A special place I will never forget - Niezwykłe miejsce, którego nigdy nie zapomnę

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During our lives we mostly change flats or houses. There are new addresses in our identity cards and nowadays it is not unusual that we do not spend our whole lives in one places as our predecessors. However from my point of view there is always one place that we like the most. A place that stays deep in our memory since it is special, no matter the reason.
Even though I am young I have already lived in a few different places. There is only one, though, which I remember very clearly and I come back there from time to time. What for? Just to check if everything is the same or if there are any significant changes.
The place I am talking about is a place where I grew up. I lived with my parents and my younger brother in a block of flats on a housing estate in one of Polish cities. When I was a small child it was still being built since it was a 'newly born' housing estate. The roads there were as wide as those in the United States and car parks were really spacious. I couldn’t appreciate it at that time. For me the only important thing was that there was enough space to play football.
As the estate was new, there was a great number of young families with small children. I couldn’t complain then – there were many children to make friends with and play either in the nearby kindergarten or in our free time. The most popular activity was football but we also used to play hide and seek and organize various competitions.
When we grew older we didn’t play hide and seek as often as before. We discovered many other places in our housing estate where we could spend our time. One of them was situated just next to the railway track. As I think about it now I consider it quite dangerous but at that time we didn’t think about negative aspects. Fortunately nobody was hurt. Now I don’t think that running in front of a speeding train was very reasonable.
Anyway, we still spent much time on our housing estate. However in time our activities changed. We played less and less football and we began to date with girls. Therefore, benches in front of our staircases gradually gained popularity. Many of us kissed a girl there for the first time in our lives. This was definitely something to remember.
There were some episodes though I would rather like to forget about. The most memorable one took place when I was thirteen. I was chased by a few boys from another housing estate. This was a very stressful situation but fortunately I managed to run away.
All this is still deep in my memory. I have already visited many places in my life, lived in some beautiful ones but none of them influenced me as much as the housing estate on which I spent my childhood. Do you remember your first kiss? How could I forget mine?
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