A letter of complaint about a faulty product you bought - List z reklamacją zakupionego produktu, który okazał się wadliwy

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Dear Sir/ Madam
I am writing to you to complain about the printer that I bought in your shop two weeks ago. Even though I was assured by a shop assistant that the model I chose was one of the most reliable ones, it did not work properly from the very beginning.
From the very start, I experienced some difficulties. Unfortunately, the manual was only in German and therefore I was forced to search for information through the Internet. Although I finally succeeded, I found it extremely hard to connect the device. As for this printer, the process of connecting and installing everything is definitely not user-friendly.
As it turned out later, this was only the beginning. I printed the trial page and everything seemed to be under control. It was not, though. I could not print anything since that time. Sheets of paper are being constantly blocked inside the printer and I cannot solve the problem on my own. I tried to deal with it using manuals that I downloaded from the Internet, but even though I did my best, there was no progress at all.
Considering the fact that the warranty is still valid, I expect that my printer will soon be mended. If it turns out that the one I bought is faulty and there is nothing to be done, I hope I will be given another one in return. If that is to be impossible too, I expect to get a complete refund.
I hope that you will take my case into serious consideration and answer my letter as soon as it is only possible. My address has been enclosed.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Tadeusz Kowalski
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