Advantages and disadvantages of living in a city (essay) - Zalety i wady mieszkania w mieście (rozprawka)
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There are both drawbacks and benefits of dwelling a city, however I am pretty sure that the number of advantages exceeds the amount of disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the noise, however one gets used to it after some time as people become immune to it, so that it is not a problem any more.
The second downside are the clouds of smog over the cities but it can be easily avoided by moving to a smaller city that would be a perfect solution in order not to dwell a village on one hand, and not to inhale fumes on the other.
There are dozens of cultural facilities and places for young people to arrange their meeting in the cities. One is capable of planning something different for each day. You cannot get bored in the city, as you are constantly exploring new places and meeting new people. It is not possible while living in a village where you have explored every place after one month.
As far as means of transport are concerned, the city is much more convenient to dwell than a village. If one want to entertain himself, one just leaves home and goes to the nearest bus stop to go to the city centre – it is similar for both citizens and peasants. However, you have to be aware of the fact that the buses from villages come every two hours and are often overcrowded. The worst thing about them is unfortunately the fact that the last one comes often at 9 pm, which is relatively early to come back if you are enjoying yourself at a party in a pub.
It is certainly easier to acquire knowledge in a city as you have a large selection of schools, universities and additional courses. It gives the opportunity to improve one’s skills and abilities, which is advisable if you want to be offered a well-paid job in the future. The way the schools are equipped in the cities is far more profitable for the students as well.
It is the city where the development of a human being is at the first place and the abilities one may gain in the city will generate a good profit in the future. Dwelling the city makes everything available but you have to be conscious of how to make use of these possibilities in a correct way.
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