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Lista wypracowań w kategorii essay - strona 2
Should supermarkets be closed on Sundays? (essay) - Czy supermarkety (sklepy) powinny być nieczynne w niedzielę? (rozprawka)
The law enacted by the Parliament which regards no trade on Sunday is still stirring emotions. People are divided into two groups – these who are against it and these who are in favour. The act that bans trading on Sundays tells distinctly that 'there are no reasons why the owners or other people working on a civil contract could not work ... »
Friendship or love is the most important in life? (essay) - Przyjaźń czy miłość jest najważniejsza w życiu?
What is friendship? According to me it is a feeling that ties someone with the other persons and that is based on kindness, honesty and trust. You can rely always on your friend. Friendship is selfless, lifelong, real, responsible and sincere. It is a very special feeling as it emerges from our minds. It is like a bridge linking two banks of the... »
School tests - advantages and disadvantages. Essay - Testy (sprawdziany) w szkole - zalety i wady. Esej
No one likes exams. Obviously, tests cause stress. All the students would like to go to a school where there are no exams. Some of the parents and teachers think they are right. What are the main benefits and disadvantages of school tests? I will try to find out the answer. There is no denying the fact that children experience stress. Fortunate... »
Do you think education is a key to success? (essay) - Czy myślisz, że edukacja jest kluczem do sukcesu? (esej)
According to a popular saying, education is the key to power. Since we were children, our parents and other adult relatives have repeated the same phrase. Thanks to rhymes it is easy to remember and therefore, although in some cases many years have passed since we last heard it, we could recite it without any mistakes even now. We can all agree ... »
False friendship - description - Przyjaźń fałszywa - opis
A false friend is a person who is not really your friend, but only pretends that he or she is this person. A false friend is someone dangerous. It is not good when such a person is around you. A false friend may cause a lot of harm and misery. A false friend is not your friend, but also not your enemy. A true friend is someone you can always co... »
A phenomenon named Adam Małysz - Fenomen Adama Małysza
3 December 1977 turned out to be a lucky day for Polish sport fans. One of the most entitled sportsmen in Polish history was born on that day in Wisła – a small town in the south of our country. What I have already said would be enough for the vast majority of Polish citizens to guess who I am talking about. Why? Because there is no other ... »
Do you think it is important to follow fashion? (essay) - Czy podążanie za modą jest według ciebie istotne? (esej)
Almost everyone wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nowadays more and more people decide to undergo a plastic surgery, liposuction or botox shots. They would do everything in the world in order to feel – quoting Radiohead's lyrics – 'fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable' also - younger or just cooler than their friends f... »
Advantages and disadvantages of life on retirement
Most of us have never thought of being retired. This may be an odd vision and undoubtedly seems to be a very distant one. However, it is also unquestionable that once we are going to reach a certain age in which we will not be fit enough to work. Although it may be hard to imagine such a situation, all of us know some people who already are pens... »
Advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane. Essay - Zalety i wady podróżowania samolotem. Rozprawka
The plane is one of the humanity’s greatest inventions. Though in the first few years after the invention planes were regarded as toys for eccentrics, currently they serve many purposes, most importantly as a means of mass transport. Each year millions of people cross countries and continents on board of commercial and military airplanes. ... »
Security or freedom and independence? Essay - Bezpieczeństwo czy wolność i niezależność? Esej
What are your values in life? Security, freedom and independence are the things that we qualify as good and needed. Do you protect, support and promote those values? Which one of them is more important to you? First of all I would like to define the words 'security' and 'freedom' (independence) . Security is a kind of protection against danger.... »
Influence of new technologies on people - is life easier today than in the past? Essay - Wpływ nowych technologii na ludzi - czy życie jest dziś łatwieje niż w przeszłości? Esej
