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Lista wypracowań w kategorii advantages - strona 2
Disadvantages and advantages of a car - Wady i zalety samochodu
Many people love to travel and visit foreign places. Travelling broadens the mind, as they say. Nowadays people can choose more and more means of transport that will get them to their holiday destination. Each of them has its pros and cons. One of the most popular means of transport is the car. Currently almost everyone who has a driving licens... »
Getting married before being 30? - pros and cons of late setting up a home. Essay - Ślub przed trzydziestką? - zalety i wady zakładania rodziny w późniejszym wieku. Esej
Ask any 20-year-old person when they want to get married and you will hear mostly: 'Not before I am 30!'. Then look around and try to guess how many people of those wearing a wedding ring is younger than 30. Not many. Why is that so? Is it good? Let's take a closer look at that matter. Firstly, many young people state that they feel a need to g... »
Organic or genetically modified food? Advantages and disadvantages of both - Organiczna czy genetycznie modyfikowana żywność? Zalety i wady obydwu
Genetically modified food has been causing controversies since it was introduced' In this essay I am going to think about its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, genetically modified plants are immune to weeds and pests. They don't have to be treated with pesticides or herbicides which are toxic to people. Plants can also be genetically... »
Advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train. Essay - Zalety i wady podróżowania pociągiem. Rozprawka
Trains revolutionized the way people travel. Thanks to the invention of the steam engine, people started to travel longer distances. This caused the emergence of seaside resorts and other places fit for a holiday. However, nowadays we have many more options concerning the way we travel: buses, cars, planes, bikes… Possibilities are numero... »