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Lista wypracowań w kategorii opinion - strona 2
Smoking in public places - for or against? (opinion) - Palenie w miejscach publicznych - za czy przeciw? (opinia)
Smoking in public places should not be forbidden as there is no point in discriminating against smokers who are slaves to this addiction. It may become limited but not forbidden entirely. I do think that recently the smokers are becoming deprived of their rights sufficiently – there are more and more places in which one must not smoke at ... »
Should cars be banned from a city centres? (opinion) - Czy samochodom powinno się zabronić wjazdu do centrum miasta? (opinia)
There are lots of cars in our city that are allowed to be driven actually anywhere. I think it is high time to change it as it is impermissible that cars were driven along the promenades, and it is like that right now. People are used to shorten their ways by driving along the boardwalks and city centre where only delivery trucks are allowed. I... »
Description of a weekend. Why are weekends so fun? - Opis weekendu. Dlaczego weekendy są takie fajne?
I like weekends a lot because I have a lot of free time then. I don’t usually get up before ten o’clock. After I get up and eat breakfast, I check my e-mail messages and visit Internet pages. I always start with news sites. I don’t watch news on television or read any newspapers but the Internet lets me learn about the current ... »
A word is a global village. Do you agree and why? (essay) - Świat jest globalną wioską. Czy zgadzasz się i dlaczego? (rozprawka)
We tend to think that less and less people are living in the country. Indeed, during the last century people preferred to move to cities rather than leave them. Lots of villages were simply abandoned since living in a city seemed to be easier and connected with more opportunities. As a result most of us inhabit towns and cities – huge conc... »
Cinema vs theatre - what's better? (essay) - Kino a teatr - co jest lepsze? (esej)
It is a difficult question to answer if it is better to go to the cinema or to the theatre. The main advantage of the theatre is the direct contact with the actor performing his role. Even if you go to see the same play again it will not be the same. However, there are less theatres and the tickets are more expensive as well, one should be smart... »
Success - a result of hard work or luck? Opinion - Sukces - efekt ciężkiej pracy czy szczęścia? Opinia
Donald Trump used to say that everything in life is a matter of luck. However, some people claim that if you succeed in life it is because of hard work and being lucky has nothing to do with success. To begin with I would like to say what 'success' means to me. A great man said once: 'Success is the ability to go from one failure to another wit... »
Government has announced that it wishes to build a military base near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the idea - Rząd ogłosił, że chce wybudować bazę wojskową w pobliżu twojej okolicy. Przedyskutuj wady i zalety tego pomysłu
Personally, I would never support the idea of building a military base near the place where I live. However some people may find advantages of this kind of project. Perhaps military base would decrease local unemployment. Some of my neighbours would have a chance to get a well-paid job. In fact, the military base located next to my community wo... »
Is attenting school necessary? Why do people decide to go to school? (opinion) - Czy szkoła jest niezbędna? Dlaczego ludzie decydują się iść do szkoły? (opinia)
Obviously, people attend school for many reasons. Everyone has some different, convincing reasons. Here you can find out more about some of the main purposes of education and existence of schools. Expanded knowledge First of all, some people just need to go to school in order to learn. They are either ambitious or they need a diploma to get a ... »
'A job should mean a job for life'. Do you agree or disagree? (opinion) - Praca powinna być pracą na całe życie. Zgadzasz się czy też nie? (opinia)
Some people ask: 'Does the job for life still exist?'. I think it does. However more and more employees consider a career change. Recent researches prove that in the United States 1 out of 5 people changes job every year, although in some countries the amount is much higher. So does a job should mean a job for life? In my opinion, everything is ... »
Does money make friends or enemies? Justify your opinion - Czy pieniądze przysparzają przyjaciół czy wrogów? Uzasadnij swoją opinię
If one day I won the lottery, I would never tell it anyone I know. Money does 'make' many things but money definitely does not make friends. What's more – it can definitely make some enemies. In my opinion, if you are wealthy it is much harder to find not just a real friend but also wife or husband. People instead of admiring your intelli... »
Students should be required to attend classes or they should feel free to choose? What's your opinion? - Studenci powinni być zobligowani do uczestnictwa wykładach czy też mogą wybrać sami? Wyraź swoją opinię
In my opinion, attending classes should be optional for all students. First of all, I would like to remind every one what it means to be a university student. University is an institution of a higher level of education. A student is an adult who have decided to increase his knowledge and develop some skills that may help him in future career. ... »
Should we learn foreign languages? (essay) - Czy powinniśmy uczyć się języków obcych? (esej)
That we should learn foreign languages is out of question nowadays. The amount of benefits resulting from the fact we can communicate in any foreign language is infinite. Progressing globalization, opened borders and labour markets, growing popularity of Internet and spending holidays abroad make us know at least one foreign language. The value... »
A review of a TV series ('House MD') - Recenzja serialu („Dr House”)
These days television offers many various series. Science fiction, drama, medicine or police lovers will all find several titles that suit their taste. There is one that suits the taste of almost everybody, though. This is House MD. It is a story of a genius doctor and his staff. He is a unique person due to his intelligence, medical skills and... »
Some people prefer to eat at food stands or in restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. What's your opinion? - Niektórzy ludzie wolą jadać na mieście. Inni preferują przygotowywać posiłki w domu. Jaka jest twoja opinia?
