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Lista wypracowań w kategorii nature
Description of spring - Opis wiosny
After a long, cold winter, spring comes. In the calendar, the first day of astronomical spring falls on March 21st. However, the real spring, when you're able to observe changes in weather, occurs in April, sometimes in May. It is the most wonderful time of the year. Everything comes back to life. Flowers begin to bloom, hibernated animals wake ... »
Description of a favourite place - Opis ulubionego miejsca
Most of us have visited a number of places in their lives. Most likely, they have chosen one they liked most. So have I. My favourite place in the world is the beach by Lake Ouluvesi in Ahtari, Finland. First of all, Finland is a country located in North East part of Europe, west to Russia. And Ahtari is a small town in the middle West of the c... »
What can you do for your planet? - Co możesz zrobić dla planety?
Word climate is changing every day. Our planet needs your help! What can you do to save the Earth? How can we avoid the consequences such as greenhouse effect or damaged ozone layer? First step is to believe that each and everyone of us may change the world into a better place to live. You just can’t be listless. Nowadays humanity needs t... »
Description of winter - Opis zimy
Winter in Poland begins on 22nd December. It is the coldest season of the whole year. After autumn, the days are colder and shorter. The sun shines weakly and even the colour of the sky is cold blue. Everything around is gloomy and grey. The bare trees, the lack of green grass, mud and puddles, all of this makes the world look sad. People ... »
Natural disasters - Klęski żywiołowe
Natural disasters have been bothering us since the beginning of humanity, although it seems that nowadays we experience them more often. I think it may be caused by the activity of human who, as time goes by, interfere with the nature more and more. Unfortunately, the four elements which usually seem to be under control, sometimes go out of it a... »
Description of mountains - Opis gór
The mountains – majestic stone structures sticking up from the ground, showing the power of the divine creation. Does that sound familiar to you? Let's take a short trip. The Tatra Mountains are the most famous ones in Poland. They are the highest mountain chain in the country, as well as the most beautiful one. Imagine huge stone masses,... »
Rainforests - how to protect rainforests? - Lasy tropikalne - jak chronić lasy tropikalne?
Tropical rainforests are cut down terribly fast. It has a disastrous influence on the whole world. It disturbs the natural balance. Every forest regulates the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, especially the ones occupying such a immense area. But they are destroyed rapidly and carelessly and we are experiencing the consequences alread... »
Description of a favourite season - Opis ulubionej pory roku
Summer is the season I love the most. I like autumn for the colours of the leaves, and I like spring because of the beautiful flowers. However, sunny summer days are the most enjoyable days in the whole year for me. Summer starts in June, when the weather is nice and warm. The temperature is steady. The sun rises earlier than in winter, so the ... »
An essay on environment - is building highways a chance or a threat? - Esej o środowisku - czy budowa autostrad jest szansą, czy zagrożeniem?
natural value. Write an essay in which you explain the threats and gains of such a project. An essay on environment – is building highways a chance or a threat? - Esej o środowisku – czy budowa autostrad jest szansą, czy zagrożeniem? Nowadays every country aspires to having a highway network helping to travel through the coun... »
Description of the weather in Poland - Opis pogody w Polsce
Poland is rather a bright and sunny country, although it is not very warm. Most days of the year are sunny and weather changes aren't sudden and fast. Polish weather is rather long-lasting, for example sometimes it rains constantly for a few days or even more. It is much colder in Poland during winter than in the summer. Winters are frosty, sno... »
The importance of spending time together: description of a picture - Znaczenie wspólnego spędzania czasu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see elderly men playing chess. The boards lie on a wooden table, the men are sitting on a bench. There are some pawns standing next to the board, the others are still on it. The man on the right has a brown jacket on. His hair is grey. He rests his head on his hand in which he's holding a black pawn. The m... »
Description of autumn - Opis jesieni
Autumn begins on 23rd September and ends on 22nd December. After springtime comes a time of rainy weather. The first month of autumn is usually nice and sunny. Although the sun is not as strong as in the summer, it is still pleasantly warm outside. Days are getting shorter and the sun rises later. There are more cloudy and drizzly days. T... »
