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Lista wypracowań w kategorii my life
A letter about your healthy way of life - List o twoim sposobie na zdrowe życie
Dear Martin, I can not stand your complaining about your physical condition and health problems so the topic I will tackle in this letter concerns my healthy lifestyle and the way I live in order to keep fit. I do hope you will make use of the hints I want to give you. First of all you have to free yourself from all the addictions. Become a te... »
My future - Moja przyszłość
I want to have a great life, full of thrills, that would be worth recalling after years. I wish I achieved a lot in my life, both professional and personal, since I have great ambitions. First of all, I want to pass my final exams well in order to be admitted to a college at last. I want to study journalism and I would like to become a radio or... »
A report on your town (positive and negative things) - Raport na temat twojego miasta (rzeczy pozytywne i negatywne)
To: Michael Crichton, The MayorFrom: Paul E. DavisSubject: Jacksonville Introduction: This report was prepared in order to indicate positives and weaknesses of Jacksonville. Many aspects were taken into consideration – healthcare, transport, economical issues and tourist facilities. Thousands of residents and tourists were asked fo... »
Description of my week - Opis mojego tygodnia
I think my day is not unusual for most high school students. On weekdays I have to get up early because my lessons start at eight o’clock. I go to school by bus and on my way there I like to listen to music on my MP3 player. I usually have six or seven lessons a day. After school I go straight back home and eat dinner. If my parents get ho... »
Description of my dad - Opis mojego taty
My father’s name is Karol. He is a quiet and sensible person. As the head of our family, he does everything to meet the needs of our family. He treats my mother with respect and love. He takes my opinion into account, which is very important to me. My dad is a tall, corpulent man in his mid-fifties. He has a wrinkled face and pale c... »
Description of a favourite place - Opis ulubionego miejsca
Most of us have visited a number of places in their lives. Most likely, they have chosen one they liked most. So have I. My favourite place in the world is the beach by Lake Ouluvesi in Ahtari, Finland. First of all, Finland is a country located in North East part of Europe, west to Russia. And Ahtari is a small town in the middle West of the c... »
My favourite pet - Mój ulubiony zwierzak
Many people keep pets in their houses. Some of them love turtles, rats or lizards. Others prefer more sociable ones, like cats or dogs. Beyond any doubt, I am among those who like being given some affection by their pet. I know that because I have owned a turtle for many years and there has not been any bond between us. I could not play with her... »
My dream boyfriend (characteristics) - Mój wymarzony chłopak (charakterystyka)
My dream boyfriend is a person who loves me and respects me. He should be caring and protective, so that I would feel that he cares much about me. For me, the sense of security is very important in a relationship. He should also be patient and forgiving, so that he would forget about my faults and mistakes. I think he should be intelligent too, ... »
What can you do for the environment? (essay) - Co możesz zrobić dla środowiska? (esej)
Nature nowadays is in serious trouble. If we do not change our attitude to protecting it we may soon not be able to benefit from its fruits. It is essential then that every single person feels responsible for the environment. It is not enough to count on world’s leaders, who are often not determined to stop our civilization from destroying... »
If you could spend a day with anyone you want, who would you spend it with and why? - Jeśli mógłbyś spędzić dzień z kimkolwiek chcesz, kto by to był i dlaczego?
Walt Disney was one of the greatest producers in the history. 'The little mermaid' was the first movie I have ever seen. I was growing up watching – just like million other kids in the world - Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. I dreamed about visiting Disneyland. If I could spend a day with anyone I want, I would beyond any doubt choose ... »
Description of my weekend and weekend activities - Opis mojego weekendu i zajęć weekendowych
My weekends are much alike one another. Let me tell you about one of those. To me the weekend starts on a Friday afternoon. Then I come back home from school, have some dinner and rest for a bit. In the evening I usually go out with my girlfriend. We go to a cinema, pizzeria or for a walk. When I come back I take a shower and watch my favourite ... »
My honeymoon - description – Mój miesiąc miodowy - opis
Every newlywed celebrates their happiness with a big ceremony and a party and then they set off for their honeymoon. If I were one, what would I choose to do? Surely I would settle the destination with my husband to pick one we both want to visit. I think it should be a small town by the Mediterranean Sea. It would be peaceful yet sunny and pic... »
My favourite television programme - Mój ulubiony program telewizyjny
My favourite television programme is called 'Talks in progress'. It is a talk show hosted by a journalist Ewa Drzyzga. To her programme, the host invites common people who have lots of different problems, which are quite often controversial, and she talks to them about these issues. Each episode of the programme touches upon a particular subjec... »
CV - Życiorys
Curriculum Vitae Joanna SmithAddress: 10 Downing Street, LondonAddress to send post to: as aboveDate of birth: 17.10.1985Marital status: SingleTelephone number: +88 127 399 383Email: [email protected] Educational Background:2001 – 2004 – Nelson's High School in London2004 – 2009 – Medical University of London,... »
A diary fragment - Fragment z pamiętnika
Dear Diary, It's been a wonderful day today. I didn’t expect it all to go that way. At school we were given the results of the test in Maths. I knew I would pass but I was totally surprised when I learnt I got the highest score in class! 100% correct answers! It's so great! I'm so proud of myself. Later on during English classes I learnt... »
