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Lista wypracowań w kategorii food
A letter about your healthy way of life - List o twoim sposobie na zdrowe życie
Dear Martin, I can not stand your complaining about your physical condition and health problems so the topic I will tackle in this letter concerns my healthy lifestyle and the way I live in order to keep fit. I do hope you will make use of the hints I want to give you. First of all you have to free yourself from all the addictions. Become a te... »
Global problems and issues: obesity. Description of a picture - Światowe problemy i kwestie: otyłość. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a burger lying on a reddish plate. It's surrounded by a blue measuring tape. It looks really tasty but the tape suggests that it has thousands of calories. It makes one fat extra quickly. The picture may represent the eating preferences of majority of young people nowadays. Youngsters are lazy, fast ... »
Weight and eating disorders: description of a picture - Waga i zaburzenia odżywiania: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? What kind of a problem may be brought up here? What can this picture stand for? What kind if a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see the abdomen of a young woman. She's checking her girth with white mea... »
A letter of complaint about the food and service in a restaurant - List ze skargą na jedzenie i obsługę w restauracji
Dear Sir or Madam, On 17th November 2009 I was provided a meal in your restaurant at the Piotrkowska street in Łódź. I purchased the speciality of the house, however it was certainly not worth the amount of money you demand for it. I am highly disappointed with both the meal and service since neither of them was satisfactory. Firstly I ... »
My favourite restaurant - Moja ulubiona restauracja
I'd like to recommend my favourite restaurant. It is called 'Around the world'. Obviously you can taste different cuisines – from all around the world, as the name indicates – there. And so, you can get a Spanish, Mexican, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Indian, Chinese, Arabian, Russian, Portugal, Croatian or Polish dish for a quite rea... »
Vegetarianism - disadvantages and advantages - Wegetarianizm - zalety i wady
Vegetarianism is both diet and philosophy. As a diet – vegetarianism forbids to eat meat and other animal products, like animal fat or gelatine. We can distinguish many kinds of vegetarianism as a diet, dependently on which animal products are forbidden to eat. For example, there are vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy, the ones who eat fis... »
French cafe. Description of a place - Francuska kawiarnia. Opis miejsca
In the town where I live there are many interesting places for one to visit. For example, there is a new cinema and an art museum. There is also an indoor swimming pool, a bowling club, a park. If you want to spend a nice time in a place where you can have a chat with your friend or drink something tasty, you should visit some of the town cafes.... »
Food and tastes: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Jedzenie i gusty: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see some muffins in white paper baking tins. They are golden with clove and coconut on top. They look very tasty. They must have been just baked. They must be waiting to be eaten for dessert by some children. In the second picture I can see some kind of meat. It's stake, I believe. It has some spice... »
In a restaurant - conversation (making an order) - W restauracji - dialog (składanie zamówienia)
- Good evening, are you ready to order?- Good evening. Yes, we are.- What would you like for starters?- I'll have the salad please.- And I'll go for the garlic bread.- Anything to drink?- Yes, two glasses of water, please.- Still or sparkling?- Still, please.- Good. And for the main course?- What would you recommend us?- Today's special is the d... »
Easter traditions - Tradycje Wielkanoce
For Christians Easter is the most important religious holiday. It celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A lot of Easter customs exist in various countries. In Poland the whole families gather together to celebrate Easter. On Holy Saturday they prepare special Easter baskets. The baskets contain eggs, bread, meat, salt, horserad... »
Thanks to microwaves and fast food restaurants, food has become easier to prepare. Do you think it's beneficial to society? (opinion) - Dzięki mikrofalówkom i barom fast food jedzenie stało się łatwiejsze do zrobienia. Czy to dobre dla ludzi? (opinia)
It is often said: 'You are what we eat'. If that's true then it's not easy to answer the following question: 'Are the microwaves and fast food restaurants beneficial to society'? First of all - let’s take a look at the facts. On the Internet you can find an information that more than fifty millions (!) of Americans depend on fast fo... »
A letter to your friend with recipe for pierogi - List do twojego przyjaciela z przepisem na pierogi
Hey Sarah! Thanks for your last letter. I'm glad your mum is okay, that sounded like a really nasty injury! How's your aunt Helen? She's a great woman, thanks for introducing me to her. I'm glad you had a good time at that party. And I'm sure Tom has called you by now! Now, you loved dumplings just as much as I do when you were staying here. I... »
Some people prefer to eat at food stands or in restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. What's your opinion? - Niektórzy ludzie wolą jadać na mieście. Inni preferują przygotowywać posiłki w domu. Jaka jest twoja opinia?
When I was a child I used to eat at home every day. I still believe that homemade food is the tastiest and the healthiest one. However, I often decide to go out and eat in the restaurants at the moment. Why? First and foremost, sometimes I am just too lazy to cook for myself. It takes too long and I've always claimed that cooking is not my cup ... »
Eating habits in Poland - Zwyczaje żywieniowe w Polsce (polskie zwyczaje żywieniowe)
Polish cuisine is one of the oldest in Europe. It plays a huge role of Polish culture and tradition. The recipes are based mainly on products such as: cabbage, sausage, mushrooms and potatoes. Concerning the fact that Polish cuisine is pretty popular abroad, it is difficult to say which Polish dish is the most admired one. There are a few Polis... »
Description of a restaurant - Opis restauracji
My favourite restaurant is the 'Wild Oak' in Dartmouth. It is located downtown, near the Hilton hotel. Its building is an old tenement house; it has a lot of character. The front elevation is deep dark crimson with white floral decoration. The front door is made of ebony and smoked glass. As one steps inside, the first room they see is the hall ... »
Job and profession: a cook. Description of a picture - Praca i zawód: kucharz. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman in a blue apron. She's holding a ladle in her left hand. Her apron has a kitchen-related pattern on. He also has a fancy cook's cap on her head. She must be a cook. She looks happy and excited about what she's going to do. I assume she likes her job. She might have had numerous reasons for ch... »
Organic or genetically modified food? Advantages and disadvantages of both - Organiczna czy genetycznie modyfikowana żywność? Zalety i wady obydwu
Genetically modified food has been causing controversies since it was introduced' In this essay I am going to think about its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, genetically modified plants are immune to weeds and pests. They don't have to be treated with pesticides or herbicides which are toxic to people. Plants can also be genetically... »
An advertisement - Reklama
Another long day at the work. You are becoming more and more hungry. You dream about a warm, delicious meal that would taste like a homemade dinner but you either have no time or conditions to prepare it. You start to think more and more about eating, you become less and less focused on your tasks and finally you get more and more irritated... ... »