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Lista wypracowań w kategorii media - strona 2
Influence of the Internet on society - Wpływ Internetu na społeczeństwo
It’s been almost hundred years since the first computer was invented and more than fifty since the scientist communicated with each other through network for the first time. Nowadays this network is called the Internet and it has much more functions and users than it used to have at the very beginning. In fact, the invention of the Interne... »
In your opinion, is it better to work in an office or at home? (opinion) - Twoim zdaniem, lepiej pracować w biurze czy z domu? (opinia)
Recent researches establish beyond any doubt that people prefer to work at home than in an office. More than fifty percent of the respondents stated it is easier for them to 'telework'. A telework center uses new technologies to allow people to work from a location. It means you can do your job at home or wherever you feel like. All you need is ... »
Mass media - a meaning of media - Mass media - znaczenie mediów
The mass media (radio, television, press, Internet) are omnipresent nowadays and it is hard to imagine modern world without them. They serve many purposes of modern societies. They wouldn't be called „the fourth authority” for no reason after all. To begin with, mass media provide us with information. Thanks to them we receive the n... »
Script of a TV advertisement - Scenariusz reklamy telewizyjnej
A: Oh no! I've just stained my new T-shirt with raspberry juice! I will never remove this spot!B: Calm down. You have never heard of Vanisher?A: Vanisher? What is it?B: I can't believe you don't know it! Vanisher is the best solution for your problem!A: But how is it possible?B: Vanisher is a brilliant stain remover that gets rid of stains cause... »
Media in our life: description of a picture - Media w naszym życiu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: The picture shows a kind of binoculars made of a newspaper. A woman is looking through it almost like through a window that lets her see the whole world. It is kind of interesting and original piece of graphic. By looking at the picture we can easily tell that it’s a metaphor because everyday we get a lot of information ... »
Tabloid journalism - tabloids. Should they pay less attention to celebrities' lives? Essay - Dziennikarstwo brukowe - brukowce. Czy powinny przywiązywać mniej uwagi do życia gwiazd? Esej
There is no doubt that media pay a lot of attention to the personal lives of celebrities and other famous people. Is it a right and legal to do it? The best example is Tiger Woods. A few months ago almost no one ever heard about him in Poland, let alone about his wife. He is one of the best golf players in the US. Since tabloids published photo... »
Advantages and disadvantages of advertisement. Essay - Zalety i wady reklamy. Rozprawka
Advertisements are an inseparable part of the world around us. We can find them almost everywhere – in television, on the radio, on the Internet, in newspapers and even in the streets or buildings. I guess we just have to get used to their presence, but are they really so beneficial? First of all, advertisements are definitely a must in t... »
Cultural events and paparazzi: description of a picture - Wydarzenia kulturalne i paparazzi: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see some people with p... »
Will the technological progress make our lives simpler and more interesting or rather bring chaos? (essay) - Czy postęp technologiczny może ułatwić życie i sprawić, że będzie bardziej interesujące czy raczej wprowadzić chaos? (rozprawka)
The ongoing rapid technological progress. How does it affect our lives? Is it good or bad for us? Of course there are both advantages and disadvantages of it. Let's take a closer look on them. Firstly, a thing to acknowledge is that the progress is unavoidable and very quick. Let's focus on its benefits to begin with. It has brought televis... »
Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV - Zalety i wady oglądania telewizji
TV is defined as a mass medium. Thus, this is a means of public communication reaching a very large audience. Once luxurious, TV set is now present in the vast majority of Polish houses. Even though particular programmes are not as popular as they used to be just ten years ago, still a great number of people spend lots of hours watching them. A... »
Do you think technology and media have made cultures around the world more similar? How? (opinion) - Czy uważasz, że nowoczesne technologie i media sprawił, że kultury całego świata zaczynają się do siebie upodabniać? Jeśli tak, to w jaki sposób?
By the 20th century, humans achieved a lot in a matter of technology and communication. Modern media have changed our lives. The world is getting smaller and flatter. Thanks to Internet we can share information with everyone on the globe. Moreover, nowadays we have a better chance to meet (even online) people from another countries or cultures. ... »
How does advertisement influence human? - Jak reklama wpływa na człowieka?
The influence of advertisement on people’s behavior is a fact. New media are able change customer’s attitudes and force lifestyle changes. It is extremely dangerous, especially for children and teenagers. Commercials are the best way to get a customers' attention. Language of advertising is the language that grossly engages one's em... »
You read an article on illegal download of Internet files. Write a letter to the newspaper and express your opinion - Przeczytałeś artykuł na temat nielegalnego ściągania internetowych plików. Napisz do gazety i wyraź swoje zdanie na ten temat
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with regard to the article on illegal files download I have recently read in your newspaper. Firstly, I would like to inform you that I found the article in 'The Times' issue dated July, 23rd. It has become the subject of my interest as it describes a very common matter among my peers nowadays and I wanted t... »
Violence and agression in mass media - opinion - Przemoc i agresja w mediach - opinia
Turn the TV on and check five most popular channels. I bet on four of them there will be some violence shown. It's either films, TV series, music videos or the news. Open a newspaper and you'll find numerous articles on violence. Turn on your computer, connect to the Internet. Too many websites promote violence and aggression. These days the mas... »