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Lista wypracowań w kategorii entertainment
Description of Halloween - Opis Halloween
Halloween is one of the best-known American traditions. In recent years it is becoming more and more popular in the countries outside the United States and Great Britain where the holiday comes from. Halloween takes place on the 31st of October, the day before All Saints’ Day, to which it is related. It’s roots can also be traced to... »
Children and their dreams: description of a picture - Dzieci i ich marzenia: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a boy, probably in primary school age, standing on a football field. His short brown hair show traces of sweat and his eyes are brown. He looks quite tired, but also happy. He is wearing a sport t-shirt, then it is easy to assume that he was participating in some kind of a game; it could have even been... »
If you could spend a day with anyone you want, who would you spend it with and why? - Jeśli mógłbyś spędzić dzień z kimkolwiek chcesz, kto by to był i dlaczego?
Walt Disney was one of the greatest producers in the history. 'The little mermaid' was the first movie I have ever seen. I was growing up watching – just like million other kids in the world - Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. I dreamed about visiting Disneyland. If I could spend a day with anyone I want, I would beyond any doubt choose ... »
Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? (opinion) - Wielu ludzi podróżując, zwiedza muzea. Jak myślisz, dlaczego to robią? (opinia)
Exploring and visiting new places is something that people love to do. It has many benefits. It has been said: 'He that travels far knows much'. When you are visiting new countries you learn how to integrate and adapt to new situations. You also learn about different cultures. Many people visit museums when they travel to interesting places. Wha... »
Description of my weekend and weekend activities - Opis mojego weekendu i zajęć weekendowych
My weekends are much alike one another. Let me tell you about one of those. To me the weekend starts on a Friday afternoon. Then I come back home from school, have some dinner and rest for a bit. In the evening I usually go out with my girlfriend. We go to a cinema, pizzeria or for a walk. When I come back I take a shower and watch my favourite ... »
How to spend winter holidays? - Jak spędzić ferie zimowe?
For me, the most interesting way to spend my winter holidays is to play outdoors and do sports. During a normal week I have no time to go skiing or skating. I have a lot of work at school and I am also learning French two times a week at a language school. Of course, there is the housework that needs to be done: vacuuming, taking out garbage, ta... »
My favourite television programme - Mój ulubiony program telewizyjny
My favourite television programme is called 'Talks in progress'. It is a talk show hosted by a journalist Ewa Drzyzga. To her programme, the host invites common people who have lots of different problems, which are quite often controversial, and she talks to them about these issues. Each episode of the programme touches upon a particular subjec... »
My free time (description) - Mój czas wolny (opis)
Unfortunately I do not have as much free time as I wished to have, however it makes me make the most of every opportunity and encourages me not to spend my free time in front of TV or computer. Luckily I have a gang of friends and we use to spend the time together, especially as far as weekends are concerned because one of us has a garden plot ... »
Description of a foreign tradition - Opis zagranicznej tradycji
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on 31st of October. It derives from Christian holiday of All Saints, but it has become simply an opportunity to have fun. However, it is a fun in a scary atmosphere. First of all, on Halloween one can see lots of people in disguise. They were costumes of scary creatures – like ghosts, vampires, monsters e... »
Description of a New Year's Eve party - Opis sylwestra
The last day of the year. The thirty-first day of December. For ages it has been a mysterious day and night. Changing the date in calendar – beginning of the new year has always been a significant event. These days it is an opportunity to have some fun with friends and celebrate the coming of a new year with a big party. The party can be h... »
Cheering the favourite team: description of a picture - Dopingowanie ulubionej drużyny: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What are the relations between them? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the ... »
Description of a character - Harry Potter - Opis bohatera książkowego - Harry Potter
The book character that I like and would like to describe is Harry Potter, the main character from the series of books by a British writer J.K. Rowling. The series consists of seven books. In the first book of the 'Harry Potter' series Harry is eleven years old. In every successive book he is one year older and in the last book he is eighteen. ... »
Why do people listen to music? Why is music important to people? Essay - Dlaczego ludzie słuchają muzyki. Dlaczego muzyka jest ważna dla ludzi? Esej
