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Lista wypracowań w kategorii travelling - strona 2
For a catalogue - description of a hotel - Do folderu - opis hotelu
Lille Hotel in Tallinn. A luxurious spa hotel. 97 rooms contain 200 beds. In each room, there is a fully equipped bathroom, a TV set and Wi-Fi. Apart from that, there are conference amenities for up to 100 people. The hotel has its own health centre and the best spa facilities in Tallinn. The guests can relax in a fireplace room or in sauna. On... »
A guidebook around Cracow (excerpt) – Przewodnik po Krakowie (fragment)
Why should I go? One can say Cracow is as cute as a summer postcard and as complex as a stamp. Its wonders are best explored on foot. You may stand in awe having reached the beautiful Renaissance old town, livery market square, elegant castle and golden cathedrals. Crammed with atmospheric churches and museums, Poland's cultural capital is a le... »
A story about holidays - Opowiadanie o wakacjach
My longest summer holiday was when I graduated from high school. It was four long months. There's a lot one can do in this time. I decided to travel. My first destination was the country I had always wanted to visit – Finland. Shortly after getting my exams' results, I set off for my dream trip. I chose not to fly but to drive. This way I ... »
Travel in time - if you could travel in time, would you choose past times or future? (opinion) - Podróż w czasie - gdybyś mógł podróżować w czasie, wybrałbyś przeszłość przy przyszłość? (opinia)
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments and places that take our breath away. That is why if I could choose between travelling back in time or into the future, I would like to travel into the future. I would love to know what is going to happen in hundred years. In my opinion, sooner or later, we will live in space colon... »
What would you take to a desert island with you? - Co zabrałbyś z sobą na bezludną wyspę?
If I had to go to a desert island, I would take the things I couldn't survive without with me. First of all I would take some tools that I could use to build a place to live. That would be a knife, an ax and a machete. I could build a house on a tree with their help in order to stay safe from the wild animals. Using a knife, an ax and or a mac... »
Means of transport in the future - Środki komunikacji w przyszłości
Technology is changing very fast. This also applies to the technology that allows us to travel – that is means of transport. Transportation is a vital matter for every person. Whether we drive our own car or use public transport, we all depend on it. How will the transportation look like in 20 years from now? In my opinion transport... »
Advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train. Essay - Zalety i wady podróżowania pociągiem. Rozprawka
Trains revolutionized the way people travel. Thanks to the invention of the steam engine, people started to travel longer distances. This caused the emergence of seaside resorts and other places fit for a holiday. However, nowadays we have many more options concerning the way we travel: buses, cars, planes, bikes… Possibilities are numero... »