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Lista wypracowań w kategorii love
Relationships: description of a picture - Związki, relacje: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see three people on a beach. There are two men and a woman. The weather is really nice; it's sunny and surely hot. The beach is sandy and the waves of the sea are gently splashing on the shore. The water is as blue as the sky upon it. The girl is standing on the border between the sea and the land with o... »
Parents and their children: description of a picture - Rodzice i ich dzieci: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman and a little girl. They're sitting on the ground in a forest. The woman is wearing a purple jumper and jeans. She also has a pink headscarf on. There's a small hairy dog sitting on her laps. The girl has a pink jumper and a blue slipover. She also has a headscarf. They look as if they were me... »
The special day to remember: description of a picture - Ten wyjątkowy dzień do zapamiętania: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman and a man. They're standing in a park. They're dressed in wedding dress and suit. The man is tall and slim. He has brown hair. The woman is blonde and slim. Her hair has been done for the day by a hairdresser. She has a white tucker round her arms. The woman is fixing the man's flower by... »
My dream boyfriend (characteristics) - Mój wymarzony chłopak (charakterystyka)
My dream boyfriend is a person who loves me and respects me. He should be caring and protective, so that I would feel that he cares much about me. For me, the sense of security is very important in a relationship. He should also be patient and forgiving, so that he would forget about my faults and mistakes. I think he should be intelligent too, ... »
Love - the most important value in man's life. True or false? - Miłość - najważniejszą wartością w życiu człowieka. Prawda czy fałsz?
Through centuries people have been obsessed by love. In the name of love people sacrificed their lives. The main subject of countless books, poems, songs and stories is love. Why? Love is one of the feelings which bring meaning into our lives. It is beautiful. Whithout love we would be like robots. But is love the most important one? I believe i... »
Story about bad luck - Opowiadanie o pechu
It seems to me as it happened yesterday. I was looking through the window waiting for my friend, when my mum shouted from the kitchen:- David! Uncle Billy is on the phone! I ran downstairs like the wind. Billy has been living in Australia for 10 years. Last year he promised to find a summer job for me there, so then I could come and visit him.-... »
First love experience: description of a picture - Pierwsze doświadczenie miłosne: opis obrazka
In this picture we can see two teenagers – a boy and a girl. The boy has short, brown hair and looks quite sad. He is probably thinking about something painful, that is way his thoughts seem to be so gloomy. He is wearing a blue t-shirt. We can see him in the background of the picture. On a second thought, I might say he looks kind of guil... »
A couple in love: description of a picture - Para zakochanych: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of a situation can be presented here? (What happened/happens?). Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see the hands of two people. They... »
A short story - Krótkie opowiadanie
It was a gloomy day. The cloudy sky was raining and its tears were hitting the breast of the windows as if a boxer was punching his opponent. She likes such weather, it was so magical. The streets were empty because only the most courageous would leave their warm houses to go for a walk. She decided to join these people: 'a walk in solitude shou... »
Friendship or love is the most important in life? (essay) - Przyjaźń czy miłość jest najważniejsza w życiu?
