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Lista wypracowań w kategorii free time
Parents and their children: description of a picture - Rodzice i ich dzieci: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman and a little girl. They're sitting on the ground in a forest. The woman is wearing a purple jumper and jeans. She also has a pink headscarf on. There's a small hairy dog sitting on her laps. The girl has a pink jumper and a blue slipover. She also has a headscarf. They look as if they were me... »
Children and their dreams: description of a picture - Dzieci i ich marzenia: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a boy, probably in primary school age, standing on a football field. His short brown hair show traces of sweat and his eyes are brown. He looks quite tired, but also happy. He is wearing a sport t-shirt, then it is easy to assume that he was participating in some kind of a game; it could have even been... »
Innocent pleasures: description of a picture - Niewinne przyjemności: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman holding many bags. She must have just been shopping. She's tall, slim and pretty. Her long hair is brown. She's wearing a green top, a jeans mini skirt and red boots. She has one leg bent. She looks very happy and satisfied with her purchases. As every young woman, she might have just f... »
Description of my weekend and weekend activities - Opis mojego weekendu i zajęć weekendowych
My weekends are much alike one another. Let me tell you about one of those. To me the weekend starts on a Friday afternoon. Then I come back home from school, have some dinner and rest for a bit. In the evening I usually go out with my girlfriend. We go to a cinema, pizzeria or for a walk. When I come back I take a shower and watch my favourite ... »
Spending free time - passive and active ways of spending free time. Essay - Spędzanie wolnego czasu - formy aktywne i pasywne. Esej
Nowadays, from Monday to Friday we are busy with work or school, duties in general. When the desired free time comes, we often have no idea how to spend it to fully relax and be happy. Here one may find a few ideas of passive and active forms of spending free time. To start with, passive form of spending free time is particularly recommended fo... »
Relax and holidays: description of a picture - Relaks i wakacje: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? What kind of a problem may be brought up here? What can this picture stand for? What kind of a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman standing on the beach. She's wearing a bikini and she's... »
Ways of spending free time - Sposoby spędzania wolnego czasu
These days, young people don't have much free time. And if they do, they don't know how to spend it. I will try to enclose some suggestions below. First of all, being tired from books and studying, they may simply grab their bike or rollerblades and go out to catch some fresh air. Secondly, youngsters can gather together and go out somewhere to... »
Girls' passions: description of a picture - Pasje dziewczynek: opis obrazka
Exemplary instruction: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation can be presented here? (What happened/ is happening?) Explain the sense and meaning of the hobby for the girls in the picture. Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a few girls in a white room, taking ballet classes. They're all dressed in colourful trai... »
Spending free time: description of a picture - Spędzanie czasu wolnego: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? How can this person feel? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What can she be thinking about? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a girl lying on the grass. She is tall and slim. Her long hair is dark brown. She's wearing a blue white-d... »
My favourite restaurant - Moja ulubiona restauracja
I'd like to recommend my favourite restaurant. It is called 'Around the world'. Obviously you can taste different cuisines – from all around the world, as the name indicates – there. And so, you can get a Spanish, Mexican, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Indian, Chinese, Arabian, Russian, Portugal, Croatian or Polish dish for a quite rea... »
My free time (description) - Mój czas wolny (opis)
Unfortunately I do not have as much free time as I wished to have, however it makes me make the most of every opportunity and encourages me not to spend my free time in front of TV or computer. Luckily I have a gang of friends and we use to spend the time together, especially as far as weekends are concerned because one of us has a garden plot ... »
Sunset years and being retired: description of a picture - Jesień życia i bycie na emeryturze: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see three elderly people, two ladies and a man. They all are dressed in brownish coats and every one of them has a cane. The lady in the middle seems to have her right arm broken or hurt in some way, as she has it supported in a sling. The man and the woman in the middle are wearing glasses. Both women hav... »
A movie or a book? Essay - Film czy książka? Rozprawka
I like both reading books and watching films or television, but in my opinion the two latter can never replace the former. Obviously, I don't judge any of these forms of entertainment as better or worse than other. What I want to stress is that they are just different and they appeal to different ways of reception. Both cinema or television and... »
Good and bad kinds of loneliness: description of a picture - Dobre i złe rodzaje samotności: opis obrazka
In this picture we can see a single woman dressed in a dark coat and trousers. She is facing the wide space in front of her, that's why we're only able to see the girl's back. She is also holding an umbrella in her hand. Next to her there is a leafless tree. Many of the leaves are laying on the ground, so – guessing the season – it i... »
The importance of spending time together: description of a picture - Znaczenie wspólnego spędzania czasu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see elderly men playing chess. The boards lie on a wooden table, the men are sitting on a bench. There are some pawns standing next to the board, the others are still on it. The man on the right has a brown jacket on. His hair is grey. He rests his head on his hand in which he's holding a black pawn. The m... »
Happiness and joy: description of a picture - Szczęście i radość: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young lady standing outside, in the middle of a lupine field. The plants cover up a vast area. Back in the distance, there are some trees: some green, some leafless. The girl is standing between the yellow flowers. She is tall and slim. Her long dark hair are tied back in a ponytail. She is wearing... »
Boys' passions: description of a picture - Pasje chłopców: opis zdjęcia
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a football field. There are several boys playing there. There's an attacker and a goalkeeper, the picture show the middle of the action. They're all round 7 years old. They're dressed in colourful training suits. There is a hill right next to the field, covered in grass and some trees. There are severa... »
My hobby - music (description) - Moje hobby - muzyka (opis)
My hobby for life is music, especially rock and metal genres. Unfortunately, I guess it will have to remain a hobby, because it is hard to make ends meet only being a musician. And it is even harder for a musician playing rock or metal to achieve success. I have liked music since I was a little child. Even then it already became something impor... »