My dream holidays (description) - Moje wymarzone wakacje (opis)
- 4914 wypracowanie - Język polski
- 1594 wypracowanie - WOS
- 2021 wypracowanie - Historia
- 787 wypracowanie - Religia
- 528 wypracowanie - Język angielski
- 58 wypracowanie - Język niemiecki
What would I do, if only I had enough money not to care about how much I would spend? It is as clear as day – I would travel and furthermore I would travel a lot. The only problem I can imagine is that I will run out of time far too early to visit every place on the planet which I would to like to.
My dream holidays would be certainly a trip around the world by every means of transport the mankind have ever created. Is it fun to travel 40 000 kilometres – this is though the length of the Equator – by coach? Of course not! That is why I would appreciate to be given a chance of using as well trains, planes and coaches as hovercrafts, hydrofoils and gliders. It would be an adventure of my life. Europe will be the first continent to explore. Both the South of it and the North. On one hand on a snow scooter in Scandinavia, on the other hand riding a gondola in the Netherlands and in Italy.
I would dream of starting in the North of Europe to reach the Mediterranean and then travel to Africa, where I could see the Pyramids in Egypt while riding a camel. Than using a simple wooden boat and flowing down the Nile I would make effort to reach the Kilimanjaro. The next stop would be probably RSA and the most southward point of Africa. After some time in these hot places it will be high time to chill out and undertake an expedition to the South Pole.
After weeks of sled dog travelling through Arctic ice, icy winds among astonishing polar animals there would be time to face up the most poisonous species inhabiting Australia. Although Sydney is a place where I could stay forever, East or West home is best. In order to still have some dreams after coming back to Poland I would omit both Americas and I would come back through wild and dangerous Asia which is probably the most mysterious and impenetrable continent of all. As well Russia and China, Tibet and Japan, Korea and Mongolia are certainly countries that are more than worth seeing.
I do hope I will once spend such a dream holidays on exploring our planet, however I will for sure take me more time than two months of summer school break. Do I really have to wait till retirement to make my dreams come true? Will see…
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