When I was a child I used to eat at home every day. I still believe that homemade food is the tastiest and the healthiest one. However, I often decide to go out and eat in the restaurants at the moment. Why? First and foremost, sometimes I am just too lazy to cook for myself. It takes too long and I've always claimed that cooking is not my cup ... »
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Do you agree or disagree? - Niektórzy sądzą, że lepiej uczyć się samodzielnie niż z nauczycielem. Zgadzasz się z tą opinią?
Nowadays, with the help of technology and with the invention of e-learning, learning process seems to be easier than ever before. Some people start to learn on their own and they believe that they don't need a teacher. Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with this statement. I would like to present my opinion on this subject in the following... »
Living in a big city or in a village - what do you prefer? (opinion) - Mieszkać w dużym mieście czy w wiosce - co wolisz? (opinia)
A village as a quiet place is perfect for everybody searching for nature and its relaxing power. City on the other hand is a place for people in search for sensation, entertainment and modernity. Both these places have as many benefits as drawbacks. A village can be indicated as Arcadia – an ideal mythological place, however it is a common... »
Travel in time - if you could travel in time, would you choose past times or future? (opinion) - Podróż w czasie - gdybyś mógł podróżować w czasie, wybrałbyś przeszłość przy przyszłość? (opinia)
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments and places that take our breath away. That is why if I could choose between travelling back in time or into the future, I would like to travel into the future. I would love to know what is going to happen in hundred years. In my opinion, sooner or later, we will live in space colon... »
A letter about the gallery - List z wrażeniami z wystawy do organizatora
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you in reference to the exhibition which was held on 17th November 2009 in the Art Gallery in Łódź. My scope of interests tackles the realms of the modern art and therefore I was not capable of refraining of preparing this short review of what one was able to admire at Yours. The first aspect to elabor... »
You read an article on illegal download of Internet files. Write a letter to the newspaper and express your opinion - Przeczytałeś artykuł na temat nielegalnego ściągania internetowych plików. Napisz do gazety i wyraź swoje zdanie na ten temat
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with regard to the article on illegal files download I have recently read in your newspaper. Firstly, I would like to inform you that I found the article in 'The Times' issue dated July, 23rd. It has become the subject of my interest as it describes a very common matter among my peers nowadays and I wanted t... »
Abortion - for or against? (essay) - Aborcja - za czy przeciw? (rozprawka)
Abortion is being defined as 'the deliberate ending of a pregnancy at an early stage'. Should it be prohibited or should women be allowed to decide if they want to have such an operation? In many countries, including Poland, this issue is under discussion most of the time. Both sides of this dispute try to convince their opponents, with no visib... »
In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? (opinion) - W niektórych krajach nastolatki zaczynają pracować jeszcze przed ukończeniem szkoły średniej. Myślisz, że to dobry pomysł? (opinia)
There is plenty of summer work for teenagers and students. I believe it is a great opportunity to gain some money and get your feet wet in the real 'grown-up' world. Teens can make great baby-sitters or do paper rounds. If they want to earn some money, they can also take care of their neighbors’ gardens. Older kids may get a job in the sho... »
Getting married before being 30? - pros and cons of late setting up a home. Essay - Ślub przed trzydziestką? - zalety i wady zakładania rodziny w późniejszym wieku. Esej
Ask any 20-year-old person when they want to get married and you will hear mostly: 'Not before I am 30!'. Then look around and try to guess how many people of those wearing a wedding ring is younger than 30. Not many. Why is that so? Is it good? Let's take a closer look at that matter. Firstly, many young people state that they feel a need to g... »
Film review (with recommendation) - Recenzja filmu (z rekomendacją)
Have you ever been omnivorous after having watched a film? Probably yes although the films that are made nowadays are not as good as these directed even a few years ago. One of the masterpieces of Polish cinematography is the film called 'Symetria'. The main hero is twenty six years old man called Łukasz who is unjustly sentenced and who, bein... »
Why do people learn foreign languages? (essay) - Dlaczego ludzie uczą się języków obcych? (esej)
People learn foreign languages for many different reasons. Some of reasons are practical, others seem more sentimental or aspirational. Obviously, learning languages takes time. There is a Czech proverb which says: 'You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once'. What are the most common... »
What do young people read and why? Is it possible that paper books will be replaced by eBooks? (opinion) - Co czytają młodzi ludzie i dlaczego? Czy jest możliwe żeby, książki papierowe zostały wyparte z naszego życia przez ebooki? (opinia)
What do young people read and why? Is it possible that paper books will be replaced by eBooks? State an opinion. These days reading is not trendy amongst young people. Nevertheless, those who read have a wide variety of books to choose from. Also, they have to make a choice if they want to buy an old-fashioned paper book or a modern eBook. Will... »