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Lista wypracowań w kategorii friends - strona 2
Description of a friend - Opis przyjaciela
A friend is the most important person. Thanks to him we do not feel lonely and worthless. Confidence in each other and honesty are the basis of a true friendship. There is even a saying: 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'. It is true as a real friendship survives centuries. I have many friends but it is Kate who is the best friend of mine. I... »
Letter to a friend - birthday wishes - List do przyjaciela - życzenia urodzinowe
Dear Marielle, How are you? It’s been a while since the two of us met. Are you still planning to go to Barcelona for your holidays? What are your parents saying to this idea? Have you told them about your plans? I hope they allow you to go, it is such a great idea! I’ve heard the city is wonderful. Plus, you would practice your Span... »
A letter of request about taking care of your apartment when you are away - List z prośbą o zaopiekowanie się mieszkaniem pod twoją nieobecność
Dear Martin, At the very beginning I would like to thank your for your last message. I am really glad to hear that everything by you is alright and that you manage school and all the additional courses you are attending. I am really sorry for not having answered your recent message yet I am pretty much busy right now because as you probably kno... »
Dog as a man’s friend (essay) - Pies jako przyjaciel człowieka (rozprawka)
Can dog be a man’s best friend? When talking about pets we often quote these words. What are the similarities between a good friend – someone very important in everyone’s lives, and a pet? A friend is someone whom we usually spend a lot of time with. The same is true about dogs. Dog owners need to devote a great part of their ... »
The most important things are invisible. A story - Najważniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu. Opowiadanie
I've known Alex for almost five years. At the beginning she was just my friend. In fact she was my only friend. I was kind of a nerdy, weird guy, so I was usually rejected by sociable, easy-going, fond of having fun peers, despite my constant attempts to become friends with them. I guess that state would have last forever, unless, at the age of ... »
At school: description of a picture - W szkole: opis obrazka
Exemplary answer: This picture shows a classroom full of pupils. In the corner of the picture we can also see their teacher. This photo was probably taken during a break because all of the kids look relaxed and the also seem to be talking to each other. Some of the kids decided to stretch their legs. They are close to the window. Next to them t... »
Letter to a friend - Christmas wishes - List do przyjaciela - życzenia bożonarodzeniowe
Dear Jane and Paul, Thank you for your letter. I hope your journey to London was comfortable. The week after you have left, Ania and Piotrek visited us and they were very disappointed that they had missed the opportunity to see you. They said next time you are in Poland we must all meet or maybe even organize a small party. They both say hi. K... »
You're on a sport camp. Write a postcard to a friend from England - Przebywasz na obozie sportowym. Napisz pocztówkę do znajomego z Anglii
Hey Joe! Greets from a sports camp in York! I came here to improve my form and it works! I play football, volleyball, basketball and swim. Soon I'll be really slim! And guess what? Michael Schumacher will stop by and meet us! I' so excited and can't wait! Sorry you're not here with me and hope to see you soon. Yours, Jacek »
A letter to an English friend who is coming to Poland - List do przyjaciela z Anglii, który przyjeżdża do Polski
Dear Martin, I am looking forward to seeing you here in Poland. I have dozens of funny stories to tell you and a handful of interesting places to show you here on the spot. I miss you very much and although only two months have passed since we saw each other, I still have an impression that we have not seen each other for ages. I would like you... »
'A friend is someone who…' - characteristics - „Przyjaciel jest kimś, kto...” - charakterystyka
A friend is a person who assists you whenever you need help. This person will not let you down if you are in trouble. Each person at some point of their lives runs into some kind of difficulties. Such situations are a good test for a friendship. A true friend will try to help you, even if it demands a lot of effort on his or her part. ... »
A letter to an English friend in which you ask him to help you to find a flat in London - List do przyjaciela z Anglii, w którym prosisz go o pomoc w znalezieniu mieszkania w Londynie
Dear Paul, I don’t know if I have already told you that but I’m going to study in London. I’m very excited but I have to think about some important matters – like accommodation. I haven’t found any proper flat through the Internet yet and I think that it would be much easier if somebody who lives in England helped... »
Napisz zaproszenie na przyjęcie sylwestrowe dla swoich przyjaciół z zagranicy - Invite your friends from abroad to a New Year's Eve party
Dear Sally and Tom, I would like to invite you to a New Year's Eve party I'll be hosting. It's due to start at 8 pm at my place. I have to warn you that it's a dress-up party! Everybody comes dressed up as an animal, so do too please. I'd be happy if you could bring something to eat or drink as well. You know – Anna, John, Janet and Joe w... »
A letter with advice to your English friend who is going to take an important examination - List z poradą do przyjaciela z Anglii, który będzie miał ważny egzamin
Dear Brandon, Thanks for your letter. I’ve almost forgotten how funny you can be. I’m also happy that you still remember about your friend who lives in a peculiar country and speaks a strange language. I understand that the exam you are going to take is a very important one. I’ve already taken such exams and I suppose that I ... »
A note to an English exchange student you take care of in Poland - Notatka do angielskiego kolegi z wymiany, którym zajmujesz się w Polsce
