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Lista wypracowań w kategorii letter - strona 3
While shopping in a mall you bought a new phone. Next day it stopped working. Write a letter to the producer - Będąc na zakupach w centrum handlowym kupiłeś nowy telefon. Następnego dnia przestał działać. Napisz list do producenta
Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing to you in order to complain about the phone manufactured by your company that I have just recently purchased. To start with, I bought a Nokia 2700 Classic in the Nokia Sales Point in the Manchester City Mall on Friday, May 17th. Unfortunately, the phone broke down on the next day. The piece that stopped working is... »
A letter about the gallery - List z wrażeniami z wystawy do organizatora
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you in reference to the exhibition which was held on 17th November 2009 in the Art Gallery in Łódź. My scope of interests tackles the realms of the modern art and therefore I was not capable of refraining of preparing this short review of what one was able to admire at Yours. The first aspect to elabor... »
A letter about your healthy way of life - List o twoim sposobie na zdrowe życie
Dear Martin, I can not stand your complaining about your physical condition and health problems so the topic I will tackle in this letter concerns my healthy lifestyle and the way I live in order to keep fit. I do hope you will make use of the hints I want to give you. First of all you have to free yourself from all the addictions. Become a te... »
You read an article on illegal download of Internet files. Write a letter to the newspaper and express your opinion - Przeczytałeś artykuł na temat nielegalnego ściągania internetowych plików. Napisz do gazety i wyraź swoje zdanie na ten temat
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with regard to the article on illegal files download I have recently read in your newspaper. Firstly, I would like to inform you that I found the article in 'The Times' issue dated July, 23rd. It has become the subject of my interest as it describes a very common matter among my peers nowadays and I wanted t... »
A letter to your parents from a holiday trip - List do rodziców z wyjazdu wakacyjnego
Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing this letter to you just like I promised to do in order to describe my impressions. It is the seventh day of my stay – the time goes by so fast. I am at a loss for words how wonderful it is in here. Everybody is so kind, helpful and smiling. I was sleeping almost the whole coach ride as we left too early in ... »