Happiness and joy: description of a picture - Szczęście i radość: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young lady standing outside, in the middle of a lupine field. The plants cover up a vast area. Back in the distance, there are some trees: some green, some leafless. The girl is standing between the yellow flowers. She is tall and slim. Her long dark hair are tied back in a ponytail. She is wearing... »
Description of my window view - Widok z mojego okna. Opis
A friend once asked me what I see when I look through my window. Here it is then. I live in a flat on the sixth floor so the first thing I see is the sky. My window is to the west so in the evenings I can see some nice sunsets. If I come closer to the window and look carefully, I can see the view of Warsaw's district of Zoliborz. Near to me ther... »
How to help protect the environment: description of a picture - Jak pomóc w ochronie środowiska: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In this picture we can see a factory – a true icon of today's modernized and industrial world. The one portrayed in the photograph is pretty big and it looks like it is in a full swing. What is quiet surprising, is that the sky, which should be pretty dark considering the amounts of smoke coming from the factory, is very... »
Description of a park - Opis parku
In my town there is only one park but it is a very beautiful place. It a favourite place of many inhabitants of the town, especially mothers and their children. The park is located in the south of town, on Kościuszki street, opposite a bank. It is not a big park. It is square. On its perimeter there is a red fence made of metal that is quite ol... »
The influence of human on environment - do we destroy the Earth or make it a better place to live? - Wpływ ludzkości na środowisko - czy niszczymy Ziemię, czy czynimy ją lepszym miejscem do życia?
God said to Adam and Eve: 'Be fruitfuland multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth'. Do human take the proper actions to make the Earth a better place to live? I tried to find it out. First of all, there is no... »
Description of summer - Opis lata
Summer is a season that lasts from 21st June do 20th September. During summer there is sunny and hot outside. The sky is usually cloudless. Many species of plants flourish and thus it is colourful outside. The trees are green and in them, the birds sing all day long. The nights are short and very warm. The smell of the air is much different fro... »
Living in a big city or in a village - what do you prefer? (opinion) - Mieszkać w dużym mieście czy w wiosce - co wolisz? (opinia)
A village as a quiet place is perfect for everybody searching for nature and its relaxing power. City on the other hand is a place for people in search for sensation, entertainment and modernity. Both these places have as many benefits as drawbacks. A village can be indicated as Arcadia – an ideal mythological place, however it is a common... »
Description of a dream garden - imagine that you are an architect, your task is to design a fantasy garden - Opis wymarzonego ogrodu - wyobraź sobie, że jesteś architektem, masz za zadanie zaprojektować baśniowy ogród
This garden is a place made especially for the children. It is a place so pleasant and beautiful that everyone loves to spend time there. The garden is full of flowers. There are lots of rosebushes. The roses are planted in the way that the bushes form the letters of the English alphabet. Each letter has its own colour. All in all, there are 26... »
Description of a seaside - Opis morza i plaży
Have you ever been to a seaside? Do you know what it looks like? Let me take you on a short trip. First of all, let's choose a sea. My example will be Mediterranean Sea. Sunny Italy and its sandy shores will help me picture a sea view to you. Imagine golden, pleasantly warm, smooth sand laying all over, constituting the border between the land ... »
Degradation of the natural environment - description of a place that is particularly endangered (Upper Silesia) - Degradacja środowiska naturalnego - opis miejsca szczególnie zagrożonego (Górny Śląsk)
The ongoing industrial progress. It happens every day. Has anyone ever considered how it affects the environment? Due to it many unique regions are harmed and destroyed. Let's focus on the most endangered one in Poland – the Upper Silesian industrial district. First of all the causes of the damage should be found. In Silesia the most dest... »
Description of a landscape - Opis krajobrazu
The view from the hotel window is breathtaking. The hotel is located on a hill, near a big river. Apart from the hotel and the restaurant, there are not many other buildings in the vicinity. It is a beautiful, wild place. In the foreground you can see the garden of the hotel. There is a well trimmed lawn surrounded by a low boxwood hedge. A sto... »
Weather forecast - Prognoza pogody
… and now the weather forecast for today. It's 8 am so it can still be quite chilly outside. The temperature will rise throughout the day though and whilst now it's about 7 degrees Celsius, the estimated maximum is 16 degrees. Many parts of Scotland will see a fine and dry day, though there might be some showery rain at times, especially ... »