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Lista wypracowań w kategorii school - strona 2
My plans for the future - Moje plany na przyszłość
Many of my colleagues still don’t know what they want to do when they graduate from high school. Not me. Personally, I have some very specific plans and goals that I want to achieve in the future. First of all, after I graduate, I want to go to college. University education is very important to me. I hope the studies will help me find a g... »
Students should be required to attend classes or they should feel free to choose? What's your opinion? - Studenci powinni być zobligowani do uczestnictwa wykładach czy też mogą wybrać sami? Wyraź swoją opinię
In my opinion, attending classes should be optional for all students. First of all, I would like to remind every one what it means to be a university student. University is an institution of a higher level of education. A student is an adult who have decided to increase his knowledge and develop some skills that may help him in future career. ... »
Graduation: description of a picture - Ukończenie studiów: opis obrazka
In this picture we can see a group of students throwing their mortarboards in the air. This spectacular way of showing joy and happiness is reserved for special occasions in one's life, such as graduation. In the foreground there is a girl who probably received some kind of prize or distinction, because she wears a golden medal. Students, who ar... »
A letter to an English friend - List do przyjaciela z Anglii
Dear Martin, I am really sorry I did not answer your letter for such a long period of time but unfortunately I do not have time to gather my thoughts and to drop you a line about what I have been up to. And the truth is that there is so much happening around me right now that if I was only capable of writing a book I would write an autobiograph... »
A description of a day at school - Opis dnia w szkole
On Monday I begin my classes at 8 AM. I get to school by bus. I wait for my friend near the bus stop and we go together to the school. My first lesson is geography. I like it very much, however, I find it difficult to concentrate at such an early hour of the day. I am still very sleepy. Usually we read a fragment from the textbook, then we talk ... »
A note to an English friend about a history project - Notatka do kolegi w związku z projektem z historii
POLECENIE: Wraz z kolegą/ koleżanką z Londynu przygotowujecie prezentację na zajęcia z historii i planujecie w tym celu spotkać się dziś wieczorem. Napisz notatkę:- przypomnij mu/ jej o planowanym spotkaniu,- zaznacz gdzie i kiedy macie się spotkać,- napisz, co powinien/ powinna ze sobą przynieść,- poproś o kontakt w razie wystąpienia trudności.... »
Knowledge acquiring: description of a picture - Zdobywanie wiedzy: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman sitting on a chair, in front of a textbook. The girl has long brown hair. She's wearing a black V-neck blouse. She has her face partially hidden in her hands. She's pressing onto the book with her elbows. She looks worried and resigned. She must have been studying for a long time now. S... »
In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? (opinion) - W niektórych krajach nastolatki zaczynają pracować jeszcze przed ukończeniem szkoły średniej. Myślisz, że to dobry pomysł? (opinia)
There is plenty of summer work for teenagers and students. I believe it is a great opportunity to gain some money and get your feet wet in the real 'grown-up' world. Teens can make great baby-sitters or do paper rounds. If they want to earn some money, they can also take care of their neighbors’ gardens. Older kids may get a job in the sho... »
You're looking for a native speaker to improve your English before an exam. Write an advertisement - Szukasz lektora, by poprawić swój angielski przed egzaminem. Napisz ogłoszenie
Hi, My name is Marta and I am looking for someone who would like to practice English with me from time to time (just native speakers – British or American). If you want to help, don't hesitate - you don’t need to live nearby! We can use Internet communicators (skype etc.), because it is not a problem for me. Presently I am a student... »