What is friendship? According to me it is a feeling that ties someone with the other persons and that is based on kindness, honesty and trust. You can rely always on your friend. Friendship is selfless, lifelong, real, responsible and sincere. It is a very special feeling as it emerges from our minds. It is like a bridge linking two banks of the... »
Love letter - List miłosny
My dearest Julia! I can't stop thinking about you since the last time I saw you. Every time I close my eyes, I see your wonderful face and that astonishing smile of yours. Oh, Queen of my heart, I want to take you away to an island where we could hide and be happy together forever. With the eyes of my imagination, I see you, my Beautiful, lying... »
Parental love: description of a picture - Miłość rodzicielska: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?). Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman holding ... »
Motherhood and fatherhood: description of a picture - Macierzyństwo i ojcostwo: opis obrazka
In the picture we can see two hands: a bigger one, and a smaller or rather – a tiny one. The first one is a baby’s palm and the second one, we can assume, belongs to the child's parent. It is a very simple yet touching photograph – it speaks of the one of the most wonderful relationships in life, love between a parent and their... »
'My home is my castle' - an essay - „Mój dom jest moją twierdzą” - esej
The English have a saying: 'My home is my castle'. And they are right. But what does it mean and what consequences it has? Let's have a look. To start with, let's focus on the meaning of that sentence. To me it stands for my home being a place I know is safe, warm and I can always go back there and no one will make me leave. It is the place I c... »
The most interesting love story you know - Najciekawsza historia miłosna, jaką znasz
This love story happened to a person whom I don’t know very well, but I know it is one hundred percent authentic. It happened to my parents’ friends’ son, let’s call him Michał. A few years ago Michał decided to go on a holiday. He is passionate abort diving and chose a country attractive for people who dive as his holid... »
Memories of the past: description of a picture - Wspomnienia przeszłości: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see an old letter lying, probably, on a table. The envelope is old and yellowish, one corner bent. There are two stamps on it, one below the other, on its right side. The upper one is from Canada. There is a red maple leaf on an orange background in it. The other one is reddish and shows a side-face of a ... »
A valentine - Walentynka
Dear Helen! On this special day I want to express my feelings towards you. You're the sunshine of my life, you make myself complete. Your gorgeous green eyes make me want to sink in them. When I look at your lips so red and tender, I'm incapable of resisting kissing you. I have loved you ever since I saw you at the literature classes. I love yo... »
The most important things are invisible. A story - Najważniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu. Opowiadanie
I've known Alex for almost five years. At the beginning she was just my friend. In fact she was my only friend. I was kind of a nerdy, weird guy, so I was usually rejected by sociable, easy-going, fond of having fun peers, despite my constant attempts to become friends with them. I guess that state would have last forever, unless, at the age of ... »
Marriage and wedding: description of a picture - Małżeństwo i ślub: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two young women an... »
A break up: description of a picture - Rozstanie: opis obrazka
This picture is very simple. We can see a letter and a ring that someone left on the table. It is probably for John, a guy who is mentioned in the letter. I think his girlfriend broke off an engagement. Why? It’s hard to guess, but I believe in situations like this one, both parties are to blame. Maybe John was afraid of the idea of marria... »
Romantic story - Romantyczna historia
Lisa walked into the restaurant looking forward to a pleasant evening with her friends. She left her red coat in the cloakroom and headed to the table she had booked earlier. She sat down to wait for Anna, Tom and Joe. When they arrived, Lisa ordered the food. They ate, drank wine and laughed. It was a nice evening so they decided to continue it... »
Romance and a romantic date: description of a picture - Romans i romantyczna randka: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?) Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman and... »
Love story - Historia miłosna
This was my well-deserved vacation. I'd been working way too much then and I was simply tired. I decided to go to Florida to get some sun. June seemed to be the perfect month for it. Sitting all day long in an office doesn’t give you any tan! I bought myself a wonderful pink bikini and an airy short dress so I wouldn’t walk around in... »
My dream boyfriend (description) - Mój wymarzony chłopak (opis)
Every girl wants to have a boyfriend who meets all the possible requirements the girl makes. So do I. I have a picture of a dream significant other in my mind. He ought to be at least 1.85 meter tall. I'd like his hair to be dark brown or black. I would be really happy if he had brown or green eyes. He shouldn’t be thin. On the contrary, I... »
My dream wedding. Description - Ślub moich marzeń. Opis
Wedding of my dreams takes place in the wide clearing in the forest. My wedding dress is simple but elegant. It has no such things as laces, flounces or embroideries. It is just a mini made of smooth white satin. My veil is simple too, it is made of see-through silk and it is shoulder long. My groom is a tall, green-eyed, handsome man with long,... »
Getting married before being 30? - pros and cons of late setting up a home. Essay - Ślub przed trzydziestką? - zalety i wady zakładania rodziny w późniejszym wieku. Esej
Ask any 20-year-old person when they want to get married and you will hear mostly: 'Not before I am 30!'. Then look around and try to guess how many people of those wearing a wedding ring is younger than 30. Not many. Why is that so? Is it good? Let's take a closer look at that matter. Firstly, many young people state that they feel a need to g... »
Story about an unfortunate love - Opowiadanie o nieszczęśliwej miłości
Tom woke up in a good mood. Another day at work was to begin soon. He was enjoying his job. It was easy and they paid well. He liked the hasty life of the company and the ever-rushing people working there. He was also hoping to see Jenny today. Ah, yes, gorgeous Jenny. A tall, slim, beautiful co-worker. He liked her long blond hair and her eyes... »