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Lista wypracowań w kategorii picture - strona 2
Unemployed and broke: description of a picture - Bezrobotny i spłukany: opis obrazka
This picture depicts a man wearing a white and blue shirt and black trousers. We cannot see his face, because the most important part of said picture is an empty black wallet. There is no money, credit cards or documents. Gesture made by the man probably means that he is unemployed and completely broke. Maybe he is searching for a job but is not... »
Misbehaviour: description of a picture - Złe zachowanie: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What is the girl doing? What kinds of feelings accompany her? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a teenage girl eavesdropping. She has long dark hair and dark eyes. She put some make-up on her face. ... »
Surprises, gifts, rewards: description of a picture - Niespodzianki, prezenty, nagrody: opis zdjęcia
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings may accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind if a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman in her mid-thirties and two girls, aged about 12. They're st... »
Sunset years and being retired: description of a picture - Jesień życia i bycie na emeryturze: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see three elderly people, two ladies and a man. They all are dressed in brownish coats and every one of them has a cane. The lady in the middle seems to have her right arm broken or hurt in some way, as she has it supported in a sling. The man and the woman in the middle are wearing glasses. Both women hav... »
Making a choice: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Dokonywanie wyboru: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary instruction: Describe the pictures briefly, compare and contrast them (differences/ similarities) and then decide which is closer to your beliefs and preferences (opinion). Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see a road sign on the background of cloudy, yet blue sky. It's round and there is a white arrow on a deep blue back... »
Cheering the favourite team: description of a picture - Dopingowanie ulubionej drużyny: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What are the relations between them? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the ... »
Faith and religion: description of a picture - Wiara i religia: opis obrazka
We can see a very simple gesture in this picture – a man is joining his hands to pray. There is nothing else in the photo. Therefore, it probably symbolizes strength of a true feeling and triggers a discussion about the role of faith in our lives. I think believing God is an individual choice and a private matter. People are spiritual cre... »
Unexpected circumstances: description of a picture - Nieprzewidziane okoliczności: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? How can this person feel? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What can he be thinking about? What story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young man sitting in a car. He has his mouth wide open and his face lo... »
Parental love: description of a picture - Miłość rodzicielska: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?). Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a woman holding ... »
Good and bad kinds of loneliness: description of a picture - Dobre i złe rodzaje samotności: opis obrazka
In this picture we can see a single woman dressed in a dark coat and trousers. She is facing the wide space in front of her, that's why we're only able to see the girl's back. She is also holding an umbrella in her hand. Next to her there is a leafless tree. Many of the leaves are laying on the ground, so – guessing the season – it i... »
Important day: description of a picture - Ważny dzień: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a calendar with a day crossed out. There's also a pen. The date has been printed in red, unlike any ot... »
Development and renovation: description of a picture - Rozwój i renowacja: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kind of a situation may be presented here? What kind of a problem may be brought up here? What can this picture stand for? What kind of a story may be connected to it? Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a young man standing in the middle of a construction area. He is dress... »
Motherhood and fatherhood: description of a picture - Macierzyństwo i ojcostwo: opis obrazka
In the picture we can see two hands: a bigger one, and a smaller or rather – a tiny one. The first one is a baby’s palm and the second one, we can assume, belongs to the child's parent. It is a very simple yet touching photograph – it speaks of the one of the most wonderful relationships in life, love between a parent and their... »
Sadness: description of a picture - Smutek: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see the face of a young woman. She has brown hair and eyes. She didn't put any make up on. There are tears streaming down her face, the girl is crying. She looks sad and worried. She can't be crying of happiness. She must have some kind of a problem that is difficult to solve or has found herself in a sit... »
The importance of spending time together: description of a picture - Znaczenie wspólnego spędzania czasu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see elderly men playing chess. The boards lie on a wooden table, the men are sitting on a bench. There are some pawns standing next to the board, the others are still on it. The man on the right has a brown jacket on. His hair is grey. He rests his head on his hand in which he's holding a black pawn. The m... »
Past and present: description of a picture - Przeszłość i teraźniejszość: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a lot of old items. There are also three men, trying to manage all those things. There's a white van, into which probably the stuff will go. In this huge mess, I can see old motorbikes, a dummy, a painting, leather chair, lamps, furniture and so on. It looks like these men are cleaning their attic. T... »
