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Lista wypracowań w kategorii Easter
Easter wishes for a postcard - Życzenia Wielkanocne na kartkę świąteczną
Dear Basia and Sebastian, I want to wish you Happy Easter. May this Holy Season witness you being blessed with prosperity and happiness. Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter, filled with joy, peace and love. Let this springtime of sharing bring you joyfulness and stay with you forever. Love, Anna »
A letter to an English friend about Polish Easter celebration - List do przyjaciela z Anglii z opisem świętowania Wielkanocy w Polsce
Dear Mark, I’m really happy to hear that you’ve already moved to your new house. I hope I’ll find some time soon and I’ll go to England to finally see it. Unfortunately, the period you’ve suggested is not appropriate for me. In Poland we celebrate Easter at that time. This is the most important feast for the Roman ... »
Description of Easter - Opis Wielkanocy
Easter is an important holiday for my family. For this special time all family members meet, even if they live in different parts of the country. During Easter holidays we can all get together and spend a lot of time with relatives that we don’t see often. A few days before Easter the preparations start. The most important thing are Easte... »
Letter to friends with Easter wishes - List do przyjaciół z życzeniami Wielkanocnymi
Hi Asia and Tomek! Thanks for your last letter. I'm so glad to hear that Joey started walking! That must have been a wonderful experience. I wonder when he will start to talk. Keep me updated on his progress! And yes, Jane, I do support Tom. I really think it would be great if you moved to Warsaw. We could meet more often. And the range of the ... »
Commercialised holidays? Are Christmas and Easter commercialised? Essay - Skomercjalizowane święta? Czy Boże Narodzenie i Wielkanoc są skomercjalizowane? Esej
Christmas and Easter. What are they? Once they used to be a time for a religious celebration with one's family. Now? A time to buy decorations and gifts? In my opinion – yes. To start with, even though it is a time that we're spending with family, there are many factors proving that business has taken over these holidays. Shopping in Nove... »
Easter wishes - Życzenia Wielkanocne
Dear Kasia and Tomek, I want to wish you Happy Easter. Let all of your dreams come true in this jolly springtime. Let this Holy Season witness you being blessed with prosperity and happiness. Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter, filled with joy, peace and love. Let this springtime of sharing bring you joyfulness that will stay with you forever.... »
Easter traditions - Tradycje Wielkanoce
For Christians Easter is the most important religious holiday. It celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A lot of Easter customs exist in various countries. In Poland the whole families gather together to celebrate Easter. On Holy Saturday they prepare special Easter baskets. The baskets contain eggs, bread, meat, salt, horserad... »