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Lista wypracowań w kategorii my life - strona 2
Description of my mother - Opis mojej mamy
There are different kind of mothers. Overprotective ones, also ones that don’t care too much about their children. Some mothers want to be friends with their kids, others are demanding and rigorous. My mother is neither overprotective nor careless. A word that describes her most accurately is – loving. My mum is a middle-aged ... »
Do you think it's terrible to be a grown up? Would you like to be a child again? (opinion) - Myślisz, że to takie straszne dorosnąć? Czy chciałbyś znów być dzieckiem? (opinia)
'A fool at 40 is a fool forever' - it means there are people who just do not feel like growing up... and I am defenitly one of them. Although I am not 40 (not yet) I already know that my life attitude will always be more like kid's character than adult personality. For me, to be a child means to be creative and open-minded, have no worrie... »
Description of winter break - Opis ferii
This year my winter break started on Monday 18th January and ended on Sunday, 1st February. During the first week I stayed at home. I helped my mother with housework and I did the homework the teachers gave us. I also was going out with friends every day. We were sledging and ice-skating. We also made several snowmen with carrot noses and coal ... »
Influence of advertisement - are you under the influence of advertisement? - Wpływ reklamy - czy ulegasz wpływowi reklamy?
Advertisement is so omnipresent in our everyday lives nowadays, that it is hard to remain totally uninfluenced by it. I think that I am under its influence to a certain degree at least, just like everyone, unless somebody has completely no access to the civilization. Anyway, I do not blindly buy or follow anything that appears in advertisements... »
My favourite music band - Mój ulubiony zespół
My favourite music band is the Rolling Stones. I have all their albums. The Rolling Stones is a rock-and-roll band that was created in 1962 in England. Although The Stones, as they are known, have been on the stage for more than forty years, they are still active and play concerts that attract crowds. The original members of the band were: Brian... »
Description of a journey - my most interesting journey - Opis podróży - moja najciekawsza podróż
My most interesting travelling experience has taken place when I was twelve years old and set out on a holiday with my family. We were going for two weeks to Majorca. It is a small Spanish island on the Mediterranean Sea. Why was it so interesting and exciting? We were travelling there on a plane and I had never been to an airport or flew on boa... »
Description: an unforgettable day - Opis: niezapomniany dzień
The day I will never forget is my wedding day. I woke up early, as I was really excited about that day. I dressed, grabbed a light breakfast and headed to the hairdresser. She made a wonderful chignon and decorated it with little white flowers. Next, I rushed to the beautician so that she could put a wonderful delicate make up on my face. I knew... »
A day of my childhood (story) - Dzień z mojego dzieciństwa (opowiadanie)
I was a six-year-old boy at that time. I could barely write or read anything. My four-year-old brother wasn’t capable of doing even that. We spent most of our time playing football. Our father was a professional football player at that time and it was understandable that his sons were going to play football too. Even though we used to pla... »
My family today and in the past (comparison) - Moja rodzina dziś a kiedyś (porównanie)
I have a big family and love it very much. In recent years a lot has changed in the lives of my relatives and mine. First of all, my sister doesn’t live with us anymore. She is 19 now and a couple of months ago she graduated from high school. Fortunately, she passed her matura exam with flying colours and got into a university. She is now... »
My ideal life (description) - Moje wymarzone życie (opis)
I used to have a beautiful dream. It began just like the majority of my recent dreams. I attended the university, however I did not fear this time of any test or exam. I was dressed really elegantly and it was a briefcase that I was holding in my hand. It turned out that I was supposed to defend my thesis. I do not remember the defence itself bu... »
My dream holidays (description) - Moje wymarzone wakacje (opis)
What would I do, if only I had enough money not to care about how much I would spend? It is as clear as day – I would travel and furthermore I would travel a lot. The only problem I can imagine is that I will run out of time far too early to visit every place on the planet which I would to like to. My dream holidays would be certainly a t... »
A description of my house - Opis mojego domu
I live in a big city, however not in the city centre but almost on the outskirts. Although it is in the suburbs I still live in a block of flats. It is not a skyscraper but 5 floors is still high enough to have a fairly good view through the window assuming you live on the last floor just like me. The apartment of our family is not too large but... »
How to protect environment in our every day life? Essay - Jak chronić środowisko w naszym codziennym życiu? Esej
As we all know, our natural environment is endangered by the development of the civilization and technology and by the people who recklessly use them. Anyway, there are things we can do in our everyday life to protect it. They seem to be small and insignificant, but performed by a large number of people, they would mean a lot. Firstly, we may t... »
My family (description) - Moja rodzina (opis)
My name is Tomasz and I would like to describe my family. My family is really big but what makes it really exceptional is that we all live in one detached house. There are all three generations under one roof, which is not very common any more. I have two brothers. They are both my age because we are triplets. This is why we are even more simil... »
How do you contribute to the protection of environment? - Jak przyczyniasz się do ochrony środowiska?
