A report for the sports club - Raport dla klubu sportowego

- 4914 wypracowanie - Język polski
- 1594 wypracowanie - WOS
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To: Jonathan Woodgate, the President of Alpha Sports Club
From: Randall Fox
Subject: Bowling Alley improvements
Alpha Sports Club members have been asked to think about potential improvements in the Bowling Alley. The Alley has not been renovated since 1990 and it is essential to make some changes in order to attract clients. As requested opinions and proposals submitted by the members have been written down.
As it has already been mentioned the alley has not been renovated since 1990. The surface is widely considered to be shabby and it should definitely be replaced. What is more walls ought to be painted once again since they are devastated. Most of the members suggested that there should be a professional company hired in order to do all that.
The majority of the members point out that there is not enough space at the car park. As a result, some of them have to leave their cars on the other side of the street. This is dangerous because of the traffic and somebody might get hurt one day. Therefore, the car park should be enlarged so that at least ten more cars can be left there.
Some members have raised the subject of plants, which grow around the Alley. They need more attention and if properly looked after, they can improve the Alley’s image.
Sports facilities:
Women complain that there are not enough bowls for them. Most of the bowls are pretty heavy and therefore inappropriate for women. Furthermore, pins should be replaced as they are already nineteen years old, while an average pin ought to be in use for no longer than ten years.
Other issues:
Bowling is a kind of entertainment. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with one’s friends. That is why other facilities should be included in The Alley. The majority of members agree that there ought to be a well-equipped bar and a place to do other sports, e.g. darts. They are bound to encourage our town’s residents to visit the Alley this way.
The Sports Club members would prefer to entertain themselves in more comfortable conditions. There have already been built better bowling alleys in our town. The members enjoyed the Alley from the very beginning and many of them come here only out of habit. However, if it is not renovated, some of them can finally lose their temper and go bowling somewhere else.
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