Teenagers, young and crazy: description of a picture - Nastolatki, młodzi i szaleni: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see a young man. He's standing outside, in a funny pose. There are several trees nearby. The boy is wearing a suit and a bow tie. He's standing only on one of his legs, he bent and lifted the other. One of his arms is elevates as well, the other just hang down. He has a funny expression on his face, with... »
Memories of the past: description of a picture - Wspomnienia przeszłości: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see an old letter lying, probably, on a table. The envelope is old and yellowish, one corner bent. There are two stamps on it, one below the other, on its right side. The upper one is from Canada. There is a red maple leaf on an orange background in it. The other one is reddish and shows a side-face of a ... »
Media in our life: description of a picture - Media w naszym życiu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: The picture shows a kind of binoculars made of a newspaper. A woman is looking through it almost like through a window that lets her see the whole world. It is kind of interesting and original piece of graphic. By looking at the picture we can easily tell that it’s a metaphor because everyday we get a lot of information ... »
At school: description of a picture - W szkole: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: This picture shows a classroom full of pupils. In the corner of the picture we can also see their teacher. This photo was probably taken during a break because all of the kids look relaxed and the also seem to be talking to each other. Some of the kids decided to stretch their legs. They are close to the window. Next to them t... »
Food and tastes: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Jedzenie i gusty: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture I can see some muffins in white paper baking tins. They are golden with clove and coconut on top. They look very tasty. They must have been just baked. They must be waiting to be eaten for dessert by some children. In the second picture I can see some kind of meat. It's stake, I believe. It has some spice... »
How to help protect the environment: description of a picture - Jak pomóc w ochronie środowiska: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In this picture we can see a factory – a true icon of today's modernized and industrial world. The one portrayed in the photograph is pretty big and it looks like it is in a full swing. What is quiet surprising, is that the sky, which should be pretty dark considering the amounts of smoke coming from the factory, is very... »
Boys' passions: description of a picture - Pasje chłopców: opis zdjęcia
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see a football field. There are several boys playing there. There's an attacker and a goalkeeper, the picture show the middle of the action. They're all round 7 years old. They're dressed in colourful training suits. There is a hill right next to the field, covered in grass and some trees. There are severa... »
At a party: description of a picture - Na przyjęciu: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two people laughing at each other. They're in their late twenties. The girl has long brown hair with blond and red strands. She's wearing black clothes and subtle make-up. She's laughing, showing her white teeth and looks very happy. The man is wearing a grey shirt over a blast t-shirt. He has black ... »
Different lifestyles: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Różne style życia: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture, I can see a tiny house made of L20 notes. It has walls and a roof. It may be representing omnipresent race for money. To many people this is the only value in life. Pursuit of money has become the meaning of their existence. They don’t care about friends, family or education, which is deeply saddeni... »
Extreme sports and hobbies: description of a picture - Sporty i hobby ekstremalne: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the picture I can see three men skydiving. Their parachutes are red, white and black. There are streams of white and red smoke deployed by the jumpers. Apart from them, there is only the clear blue sky. They could be descending in a formation during some kind of a display, I believe. It's a thing that gives one a rush of a... »
Holiday destinations: compare and contrast. Description of a picture - Miejsca wakacyjnych wyjazdów: zestaw i porównaj. Opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: In the first picture, I can see the Pyramids in Egypt. Their huge bodies look magnificent in the sun. The desert they're standing on is endless. The clear blue sky gives the impression that the day is dry and hot. In the distance, there is a city. In the second picture, I can see the lights of the advertisements in Tokyo. Col... »
Marriage and wedding: description of a picture - Małżeństwo i ślub: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see two young women an... »
Cultural events and paparazzi: description of a picture - Wydarzenia kulturalne i paparazzi: opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany those people? What kind of a situation may be presented here? (What happened/is happening?) What kind of a story may be connected to it? Where is the scene taking place? What is its meaning? Exemplary answer: In the picture, I can see some people with p... »
Being a celebrity: description of a picture - Bycie gwiazdą: opis obrazka
In this picture we can see a young, handsome man with dark brown hair, which covers his forehead and eyes. If I had to guess, I would say his eyes are blue but it’s really hard to tell from the picture. His face is oval, mouth is slightly open, like he was going to call someone. It seems to me he may be working as a model, so he probably w... »