My favourite film - Mój ulubiony film
My favourite film of all times is 'Forrest Gump', a Robert Zemeckis movie based on a Winston Groom novel of the same name. Released in 1994 the film was well received by the critics and the audience alike. It became a commercial success for weeks being on the top of the American box office. It also garnered numerous awards and nominations includ... »
My favourite kind of music (description) - Mój ulubiony rodzaj muzyki (opis)
'Kiedy byłem małym chłopcem' what means 'When I was a young boy' are the lyrics of a well known Polish song. The song due to which I felt in love with music that is my passion now. I tried to listen to many kinds of music as well classical as techno or dance. However, it was the classical music that sent shivers up and down my spine. It was wha... »
A description of your city - Opis twojego miasta
I live in a big city, at least as the size of other Polish cities is concerned. Lodz is an industrial city in the centre of Poland. It is a place of contrasts. On one hand it can be regarded as a filthy, smelly village with no real monuments but on the other hand if you know it well enough you will come to a conclusion that its specific climate,... »
My free time (description) - Mój czas wolny (opis)
Unfortunately I do not have as much free time as I wished to have, however it makes me make the most of every opportunity and encourages me not to spend my free time in front of TV or computer. Luckily I have a gang of friends and we use to spend the time together, especially as far as weekends are concerned because one of us has a garden plot ... »
My favourite day - Mój ulubiony dzień
There are seven days in a week. And they would all be the same if it wasn't for Saturday. Yes, this is my favourite day of the week. You may wonder why that is so. I'll be more than happy to explain. First of all, that little lazybones hidden deep within me say that on Saturday there is no school. This way I don’t have to get up early in ... »
The most inspiring experience of my life - Najbardziej inspirujące doświadczenie mojego życia
The most inspiring event of my life was in fact a painful one. It was a break up with my boyfriend. We have been together for almost two years. We had plans to start living together and, later on, to spend together the rest of our lives. At least I thought so. Actually, things had been getting worse and worse between us for a few months alread... »
Everyday activities (description) - Codzienne czynności (opis)
I usually get up at seven o’clock. I get up and go to the bathroom. I wash my teeth and take a quick shower. I also comb my hair and put on contact lenses. Then I go back to my room and dress up. I often have trouble choosing what to wear. I make my bed and go to the kitchen to prepare and eat my breakfast. I usually have corn flakes and m... »
Making a choice: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Dokonywanie wyboru: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary instruction: Describe the pictures briefly, compare and contrast them (differences/ similarities) and then decide which is closer to your beliefs and preferences (opinion). Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see a road sign on the background of cloudy, yet blue sky. It's round and there is a white arrow on a deep blue back... »
Description of a person I admire - Opis osoby, którą podziwiam
Everyone knows a person they admire. An authority to follow their example. Usually it's a grandparent or the pope. Well, I'm different than the rest. The person I respect most is a surgeon I met during my summer practice as a medical student. Doctor Jacek is 40 years old and has a specialty in general surgery. He is tall and slim. He has blue e... »
Description of the class - Opis klasy
I'm a secondary school student. I like my school. And I like my class. It consists of 27 people. There are 15 girls and 12 boys in my class. We're all 15 years old. Our teacher is Mrs. Greener; she's a biologist. All the girls have long hair, except Rita. There are 4 blondes, 9 brunettes and 2 red-haired girls. All of us are slim and beautiful. ... »
When I was a child... Adventures and memories - Kiedy byłem dzieckiem... Przygody i wspomnienia
Yesterday, while cleaning up the house, I found an old photo album. I was a bit tired so I decided to sit down for a while and check if there was anything interesting in it. Mostly there is nothing that may catch my attention – usually I turn pages really quickly since I do not want to waste my time looking at numerous birthday party pictu... »
A story about the adventure of your life - Opowiadanie o największej przygodzie twojego życia
It is a common truth that each of us is supposed to experience the greatest adventure of his life during holidays. There is a grain of truth in this belief, however it does not have to be like that in each case. Maybe this was not the most unique and special experience of my life or I am an exception of the rule but that really usual rainy and g... »
My wardrobe – clothes - Moja szafa – ubrania
This is my wardrobe. Having opened it, you may see all my clothes. To the left there are two winter coats, warm and long. Next to them, there are colourful thick sweaters and jumpers to keep me warm in the winter. Looking further, you will find autumn-spring coats, thinner and lighter than the winter ones. Then, I have numerous jackets which I e... »
A special place I will never forget - Niezwykłe miejsce, którego nigdy nie zapomnę
During our lives we mostly change flats or houses. There are new addresses in our identity cards and nowadays it is not unusual that we do not spend our whole lives in one places as our predecessors. However from my point of view there is always one place that we like the most. A place that stays deep in our memory since it is special, no matter... »
'My home is my castle' - an essay - „Mój dom jest moją twierdzą” - esej
The English have a saying: 'My home is my castle'. And they are right. But what does it mean and what consequences it has? Let's have a look. To start with, let's focus on the meaning of that sentence. To me it stands for my home being a place I know is safe, warm and I can always go back there and no one will make me leave. It is the place I c... »