My idol (description) - Mój idol (opis)
- 4914 wypracowanie - Język polski
- 1594 wypracowanie - WOS
- 2021 wypracowanie - Historia
- 787 wypracowanie - Religia
- 528 wypracowanie - Język angielski
- 58 wypracowanie - Język niemiecki
Many of us have idols but the point is not to follow the steps of somebody just known for being known but of somebody who did something for the world to become a better place. We try to imitate, look and behave like the VIPs but let's answer the question if they are really worth being our examples. It really does not have to be someone famous. It can as well be a member of our family or even our best friend.
Nowadays what matters for most of us is money and material things. People would forget about other people who are in need. They concentrated on themselves and the things they desire. However, the world does not consist of one man. There was somebody in the history of our planet who would convince people to act in the opposite way and it was the pope John Paul II. It is seemingly a pope like other popes but there was something in him what made him differ.
John Paul was always on the side of people who were experienced by their lives. He would do all his best to give them his hand. He used to meet them during his pilgrimages, pray with them and cheer them up. He was in pain as well. The grimace of pain was to be seen with great ease. He did not try disguise it or hide it as if he wanted us to see that is part of our lives. He was not afraid of showing his tears and affection during pilgrimages to his motherland – Poland.
He is not only an example to follow due to his role in Vatican. He was also a normal man. He would be a sport fan, a Tatra mountaineer and a skier. He would have Rock stars, football players and other culture representatives as his guests. He always knew how to make a contact with the crowd and would often present his sense of humour.
The pope was a merciful man. He was able to forgive even the most painful harms. All of us can remember the attempt on the life on John Paul II. Ali Agca who shot twice in the stomach of the pope was sentenced to life imprisonment. As soon as the pope recovered he forgave his failed killer. He even called him his brother, and in 1999 the pope asked the president of Italy for reprieve for Ali Agca. That is an example of mercy.
I think that John Paul II as a comprehensively educated man and a polyglot, could get through to everyone. He was opened for every new experience and for everybody. It did not matter whether he was visiting Asia, Africa, or Europe – he was always awaited by people of deep faith. He should be an example both for contemporary and future generations.
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