to complain about the printer that I bought in your shop two weeks ago. Even though I was assured by a shop assistant that the model I chose was one of the most reliable ones, it did not work properly from the very beginning. From the very start, I experienced some difficulties. Unfortunately, the manual was... »
A child of famous parents - to be a child of a celebrity: advantages and disadvantages - Dziecko sławnych rodziców - być dzieckiem celebryty: zalety i wady
Celebrities. We all know them. Some of them have children. Has anyone ever wondered what it's like to be a child of Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp? Is it comfortable? To start with, these children can have whatever they want. Everyone has dreamed to go to Disneyland; they can have it twice a week. Newest doll that speaks, cries and pees is no pr... »
Global problems and issues: poor and homeless. Description of a picture - Światowe problemy i kwestie: biedni i bezdomni. Opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? What kind of a problem may be brought up here? What can this picture stand for? What kind if a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see an elderly man kneeling on some kind of a bag with clothes. Before hi... »
What is truly important cannot be bought (essay) - Tego, co naprawdę ważne, nie można kupić za pieniądze (esej)
'Everyone has their own price' – nowadays this belief is extremely common among young people. Although in my opinion what’s the most important cannot be bought. First of all, not all of the values in life can be measured by money. How much are yours dreams worth? Love, family, happiness – you can’t buy any of those... »
Unemployed and broke: description of a picture - Bezrobotny i spłukany: opis obrazka
This picture depicts a man wearing a white and blue shirt and black trousers. We cannot see his face, because the most important part of said picture is an empty black wallet. There is no money, credit cards or documents. Gesture made by the man probably means that he is unemployed and completely broke. Maybe he is searching for a job but is not... »
An advertisement about selling a flat - Ogłoszenie o sprzedaży mieszkania
Flat to sale! I'm selling a flat by Low Street in Brighton. The apartment is located on the first floor. It has a surface of 75sq meters. There are three rooms, a kitchen and a big bathroom in the flat. The block of flats where the apartment is, is a part of a modern guarded housing. There is a vast park just across a calm street. The block ha... »
Do you agree or disagree with the statement: 'People pay too much attention to the less important things in life'? (essay) - Czy zgadzasz się ze stwierdzeniem: „Ludzie przywiązują zbyt dużą wagę do kwestii mało istotnych w życiu”? (esej)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'People pay too much attention to the less important things in life and fail to see the larger issues'. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion. Do we pay enough attention to the most important things in our life? Socrates once said: 'Not life, but good life, is to be chief... »
You bought a computer in a second-hand shop. After half a year it turns out that it has broken. Write a letter to the shop owner - Kupiłeś w komisie zestaw komputerowy. Po pół roku okazało się, że się zepsuł. Napisz list do właściciela komisu
Dear Mr. Jones, I am writing to you in order to complain about the computer set I bought in your shop six months ago. Firstly, I would like to inform you that in July I bought a used computer set in your shop. Unfortunately six months after that it seems that the hard drive has stopped working. What I find particularly irritating is the fact t... »
Commercialised holidays? Are Christmas and Easter commercialised? Essay - Skomercjalizowane święta? Czy Boże Narodzenie i Wielkanoc są skomercjalizowane? Esej
Christmas and Easter. What are they? Once they used to be a time for a religious celebration with one's family. Now? A time to buy decorations and gifts? In my opinion – yes. To start with, even though it is a time that we're spending with family, there are many factors proving that business has taken over these holidays. Shopping in Nove... »
Different lifestyles: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Różne style życia: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture, I can see a tiny house made of L20 notes. It has walls and a roof. It may be representing omnipresent race for money. To many people this is the only value in life. Pursuit of money has become the meaning of their existence. They don’t care about friends, family or education, which is deeply saddeni... »
A great fortune is a great slavery (essay) - Duży majątek oznacza duże zniewolenie (rozprawka)
Do you know any person who claims that would not like to be rich? Even if there are such people, I suppose that there is one thing you can agree about – these are exceptions. Most of those who surround me aim to earn as much money as it is only possible and state that fortune is as desirable as good health and almost equals happiness. Whil... »
Dialog in a shop (buying clothes) – Dialog w sklepie (kupowanie ubrań)
- Good morning.- Good morning. How can I help you?- I'm looking for a dress. I'd like to wear it on my brother's wedding day. - I see. Do you have any particular wishes or should I just show you every dress?- I'd like it to be purple and long. - Yes, that is helpful. Follow me, please. What size are you?- I'm a 10.- Good. We have some dresses to... »
Does money make friends or enemies? Justify your opinion - Czy pieniądze przysparzają przyjaciół czy wrogów? Uzasadnij swoją opinię
If one day I won the lottery, I would never tell it anyone I know. Money does 'make' many things but money definitely does not make friends. What's more – it can definitely make some enemies. In my opinion, if you are wealthy it is much harder to find not just a real friend but also wife or husband. People instead of admiring your intelli... »
If I were rich... - Gdybym był bogaty...
If I were very rich, I would not have to work at all. So I would spend my time and money on developing my hobbies and passions. I would try a lot of new, expensive and quite often extreme activities like, for example, parachuting, bungee-jumping, diving, mountain cycling, skiing, snowboarding. Buying a good equipment wouldn't be a problem at all... »
While shopping in a mall you bought a new phone. Next day it stopped working. Write a letter to the producer - Będąc na zakupach w centrum handlowym kupiłeś nowy telefon. Następnego dnia przestał działać. Napisz list do producenta
Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing to you in order to complain about the phone manufactured by your company that I have just recently purchased. To start with, I bought a Nokia 2700 Classic in the Nokia Sales Point in the Manchester City Mall on Friday, May 17th. Unfortunately, the phone broke down on the next day. The piece that stopped working is... »