A letter in response to an advertisement (flat to sell in London) - List w odpowiedzi na ogłoszenie (mieszkanie w Londynie na sprzedaż)

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Dear Sir/ Madam
I am writing in response to your advertisement in 'Herald Tribune' concerning a flat in the centre of London. I am interested in the presented offer. I am about to buy a flat or a house in England. Therefore I would like to ask some questions since not everything in the advertisement is clear enough.
Firstly, it was mentioned in the advertisement that the price may be negotiated. Honestly speaking in my opinion L4,000 per square metre is pretty much. What kind of a bargain are you able to offer? Could it be less if I paid in cash?
Secondly, I would like to ask if there is still much furniture inside. I saw the pictures and I can admit that the flat is a really well-furnished one but I enjoy decorating on my own. Therefore I prefer to choose furniture on my own rather than make use of the things that once belonged to somebody else.
Moreover, I would like to ask about the surrounding area. I am not familiar with London, I have never lived there before and completely don’t know anything about the location. I have already asked some friends about it but I have received mixed opinions. Is it true that driving a car there is almost impossible because of the traffic? How long does it take to get to London University from there?
These are the most important questions I wanted to ask. As I am really interested in your offer I hope that you will answer them at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Jan Kozak
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