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Lista wypracowań w kategorii people - strona 2
Job and profession: a cook. Description of a picture - Praca i zawód: kucharz. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman in a blue apron. She's holding a ladle in her left hand. Her apron has a kitchen-related pattern on. He also has a fancy cook's cap on her head. She must be a cook. She looks happy and excited about what she's going to do. I assume she likes her job. She might have had numerous reasons for ch... »
Description of my grandmother - Opis mojej babci
Since I remember my grandmother was always beside me. She taught me things that other grandmas didn't teach their grandchildren. She taught me how to ride a bike, she showed me how to read, she also gave me my first swimming lesson. As a child I was very shy. I didn't have many friends and I spent each holidays with my grandparents. It was gran... »