A description of Christmas in Poland - Opis Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w Polsce

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This is one of the most important holidays for the Roman Catholic Church members. It is highly awaited, especially by children. Probably there are no other holidays involving as many customs as Christmas. Even though we celebrate it on 25th December, the most important celebrations take place the preceding day. It is called 'Christmas Eve'.
As I said, it is a highly awaited day, since there is something special and even mysterious about it. Usually all family members sit at the same table. This is maybe the only opportunity during the whole year to watch them all gathered in one place.
One has to make preparations for Christmas Eve for a few days. There are lots of dishes to be prepared because it is said that there should be at least twelve of them. As a result, people (honestly speaking – mostly women) have to spend much time in the kitchen if they want to follow tradition.
It is commonly thought that on 24th December one should fast till the supper begins. It may begin at different hours but there is a certain rule – it should not start before the first star shows up in the sky.
There are also some rules concerning how the table should be sat that day. We usually put some hay under a tablecloth. What is more, there ought to be one place left at the table for an unexpected guest. As a result, there are less persons at the table than places prepared.
At the very beginning of the celebration, it is said that one should say their prayers. Then, all of those who take part in it, exchange Christmas greetings and give themselves pieces of Christmas wafer. Having finished that part, one can begin to eat. Usually there are twelve dishes but they may differ depending on the region. Sometimes even in the same area people prepare different dishes for Christmas Eve. In my family there is always a dried fruit soup and a mushroom soup. There are also potatoes with carp, grits and a traditional Polish dish/meal called 'pierogi'.
Even though tasting meals is very important that day, there are also other customs, which are significant and make Christmas Eve so special. It ought to be mentioned that on Christmas Eve children are given presents and Christmas carols are sung. At the end of this evening many people take part in a special mass, called 'Pasterka'. It begins at midnight and its main purpose is to commemorate Christ’s birth.
As we can see, there is a great number of customs connected with Christmas Eve. Maybe this is the reason why it is so amazing and people cannot wait to sit at the table and enjoy being with the whole family once again.
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