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Lista wypracowań w kategorii feelings - strona 2
Arguments and suffering: being hurt. Description of a picture - Kłótnie i cierpienie: bycie skrzywdzonym. Opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?) Exemplary answers: In the picture, I can see two young people... »
Actor and a theatre: description of a picture - Aktor i teatr: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany this person? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a man holding a whi... »
A break up: description of a picture - Rozstanie: opis obrazka
This picture is very simple. We can see a letter and a ring that someone left on the table. It is probably for John, a guy who is mentioned in the letter. I think his girlfriend broke off an engagement. Why? It’s hard to guess, but I believe in situations like this one, both parties are to blame. Maybe John was afraid of the idea of marria... »
Work and duties: description of a picture - Praca i obowiązki: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany this person? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a man with numerous... »
Romance and a romantic date: description of a picture - Romans i romantyczna randka: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?) Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young woman and... »
Time, passing time: description of a picture - Czas, upływający czas: opis obrazka
This picture shows a hourglass which symbolizes passing time, also the fact that human lives are really frail and always scarred by death. There is nothing else in this photo perhaps in order to draw people's attention and to shock them even more. The most important thing is everyone can read the picture in a different way. It could be seen just... »