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Lista wypracowań w kategorii informal letter
A letter about your healthy way of life - List o twoim sposobie na zdrowe życie
Dear Martin, I can not stand your complaining about your physical condition and health problems so the topic I will tackle in this letter concerns my healthy lifestyle and the way I live in order to keep fit. I do hope you will make use of the hints I want to give you. First of all you have to free yourself from all the addictions. Become a te... »
Write a letter to your friend from Scotland and tell him how you avoided an accident in mountains - Napisz list do kolegi ze Szkocji o tym, jak udało ci uniknąć wypadku w górach
Dear Paul, I have got so much to tell you. I haven’t seen you for ages. If you don’t mind I would like to come and visit you in Scotland. Actually, I am writing to you to inform you about some horrible accident that in which I almost got killed. Perhaps you remember that I have been planning to go on a summer camp in Zakopane. What... »
You are supposed to visit a friend in London next week, unfortunately you got sick. Write a letter with apology - Miałeś odwiedzić kolegę w Londynie w przyszłym tygodniu, niestety zachorowałeś. Napisz list z przeprosinami
Hey Sam! Thanks for your last letter. I was so glad to hear from you again. Do you remember I promised to come visit you in London next week? I am so sorry, but I can't come. I've caught pneumonia. I feel really bad. Sometimes I'm scared if I my lungs are still inside of me. The doctor put me in a hospital for a couple of days but let me use my... »
A letter to an English friend about Polish Easter celebration - List do przyjaciela z Anglii z opisem świętowania Wielkanocy w Polsce
Dear Mark, I’m really happy to hear that you’ve already moved to your new house. I hope I’ll find some time soon and I’ll go to England to finally see it. Unfortunately, the period you’ve suggested is not appropriate for me. In Poland we celebrate Easter at that time. This is the most important feast for the Roman ... »
You have agreed to go skiing with your friend next weekend. Unfortunately you have to study for an exam. Write a letter - Umówiłaś się z koleżanką na wyjazd na narty w przyszły weekend. Niestety musisz przygotować się do egzaminu. Napisz list
Hello Sue! Thanks for staying in touch. I'm so glad you managed to get home safely on your way from Poland. We had a good time though, didn't we? And of course I remember about our skiing trip! But... Forgive me please, I won't be able to go. I know I promised you this but I've got that big exam next week. I've to study for it really hard, you ... »
A letter to your parents from London where you came to study - List do rodziców z Londynu, gdzie przyjechałeś na studia
Dear Mom and Dad, When I came here a month ago I didn’t realize that I could have so many problems in here. I thought everything would be just fine but, in fact, it turned out that living and studying here means a great challenge for me. Nevertheless, the course I’m attending is really great and I think I won’t be disappointe... »
A short apology letter to friends about not being able to come to a party - List przeprosinami do przyjaciół ze względu na niemożność przyjścia na zabawę
Hi Martin and Ashley, I know this is high time to make up my mind and decide whether I will go with you to the birthday party or meet my brother whom I have not seen for ages. Unfortunately for you I determined that I rather prefer to see him as he is my brother and I have truly missed him. Sorry for changing your plans but I will make a propos... »
Your friend suggested you should go away for the Easter together. You have already planned this time with your family. Write a letter - Twój przyjaciel chce wyjechać razem na czas Wielkanocy. Masz już plany rodzinne. Napisz list
Hey Tom! Thank you for your last letter. I'm so glad you're here! And I'm really sorry - I'd love to go somewhere with you but I can't accept going away on Easter. I've already decided I'll stay with my family during that time. You know, it's a traditional holiday here in Poland. On Great Friday some go to the church to take part in the ... »
A letter to an English friend in which you recommend places worth visiting in Poland - List do przyjaciela z Anglii, w którym polecasz mu miejsca warte odwiedzenia w Polsce
Dear Oliver, I am glad to hear that your classmates have decided to visit Poland this holiday. I think that they won’t be disappointed. There are really many beautiful places in my country. A good tour guide may be needed though. As far as I am concerned, I can recommend some destinations as I know a few places that are worth visiting. H... »
An introduction letter to a English penfriend - List o sobie do korespondencyjnego przyjaciela
Dear Martin, I came across your address in Internet while searching for a penfriend. My name is XXX and I am from the centre of Poland – Lodz. It is quite possible you have never heard of this city, although it is the second biggest one in Poland. It does not stand out from the other towns in Poland though. It is as normal and ordinary th... »
Love letter - List miłosny
My dearest Julia! I can't stop thinking about you since the last time I saw you. Every time I close my eyes, I see your wonderful face and that astonishing smile of yours. Oh, Queen of my heart, I want to take you away to an island where we could hide and be happy together forever. With the eyes of my imagination, I see you, my Beautiful, lying... »
Letter to friends with Easter wishes - List do przyjaciół z życzeniami Wielkanocnymi
Hi Asia and Tomek! Thanks for your last letter. I'm so glad to hear that Joey started walking! That must have been a wonderful experience. I wonder when he will start to talk. Keep me updated on his progress! And yes, Jane, I do support Tom. I really think it would be great if you moved to Warsaw. We could meet more often. And the range of the ... »
A letter about a sports event - List o jakimś wydarzeniu sportowym
Dear Nicholas, I have to tell you about a sports event I have just witnessed. I know that you’re a sports fan and I think that you’ll probably be interested in it. As you may presume, I’ve attended a football match. It all began at 6 p.m. but I headed for the stadium of Wisła Kraków almost two hours earlier. It takes t... »
Anniversary wishes (letter, greeting card) - Życzenia z okazji rocznicy (list, kartka okolicznościowa)
Dear Sally and John, Thanks for your last email. I'm glad we stay in touch, regardless of the miles between us. I hope you like it there in Florida. I must say I'd love to move there myself. Sun, warmth, golden beaches... It must be like endless holiday! But this is not the main reason I write to you. I wanted to congratulate you on your 20th a... »
