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Lista wypracowań w kategorii Christmas
A description of Christmas in Poland - Opis Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w Polsce
This is one of the most important holidays for the Roman Catholic Church members. It is highly awaited, especially by children. Probably there are no other holidays involving as many customs as Christmas. Even though we celebrate it on 25th December, the most important celebrations take place the preceding day. It is called 'Christmas Eve'. As ... »
A letter to Santa Claus - List do Świętego Mikołaja
Dear Santa Claus, I know I hardly ever write letters to you. I wrote my last one to you with the age of 10. I did not know that the Santa Claus who used to enter my house, leave the presents and disappear, was actually my father who would leave the room and come back when the Santa went out. Everybody used to tell me it was him who would leave ... »
Christmas traditions in Poland (description) - Tradycje bożonarodzeniowe w Polsce (opis)
Christmas is a very important time in Poland. Traditionally, it is the time when a whole family gets together, celebrates, and rests. The most important day of Christmas is Christmas Eve which takes place on the 24th of December. On this day families get together to eat a traditional Christmas Eve dinner. The dinner starts when the first star c... »
Story about Christmas – Opowiadanie o świętach Bożego Narodzenia
'Oh, this year I have to find something really special for mum!' – I thought to myself walking around the mall, searching for Christmas gifts for my family. One more shop, one more disappointment. I bought all the gifts except this one. This was so annoying. And I was tired after three hours spent in this huge shopping centre. 'Okay, this ... »
Commercialised holidays? Are Christmas and Easter commercialised? Essay - Skomercjalizowane święta? Czy Boże Narodzenie i Wielkanoc są skomercjalizowane? Esej
Christmas and Easter. What are they? Once they used to be a time for a religious celebration with one's family. Now? A time to buy decorations and gifts? In my opinion – yes. To start with, even though it is a time that we're spending with family, there are many factors proving that business has taken over these holidays. Shopping in Nove... »
Letter to a friend - Christmas wishes - List do przyjaciela - życzenia bożonarodzeniowe
Dear Jane and Paul, Thank you for your letter. I hope your journey to London was comfortable. The week after you have left, Ania and Piotrek visited us and they were very disappointed that they had missed the opportunity to see you. They said next time you are in Poland we must all meet or maybe even organize a small party. They both say hi. K... »
Christmas traditions in England - Tradycje Bożonarodzeniowe w Anglii
To start with, Christmas in Great Britain lasts two days – December 25th and 26th. They are called Christmas Day and Boxing Day. This holiday dates back to medieval ages. Nevertheless, the original way of celebrating has been lost throughout the ages and the contemporary way originates from the times of Queen Victoria – second half o... »
Description of Christmas customs - Opis bożonarodzeniowych obyczajów
For many people around the world Christmas is the most important holiday in the whole year. It is primarily a Christian holiday but currently it is celebrated by many people in the secular form. Christmas traditionally take place in the end of December but Christmas preparations begin much earlier. There are many customs connected with the holid... »
A letter to an English friend - List do przyjaciela z Anglii
Dear Martin, I am really sorry I did not answer your letter for such a long period of time but unfortunately I do not have time to gather my thoughts and to drop you a line about what I have been up to. And the truth is that there is so much happening around me right now that if I was only capable of writing a book I would write an autobiograph... »