Does the technological development make our life easier? On one hand it seems that the new technology has made our life better in many dimensions. Communication across the world is now incredibly fast and it is almost unlimited. It is extremely difficult for me to imagine life hundred years ago, without cars, television, women’s rights. If... »
Holidays at the seaside or holidays in the mountains? Essay - Wakacje nad morzem czy wakacje w górach? Rozprawka
Spending time at a seaside or in the mountains are the two most popular ways of taking advantage of one's holidays. Honestly, it is hard for me to choose from them, since they both have certain advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it all depends on how you decide to use your free time. If you seek for active rest, then you should go to t... »
Vegetarianism - disadvantages and advantages - Wegetarianizm - zalety i wady
Vegetarianism is both diet and philosophy. As a diet – vegetarianism forbids to eat meat and other animal products, like animal fat or gelatine. We can distinguish many kinds of vegetarianism as a diet, dependently on which animal products are forbidden to eat. For example, there are vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy, the ones who eat fis... »
A new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Are you for or against? Essay - Nowa restauracja ma zostać wybudowana w twojej okolicy. Jesteś za czy przeciw? Rozprawka
My neighbourhood is situated on the west side of the city. There is a forest and a park nearby. It is a wonderful place. I believe that building a restaurant in this area may be beneficial, however it also has some disadvantages. First of all, new restaurant would be a great place to go out on the weekends. I am sure that many of my neigh... »
Different aspects of living in the house and in the block of flats (essay) - Różne aspekty mieszkania w domu i w bloku (rozprawka)
I have been living in a flat since I was born. Probably this is why I would prefer to move into a bigger house and have a wonderful garden around it. In my opinion, when it comes to a flat – it doesn’t matter how big it is – there is never enough room. The house has a soul, the flat hasn't. I think that the way of how you deco... »
If you could change one important thing about your country, what would you change? (essay) - Gdybyś mógł zmienić jedną istotną rzecz w twoim kraju, co by to było? (esej)
Culture for all The European Union takes actions in the field of education, developing cultural exchange programs and raising cultural diversity. If I could change something about my country, I would like to put emphasise on cultural development and widening access to the culture so it would become available for all the people. Regarding the f... »
„Jeder möchte erfolgreich sein” - Schildere und begründe deine Meinung in einem Essay - „Każdy chciałby osiągnąć w życiu sukces” - Wypowiedz się na ten temat w formie rozprawki
Jeder möchte in seinem Leben Erfolg erreichen. Immer häufiger denken Menschen an ihre Karriere und folglich möchten auch mehr Geld haben. Persönlich wundere ich mich nicht darüber, aber mit Freude überlege mir jetzt, ob alle wirklich den Erfolg brachen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass nicht jeder erfolgreich sein muss. Es... »
Gibt es unter jungen Leuten bestimmte Trends, die man mitmachen und nachahmen muss, um unter den gleichjährigen akzeptiert zu werden - schreibe zu diesem Thema einen Essay - Napisz rozprawkę na powyższy temat
Haben die jungen Leute bestimmte Trends, die man nachahmen muss, um akzeptiert zu werden? Ältere Personen stellen sich solche Frage. Sie wissen nicht genau, wie das wirklich aussieht. Ich möchte das jetzt untersuchen und überlegen, ob man sich um Akzeptanz bemühen muss. Ohne länger nachzudenken sagt man, dass es k... »
'My home is my castle' - an essay - „Mój dom jest moją twierdzą” - esej
The English have a saying: 'My home is my castle'. And they are right. But what does it mean and what consequences it has? Let's have a look. To start with, let's focus on the meaning of that sentence. To me it stands for my home being a place I know is safe, warm and I can always go back there and no one will make me leave. It is the place I c... »
What invention do people find most important? (essay) - Które odkryć jest dla ludzi najważniejsze? (esej)
Young people appreciate cultural achievements and the progress of civilization. How the world would look like nowadays if a few thousands years ago our ancestors would not invent things that seem to be something normal now? The most important invention was creation of a wheel. This is the very invention that looking back from the perspective of... »