A letter of thanks to an English friend you recently stayed with - List z podziękowaniami do przyjaciela z Anglii, u którego ostatnio się zatrzymałeś
Dear Martin, I am glad I have once come across you address in the Internet, as the stay by you in England was a really fascinating adventure for me and I will remember it forever. I have always dreamed about going to England but unfortunately I was never able to afford it because of high costs of accommodation and thanks to you this problem dis... »
Letter to a friend - birthday wishes - List do przyjaciela - życzenia urodzinowe
Dear Marielle, How are you? It’s been a while since the two of us met. Are you still planning to go to Barcelona for your holidays? What are your parents saying to this idea? Have you told them about your plans? I hope they allow you to go, it is such a great idea! I’ve heard the city is wonderful. Plus, you would practice your Span... »
A letter of request about taking care of your apartment when you are away - List z prośbą o zaopiekowanie się mieszkaniem pod twoją nieobecność
Dear Martin, At the very beginning I would like to thank your for your last message. I am really glad to hear that everything by you is alright and that you manage school and all the additional courses you are attending. I am really sorry for not having answered your recent message yet I am pretty much busy right now because as you probably kno... »
Easter wishes - Życzenia Wielkanocne
Dear Kasia and Tomek, I want to wish you Happy Easter. Let all of your dreams come true in this jolly springtime. Let this Holy Season witness you being blessed with prosperity and happiness. Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter, filled with joy, peace and love. Let this springtime of sharing bring you joyfulness that will stay with you forever.... »
Letter to a friend - Christmas wishes - List do przyjaciela - życzenia bożonarodzeniowe
Dear Jane and Paul, Thank you for your letter. I hope your journey to London was comfortable. The week after you have left, Ania and Piotrek visited us and they were very disappointed that they had missed the opportunity to see you. They said next time you are in Poland we must all meet or maybe even organize a small party. They both say hi. K... »
A letter to an English friend who is coming to Poland - List do przyjaciela z Anglii, który przyjeżdża do Polski
Dear Martin, I am looking forward to seeing you here in Poland. I have dozens of funny stories to tell you and a handful of interesting places to show you here on the spot. I miss you very much and although only two months have passed since we saw each other, I still have an impression that we have not seen each other for ages. I would like you... »
A letter to an English friend in which you ask him to help you to find a flat in London - List do przyjaciela z Anglii, w którym prosisz go o pomoc w znalezieniu mieszkania w Londynie
Dear Paul, I don’t know if I have already told you that but I’m going to study in London. I’m very excited but I have to think about some important matters – like accommodation. I haven’t found any proper flat through the Internet yet and I think that it would be much easier if somebody who lives in England helped... »
A letter to your friend with recipe for pierogi - List do twojego przyjaciela z przepisem na pierogi
Hey Sarah! Thanks for your last letter. I'm glad your mum is okay, that sounded like a really nasty injury! How's your aunt Helen? She's a great woman, thanks for introducing me to her. I'm glad you had a good time at that party. And I'm sure Tom has called you by now! Now, you loved dumplings just as much as I do when you were staying here. I... »
A letter with advice to your English friend who is going to take an important examination - List z poradą do przyjaciela z Anglii, który będzie miał ważny egzamin
Dear Brandon, Thanks for your letter. I’ve almost forgotten how funny you can be. I’m also happy that you still remember about your friend who lives in a peculiar country and speaks a strange language. I understand that the exam you are going to take is a very important one. I’ve already taken such exams and I suppose that I ... »
A letter to an English friend about a fascinating trip - List do przyjaciela z Anglii o fascynującej wycieczce
Dear Karen, Thanks for your last letter. I couldn’t reply earlier, because I was absent – I went on holiday to the seaside. Along with my classmates I had decided to have a rest and we chose Polish seaside as our holiday destination. We hadn’t booked any rooms in advance. We simply went there and had to find something on our ... »
You have found an animal. Write a letter to your friend and tell her everything about it - Jakiś czas temu znalazłaś zwierzę. Napisz list do przyjaciela, w którym opowiesz mu tę historię
Hey Anna! Thanks for staying in touch. I'm so glad you passed your exams! I knew you would. You'll never guess what happened . Three weeks ago I found a lonely cat. It's all black with a white spot on his nose. It was walking around my house for a week. My mum kept giving him food so he kept coming back. One day I decided I want him home becau... »
A letter to an English friend - List do przyjaciela z Anglii
Dear Martin, I am really sorry I did not answer your letter for such a long period of time but unfortunately I do not have time to gather my thoughts and to drop you a line about what I have been up to. And the truth is that there is so much happening around me right now that if I was only capable of writing a book I would write an autobiograph... »
A letter of apology about not being able to visit your English friend - List z przeprosinami do przyjaciela z Anglii, którego nie byłeś w stanie odwiedzić
Dear Landon, I’m very sorry that I couldn’t meet you while on a trip to Manchester. I really wanted to visit you, especially that I hadn’t done it since your sister came back from the United States. However, some unexpected occurrences took place during our stay and I was not able to do what I had previously planned. On arriv... »
A letter to your parents from a holiday trip - List do rodziców z wyjazdu wakacyjnego
Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing this letter to you just like I promised to do in order to describe my impressions. It is the seventh day of my stay – the time goes by so fast. I am at a loss for words how wonderful it is in here. Everybody is so kind, helpful and smiling. I was sleeping almost the whole coach ride as we left too early in ... »