Music has accompanied people for ages. It has become an important thing in our lives. On what occasions is it particularly significant and why? Let's try to find out. First of all, one has to acknowledge that the greatest role the music plays for young people. It is a form of entertainment for them. Live concerts gather thousands of youngsters,... »
A new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Are you for or against? Essay - Nowa restauracja ma zostać wybudowana w twojej okolicy. Jesteś za czy przeciw? Rozprawka
My neighbourhood is situated on the west side of the city. There is a forest and a park nearby. It is a wonderful place. I believe that building a restaurant in this area may be beneficial, however it also has some disadvantages. First of all, new restaurant would be a great place to go out on the weekends. I am sure that many of my neigh... »
French cafe. Description of a place - Francuska kawiarnia. Opis miejsca
In the town where I live there are many interesting places for one to visit. For example, there is a new cinema and an art museum. There is also an indoor swimming pool, a bowling club, a park. If you want to spend a nice time in a place where you can have a chat with your friend or drink something tasty, you should visit some of the town cafes.... »
Mass media - a meaning of media - Mass media - znaczenie mediów
The mass media (radio, television, press, Internet) are omnipresent nowadays and it is hard to imagine modern world without them. They serve many purposes of modern societies. They wouldn't be called „the fourth authority” for no reason after all. To begin with, mass media provide us with information. Thanks to them we receive the n... »
At a party: description of a picture - Na przyjęciu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two people laughing at each other. They're in their late twenties. The girl has long brown hair with blond and red strands. She's wearing black clothes and subtle make-up. She's laughing, showing her white teeth and looks very happy. The man is wearing a grey shirt over a blast t-shirt. He has black ... »
A description of a game - Opis gry
Hopscotch is a typical girly hopping game. It may be played both inside and outside. There are numerous ways in which the diagram used in the game can be drawn. To draw the hopscotch pattern use some chalk or a tape. One needs to create a diagram with eight numbered sections. Each player has to have a marker (a stone, shell, bottle cap, coin etc... »
Description of a board game - Opis gry planszowej
Scrabble is probably the second best-known board game in the world, right after chess. Since it’s invention it has found millions of lovers all around the globe. Currently, it is played in 21 languages in more than 120 countries. Scrabble is a phenomenon. The birth of the game can be traced to 1948. In that year Scrabble was created by Al... »
Description of winter sports - Opis sportów zimowych
Winter sports are those sports that are done in the winter months. There are some traits common for most of the winter sports. The majority of them is done outdoors and a thick layer of snow or ice is essential for successful engaging in this kind of activity. Because of that some special equipment is needed. There are a lot of sports that do no... »
Marriage and wedding: description of a picture - Małżeństwo i ślub: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two young women an... »
A plan of a birthday party - Plan przyjęcia urodzinowego
1. All starts the day before Daisy's birthday. At 6 p.m. I am coming to my friend's place and we are dressing up and doing our make-up to look as beautiful as we can. I am telling Daisy that we are just going to bowl with some of our friends. She is invited too of course. 2. At 8:00 we are getting in the pre-ordered taxi that will come to her p... »
Dress up party for children: description of a picture - Bal przebierańców dla dzieci: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman pain... »
Description: my best party ever - Opis: moja najlepsza impreza
The best party I have ever been to was the eighteenth birthday of my best friend Linda. The day of her birthday is always a great opportunity to have fun because it is on 31st October – the Halloween day! That day, as it was her eighteenth birthday, me and all our friends decided to do something special for Linda. On 31st October all the ... »
A guidebook around Cracow (excerpt) – Przewodnik po Krakowie (fragment)
Why should I go? One can say Cracow is as cute as a summer postcard and as complex as a stamp. Its wonders are best explored on foot. You may stand in awe having reached the beautiful Renaissance old town, livery market square, elegant castle and golden cathedrals. Crammed with atmospheric churches and museums, Poland's cultural capital is a le... »
What do young people read and why? Is it possible that paper books will be replaced by eBooks? (opinion) - Co czytają młodzi ludzie i dlaczego? Czy jest możliwe żeby, książki papierowe zostały wyparte z naszego życia przez ebooki? (opinia)
What do young people read and why? Is it possible that paper books will be replaced by eBooks? State an opinion. These days reading is not trendy amongst young people. Nevertheless, those who read have a wide variety of books to choose from. Also, they have to make a choice if they want to buy an old-fashioned paper book or a modern eBook. Will... »