Is life better in a large city or in a small town? Provide reasons and examples (essay) - Lepiej żyje się w małym czy dużym mieście? Podaj przyczyny i przykłady (esej)
Some people prefer to live in a city, others would never leave countryside. Obviously, life in a big city is a completely different story from the days spent in a small town. What are the mains differences? I'll try to find it out… Malls, underground and skyscrapers For me there’s no other life I could compare to the city li... »
Mass media - a meaning of media - Mass media - znaczenie mediów
The mass media (radio, television, press, Internet) are omnipresent nowadays and it is hard to imagine modern world without them. They serve many purposes of modern societies. They wouldn't be called „the fourth authority” for no reason after all. To begin with, mass media provide us with information. Thanks to them we receive the n... »
Dog as a man’s friend (essay) - Pies jako przyjaciel człowieka (rozprawka)
Can dog be a man’s best friend? When talking about pets we often quote these words. What are the similarities between a good friend – someone very important in everyone’s lives, and a pet? A friend is someone whom we usually spend a lot of time with. The same is true about dogs. Dog owners need to devote a great part of their ... »
Role of advertisement in the life of modern man. Essay – Rola reklamy w życiu współczesnego człowieka. Rozprawka
Advertising is omnipresent in our everyday life nowadays. It is in TV, on the radio, on the Internet, in newspapers, on the streets and buildings and even in our mailboxes. It is therefore worth considering, what its role our lives is. Crucial role of advertisement is to recommend particular products to us and persuade us to purchase them. The ... »
Wie soll man die Freizeit vernünftig verbringen? Sport oder Fernsehen? Schreibe einen Essay - Jak powinno się rozsądnie spędzać czas wolny? Sport czy telewizja? Napisz rozprawkę
Wie soll man die Freizeit vernünftig verbringen? Solche Frage stellt man sich ganz oft. Leider sind die Leute immer mehr faul und wählen immer öfter Fernsehen aus. Aber es gibt auch eine Gruppe von Menschen, die sogar regelmäßig Sport treiben. Jetzt möchte ich zeigen, was man in seiner Freizeit machen sollte. Warum... »
Travelling by plane or by train? Opinion - Podróżowanie samolotem czy pociągiem? Opinia
Nowadays people can choose many forms of travelling. Trains, invented in the nineteenth century, used to be the most popular mean of transport, but the development of new technology and new machines – able to carry passengers over long distances – made the good old train in many countries fade into oblivion. Nowadays more and more pe... »
Tabloid journalism - tabloids. Should they pay less attention to celebrities' lives? Essay - Dziennikarstwo brukowe - brukowce. Czy powinny przywiązywać mniej uwagi do życia gwiazd? Esej
There is no doubt that media pay a lot of attention to the personal lives of celebrities and other famous people. Is it a right and legal to do it? The best example is Tiger Woods. A few months ago almost no one ever heard about him in Poland, let alone about his wife. He is one of the best golf players in the US. Since tabloids published photo... »
Thanks to microwaves and fast food restaurants, food has become easier to prepare. Do you think it's beneficial to society? (opinion) - Dzięki mikrofalówkom i barom fast food jedzenie stało się łatwiejsze do zrobienia. Czy to dobre dla ludzi? (opinia)
It is often said: 'You are what we eat'. If that's true then it's not easy to answer the following question: 'Are the microwaves and fast food restaurants beneficial to society'? First of all - let’s take a look at the facts. On the Internet you can find an information that more than fifty millions (!) of Americans depend on fast fo... »
Advantages and disadvantages of advertisement. Essay - Zalety i wady reklamy. Rozprawka
Advertisements are an inseparable part of the world around us. We can find them almost everywhere – in television, on the radio, on the Internet, in newspapers and even in the streets or buildings. I guess we just have to get used to their presence, but are they really so beneficial? First of all, advertisements are definitely a must in t... »
A great fortune is a great slavery (essay) - Duży majątek oznacza duże zniewolenie (rozprawka)
Do you know any person who claims that would not like to be rich? Even if there are such people, I suppose that there is one thing you can agree about – these are exceptions. Most of those who surround me aim to earn as much money as it is only possible and state that fortune is as desirable as good health and almost equals happiness. Whil... »