Steve, I hope you enjoyed the city, but you need to admit - it is much more smaller than London, isn’t it? I am going to finish my classes quite late today– just around 5 pm - so I won’t be able to have lunch with you. Sorry about that. You can go to the school canteen if you want to - my meal ticket is on table, so feel free.... »
A letter to an English friend about a fascinating trip - List do przyjaciela z Anglii o fascynującej wycieczce
Dear Karen, Thanks for your last letter. I couldn’t reply earlier, because I was absent – I went on holiday to the seaside. Along with my classmates I had decided to have a rest and we chose Polish seaside as our holiday destination. We hadn’t booked any rooms in advance. We simply went there and had to find something on our ... »
A plan of a birthday party - Plan przyjęcia urodzinowego
1. All starts the day before Daisy's birthday. At 6 p.m. I am coming to my friend's place and we are dressing up and doing our make-up to look as beautiful as we can. I am telling Daisy that we are just going to bowl with some of our friends. She is invited too of course. 2. At 8:00 we are getting in the pre-ordered taxi that will come to her p... »
You have found an animal. Write a letter to your friend and tell her everything about it - Jakiś czas temu znalazłaś zwierzę. Napisz list do przyjaciela, w którym opowiesz mu tę historię
Hey Anna! Thanks for staying in touch. I'm so glad you passed your exams! I knew you would. You'll never guess what happened . Three weeks ago I found a lonely cat. It's all black with a white spot on his nose. It was walking around my house for a week. My mum kept giving him food so he kept coming back. One day I decided I want him home becau... »
Does money make friends or enemies? Justify your opinion - Czy pieniądze przysparzają przyjaciół czy wrogów? Uzasadnij swoją opinię
If one day I won the lottery, I would never tell it anyone I know. Money does 'make' many things but money definitely does not make friends. What's more – it can definitely make some enemies. In my opinion, if you are wealthy it is much harder to find not just a real friend but also wife or husband. People instead of admiring your intelli... »
Arguments and suffering: being hurt. Description of a picture - Kłótnie i cierpienie: bycie skrzywdzonym. Opis obrazka
Exemplary questions: What/who can you see in the picture? What kinds of feelings accompany them? What are the relations between those people? What kind of feelings do they have towards each other? What kind of situation can be presented in the picture? (What happened/is happening?) Exemplary answers: In the picture, I can see two young people... »
Graduation: description of a picture - Ukończenie studiów: opis obrazka
In this picture we can see a group of students throwing their mortarboards in the air. This spectacular way of showing joy and happiness is reserved for special occasions in one's life, such as graduation. In the foreground there is a girl who probably received some kind of prize or distinction, because she wears a golden medal. Students, who ar... »
A letter to an English friend - List do przyjaciela z Anglii
Dear Martin, I am really sorry I did not answer your letter for such a long period of time but unfortunately I do not have time to gather my thoughts and to drop you a line about what I have been up to. And the truth is that there is so much happening around me right now that if I was only capable of writing a book I would write an autobiograph... »
A letter of apology about not being able to visit your English friend - List z przeprosinami do przyjaciela z Anglii, którego nie byłeś w stanie odwiedzić
Dear Landon, I’m very sorry that I couldn’t meet you while on a trip to Manchester. I really wanted to visit you, especially that I hadn’t done it since your sister came back from the United States. However, some unexpected occurrences took place during our stay and I was not able to do what I had previously planned. On arriv... »
A note to a friend about another friend's birthday - Notatka do przyjaciela o urodzinach wspólnej znajomej
POLECENIE: Jesteś na obozie językowym w Hastings. Osoba, z którą mieszkasz w pokoju, wraca dziś popołudniu po krótkiej nieobecności. Napisz do niej/ niego krótką notatkę:- przypomnij, że dziś są urodziny waszej znajomej,- napisz, jaki upominek kupiłeś/aś jej od was,- napisz, dokąd się wszyscy wybieracie, żeby uczcić okazję,-... »
When people live far away from each other their friendship dies (essay) - Kiedy ludzie mieszkają daleko od siebie, ich przyjaźń się kończy (esej)
What is essential in friendship? What causes that we make friends with certain people and why do some friendships die? It is commonly thought that we search for persons who are similar to us. We spend our free time with those who share the same beliefs and take interest in the same things as we do. It takes time, though, till we can call somebod... »
A note to an English friend about a history project - Notatka do kolegi w związku z projektem z historii
POLECENIE: Wraz z kolegą/ koleżanką z Londynu przygotowujecie prezentację na zajęcia z historii i planujecie w tym celu spotkać się dziś wieczorem. Napisz notatkę:- przypomnij mu/ jej o planowanym spotkaniu,- zaznacz gdzie i kiedy macie się spotkać,- napisz, co powinien/ powinna ze sobą przynieść,- poproś o kontakt w razie wystąpienia trudności.... »
My male friend - Mój przyjaciel
My best friend’s name is Michał. I've known him since kindergarten. I can’t remember how our friendship started. I just remember that we became friends the first day we met. We were like twins, always together. In the primary school we were in the same class. We sat at the same desk at school. We spent all the breaks together a... »
What makes a good friend? - Jaki powinien być prawdziwy przyjaciel?
Friendship is as old as the world we are inhabiting. It binds people in a selfless manner. Your live becomes easier if you have a friend, one does not feel lonely anymore and there is always someone to rely on. Literature along with our own life produce tangible and irrefutable evidence that a real friendship can give somebody’s life a me... »