I find protection of the environment very important, so I try to put some effort into it. First of all, I do not litter. I do not drop litter on the ground, in the streets, into the rivers or in the forests. I always throw it out into the wastebaskets. Secondly, I try to segregate the litter. I put plain glass, colourful glass, paper and metal ... »
Me about myself (description) - Ja o sobie samym (opis)
My name is Tomasz and I am 16 years old. I am neither tall, nor short. My 172 cm of height are just perfect as I do not have to bend down as I pass the door, nor do I have to jump if I want to see the noticeboard at school. My face is oval in shape and it is rather chubby what makes me look even younger. My eyes are bluish and certainly do not a... »
My plans for the future - Moje plany na przyszłość
Many of my colleagues still don’t know what they want to do when they graduate from high school. Not me. Personally, I have some very specific plans and goals that I want to achieve in the future. First of all, after I graduate, I want to go to college. University education is very important to me. I hope the studies will help me find a g... »
Description: my best party ever - Opis: moja najlepsza impreza
The best party I have ever been to was the eighteenth birthday of my best friend Linda. The day of her birthday is always a great opportunity to have fun because it is on 31st October – the Halloween day! That day, as it was her eighteenth birthday, me and all our friends decided to do something special for Linda. On 31st October all the ... »
If I were rich... - Gdybym był bogaty...
If I were very rich, I would not have to work at all. So I would spend my time and money on developing my hobbies and passions. I would try a lot of new, expensive and quite often extreme activities like, for example, parachuting, bungee-jumping, diving, mountain cycling, skiing, snowboarding. Buying a good equipment wouldn't be a problem at all... »
My plans for holidays - Moje plany na wakacje
When I was younger, I didn’t use to make holiday plans in advance. I simply decided to go somewhere the following day. Sometimes, I hit the road on my own. However, my friends often decided to join me. We travelled through many countries this way, mostly hitch-hiking or travelling by train, not having tickets, of course. It was a long tim... »
My hobby - music (description) - Moje hobby - muzyka (opis)
My hobby for life is music, especially rock and metal genres. Unfortunately, I guess it will have to remain a hobby, because it is hard to make ends meet only being a musician. And it is even harder for a musician playing rock or metal to achieve success. I have liked music since I was a little child. Even then it already became something impor... »
Describe your favourite actor - Opisz swojego ulubionego aktora
William Bradley 'Brad' Pitt was born on 18 December 1963 in Shawnee, Oklahoma, but he grew up in Springfield, Missouri, where his family moved after his birth. In 1980’s, after finishing high school, he enrolled in the University of Missouri, where he studied journalism. However, he didn’t get a degree – only two weeks before ... »
Description of my day - Opis mojego dnia
I start my day at 7 AM. I’m not an early bird, so it’s really hard for me to get up at this hour.I lie in my bed for a moment and try to remind myself what I was dreaming about. Then, I go to the bathroom to take a shower. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. Next, I make breakfast. Usually I eat cornflakes with milk or toasted ... »
My dream wedding. Description - Ślub moich marzeń. Opis
Wedding of my dreams takes place in the wide clearing in the forest. My wedding dress is simple but elegant. It has no such things as laces, flounces or embroideries. It is just a mini made of smooth white satin. My veil is simple too, it is made of see-through silk and it is shoulder long. My groom is a tall, green-eyed, handsome man with long,... »
Safety in my town - ways of protecting oneself (essay) - Bezpieczeństwo w moim mieście - sposoby zabezpieczania się przed przemocą (esej)
Nowadays, violence on the streets is a problem of a increasing rate. Many people simply do not go out in the evening as they are afraid of being robbed. It is a problem that involves more and more youth every year. What can be done to protect oneself against omnipresent aggression? First of all, the origin of such behaviour should be found. Fil... »
My favourite sport (description) - Mój ulubiony sport (opis)
I am rather a coach potato and do not practice to much sport, however there is one sports discipline I fall in love with the first time I did it – skiing. I still can recall my very first time on tiny boards made of plastic. It was my mother who taught me how to ski and who gave me the hand while I was taking my first steps as a skier. We... »