A letter concerning an advertisement about a flat - List w odpowiedzi na ogłoszenie dotyczące mieszkania

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Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to your advertisement in 'Gazeta Wyborcza' on 25th June. According to the advertisement you search for a person or a family who could rent your flat. I begin my studies in October and therefore I need one. I will give your advertisement serious consideration but I need some further details.
First and foremost, I would like to ask you about the price. It is said in the advertisement that one has to pay you 2000 zloty per month and pay the bills. Do you know if those who rented the flat previously had to pay much as far as bills are concerned? It seems important since I have heard that 200 zloty bills are quite common.
Secondly, I would like to know something more about the exact location of the flat. In the advertisement it is only mentioned that it is situated somewhere in Nowa Huta. I need more information on that, because this district is really huge and the accurate location can be of importance.
Thirdly, I would also like to know if the flat is furnished and if it lacks anything. As for me, I can buy a bed or a wardrobe but I’d prefer to live in a flat that is not totally empty. What I have in mind is that it would be nice if there were any carpets or curtains. If there is much furniture missing, though, I would like to know if I can furnish the flat my way.
Last but not least, heating is of importance too. I need to know if there is central heating, since I know that it is much cheaper than gas and electric ones.
As I already said, I begin my studies and do not have much money. That is why I would be grateful if you could answer all the above questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Magdalena Kot
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